[ ] provide an +internal-bosh internal feature flag to only include the bosh and related releases (currently gets installed even on external-bosh feature flag)
[ ] separate out all the releases from the forges into the releases subdirectory so each has its own .yml file, then include that file into the manifests list in hooks/blueprint script
[ ] add the releases to the upstream bosh releases section of the ci/settings.yml file so they can be updated via the pipeline.
[ ] in check_sha script, download file separately before calculating sha1sum and check that it isn't an error
[ ] get head of resource url in check_sha script and get size and modified date, check that file exists, and that the downloaded file matches the size.
[ ] Utilize a s3 or redis datastore to cache urls with their calculated sha, size and modified date so we don't have to download the file every time.