A simple transfer data from NiFi FlowFile to CQL (support Apache Cassandra, ScyllaDB, AstraDB). The implementation details:
- development as console application and NiFi v2 processor/extension (support Java 17 and 21)
- support Apache Cassandra v4/v5, ScyllaDB, AstraDB based on CQL
- the Apache NiFi v2 does not support Apache Cassandra v4/v5 (NiFi 2 deprecated support for Cassandra v3)
You can use three options:
- ✅ ExecuteProcess with java application (Ff2Cql-*.jar), where input are CSV files, see
- ✅ ExecuteStreamCommand with java application (Ff2Cql-*.jar), where input is FlowFile/CSV file, see
- ❌ CqlProcessor (nifi-cql-nar-*.nar), where input are CSV files see
The solution supports conversion from String to these CQL types:
- Boolean, TinyInt, SmallInt, Int, BigInt, Float, Double
- Date, Time, TimeStamp
- Text, varchar (by default)
The content is CSV with header and comma delimiter and will be use in FlowFile/CSV or directly in CSV file(s).
- ISO_LOCAL_DATE (format "yyyy-MM-dd"), example '2013-12-17'
- ISO_LOCAL_TIME (format "HH:mm:ss"), example '08:43:09'
- ISO 8601 (format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"), example '2001-01-01T00:00:00Z'