The main objective is to create the image starting from the source code (scheduled-client folder). Copy the scheduled-client folder to a node where you have operational docker and position yourself inside the folder, then build the image:
cd ../../scheduled-client
sudo docker build -t scheduled-client:1.0.0 .
Export the image:
sudo docker save -o ./scheduled-client.tar scheduled-client:1.0.0
Copy 'scheduled-client.tar' to the worker node where you plan to create the pod. In our specific case the chosen node will be worker-101. Import 'scheduled-client.tar' into your local kubernetes repository:
sudo ctr images import scheduled-client.tar
Longhorn is used as cloud storage:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: data-mef-pvc
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 10Gi
storageClassName: longhorn
Copy the 'deployment.yaml' file into the master node. To install the scheduled-client run the following commands:
kubectl create ns tm-gla
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml -n tm-gla
The deployment file will take care of installing the volumes, the pod (on worker-101) and the service.
It is possible to carry out a preliminary test without swagger, by inserting the files into the folder:
of worker node 101, and executing the post calls:
curl -X POST http://localhost:30001/scheduled-client/
curl -X POST http://localhost:30001/scheduled-client/
The service provides 3 endpoints accessible via swagger at server:port/scheduled-client/swagger-ui/
The 3 endpoints are (in order of steps):
Upload service for placing the files in the volume configured in the variablePATH_TIMESTAMPS
A service that starts task scheduling and sends out a message over Kafka with the file location to be processed. A task scheduler is set up to move all of the files from volumePATH_TIMESTAMPS
number of seconds. For each file that is moved, a message like {"pathToFile":"%PATH_TIMESTAMPS_TO-BE-ELABORATED%\nameFile.extension"} is sent over a Kafka topic. -
Stop-service of the task scheduler prevoiusly started
In order to let Prometheus be capable of performing its analysis, a service for measuring CPU and memory resource utilization is available at: server:port/scheduled-client/actuator/prometheus
The service was created using:
- Spring Boot v2.5.14
- Scheduler: Task Scheduling
- Kafka v2.13-2.7.2
- Swagger: Springfox v3.0.0
- Lombok v1.18.24
- Prometheus metrics: Micrometer