- Apache Maven, make sure you have the mvn command on your path.
To run as a jar executable from a clean build
mvn -q clean package exec:java
Use mvn to build the project with the defaultGoal "package".
(equivalently) mvn package
This creates packages in the ./target directory.
- (signed java executable) visualizerLauncher-{version}-full.jar
- (unsigned Mac OS X app) visualizerLauncher-{version}/VisualizerLauncher.app
To run the visualizer launcher with the java command
java -jar target/visualizerLauncher-{version}-full.jar
During the package phase the maven-jarsigner-plugin signs the jar file, the shade plugin creates an executable jar file, and the appbundle plugin creates the Mac OS X application bundler.
To use a different certificate ...
mvn -Dsignjar.keystore=${HOME}/.gp_build/genepattern-codesign.jks
For more details ... consult the pom.xml file
mvn --help
mvn help:help -Ddetail=true