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File metadata and controls

252 lines (205 loc) · 10.6 KB

Advice for implementers

A server implementation does not need to implement the full protocol to be usable. When first starting, just supporting JoinWorld, LeaveWorld and Step is sufficient to provide a minimum dm_env_rpc environment (though clients using the provided DmEnvAdaptor will need access to Reset as well). The world can be considered already created just by virtue of the server being available and listening on a port. Unsupported requests should just return an error. After this base, the following can be added:

  • CreateWorld and DestroyWorld can provide a way for clients to give settings and manage the lifetime of worlds.
  • Supporting sequences, where one sequence reaches its natural conclusion and the next begins on the next step.
  • Reset and ResetWorld can provide mechanisms to manage transitions between sequences and to update settings.
  • Read/Write/List properties for client code to query or set state outside of the normal observe/act loop.

A client implementation likely has to support the full range of features and data types that the server it wants to interact with supports. However, it's unnecessary to support data types or features that the server does not implement. If the target server does not provide tensors with more than one dimension it probably isn't worth the effort to support higher dimensional tensors, for instance.

For Python clients, some python utility code is provided. Specifically:

  • - A utility class for managing the client-side gRPC connection and the error handling from server responses.
  • - A utility class for managing the UID-to-name mapping, so the rest of the client code can use the more human readable tensor names.
  • - A few utility functions for packing and unpacking NumPy arrays to dm_env_rpc tensors.

For other languages similar utility functions will likely be needed. It is especially recommended that client code have something similar to SpecManager that turns UIDs into human readable text as soon as possible. Strings are both less likely to be used wrong and more easily debugged.

Common state transition errors

The Environment connection state machine cannot transition directly between INTERRUPTED and TERMINATED states. Servers may inadvertently cause an INTERRUPTED --> TERMINATED transition if:

  1. The server environment starts in a completed state (and therefore finishes in 0 steps), or
  2. The server environment setup fails but does not throw an exception until the first step.

To ensure server state transitions are legal, please check the validity of the server environment when it is initialized.

Reward functions

Reward function design is difficult, and may be the first thing a client will tweak.

For instance, a simple arcade game could expose its score function as reward. However, the score function might not actually be a good measure of playing ability if there's a series of actions which increases score without advancing towards the actual desired goal. Alternatively, games might have an obvious reward signal only at the end (whether the agent won or not), which might be too sparse for a reinforcement learning agent. Constructing a robust reward function is an area of active research and it's perfectly reasonable for an environment to abdicate the responsibility of forming one.

For instance, constructing a reward function for the game of chess is actually rather tricky. A simple reward at the end if an agent wins is going to make learning difficult, as agents won't get feedback during a game if they make mistakes or play well. Beginner chess players often use material values to evaluate a given position to decide who is winning, with queens being worth more than rooks, etc. This might seem like a prime candidate for a reward function, however there are well known shortcomings to this simple system. For instance, using this as a reward function can blind an agent to a move which loses material but produces a checkmate.

If a client does construct a custom reward function it may want access to data which normally would be considered hidden and unavailable. Exposing this information to clients may feel like cheating, however getting an AI agent to start learning at all is often half the battle. To this end servers should expose as much relevant information through the environment as they can to give clients room to experiment. Weaning an agent off this information down the line may be possible; just be sure to document which observables are considered hidden information so a client can strip them in the future.

For client implementations, if a given server does not provide a reward or discount observable or they aren't suitable you can build your own from other observables. For instance, the provided DmEnvAdaptor has reward and discount functions which can be overridden in derived classes.

Nested observations example

Retrofitting an existing object-oriented codebase to be a dm_env_rpc server can be difficult, as the data is likely arranged in a tree-like structure of heterogeneous nodes. For instance, a game might have pickup and character classes which inherit from the same base:

Entity {
  Vector3 position;

HealthPickup : Entity {
  float HealthRecoveryAmount;
  Vector4 IconColor;

Character : Entity {
  string Name;

It's not immediately clear how to turn this data into tensors, which can be a difficult issue for a server implementation.

First, though, not all data needs to be sent to a joined connection. For a health pickup, the health recovery amount might be hidden information that agents don't generally have access to. Likewise, the IconColor might only matter for a user interface, which an agent might not have.

After filtering unnecessary data the remainder may fit in a "structure of arrays" format.

In our example case, we can structure the remaining data as a few different tensors. The specs for them might look like:

TensorSpec {
  name = "HealthPickups.Position",
  shape = [3, -1]
  dtype = float

TensorSpec {
  name = "Characters.Position"
  shape = [3, -1]
  dtype = float

TensorSpec {
  name = "Characters.Name",
  shape = [-1]
  dtype = string

The use of a period "." character allows clients to reconstruct a hierarchy, which can be useful in grouping tensors into logical categories.

If a structure of arrays format is infeasible, custom protocol messages can be implemented as an alternative. This allows a more natural data representation, but requires the client to also compile the protocol buffers and makes discovery of metadata, such as range for numeric types, more difficult. For our toy example, we could form the data in to this intermediate protocol buffer format:

message Vector3 {
  float x = 1;
  float y = 2;
  float z = 3;

message HealthPickup {
  Vector3 position = 1;

message Character {
  Vector3 position = 1;
  string name = 2;

The TensorSpec would then look like:

TensorSpec {
  name = "Characters",
  shape = [-1],
  dtype = proto

TensorSpec {
  name = "HealthPickups",
  shape = [-1],
  dtype = proto


Often renders are desirable observations for agents, whether human or machine. In past frameworks, such as Atari and DMLab, environments have been responsible for rendering. Servers implementing this protocol will likely (but not necessarily) continue this tradition.

For performance reasons rendering should not be done unless requested by an agent, and then only the individual renders requested. Servers can batch similar renders if desirable.

The exact image format for a render is at the discretion of the server implementation, but should be documented. Reasonable choices are to return an interleaved RGB buffer, similar to a GPU render texture, or a standard image format such as PNG or JPEG.

Human agents generally prefer high resolution images, such as the high definition 1920x1080 format. Reinforcement agents, however, often use much smaller resolutions, such as 96x72, for performance of both environment and agent. It is up to the server implementation how or if it wants to expose resolution as a setting and what resolutions it wants to support. It could be hard coded or specified in world settings or join settings. Server implementers are advised to consider performance impacts of whatever choice they make, as rendering time often dominates the runtime of many environments.

Per-element Min/Max Ranges {#per-element-ranges}

When defining actions for an environment, it's desirable to provide users with the range of valid values that can be sent. TensorSpecs support this by providing min and max range fields, which can either be defined as a single scalar (see broadcastable) for all elements in a Tensor, or each element can have their own range defined.

For the vast majority of actions, we strongly encourage a single range only should be defined. When users start defining per-element ranges, this is typically indicative of the action being a combination of several, distinct actions. By slicing the action into separate actions, there's also the benefit of providing a more descriptive name, as well as making it easier for clients to easily compose their own action spaces.

There are some examples where it may be desirable to not split the action. For example, imagine an ABSOLUTE_MOUSE_XY action. This would have two elements (one for the X and Y positions respectively), but would likely have different ranges based on the width and height of the screen. Splitting the action would mean agents could send only the X or Y action without the other, which might not be valid.


Actions and observations can be self-documenting, in the sense that their TensorSpecs provide information about their type, shape and bounds. However, the exact meaning of actions and observations are not discoverable through the protocol. In addition, CreateWorldRequest and JoinWorldRequest settings lack even a spec. Therefore server implementers should be sure to document allowed settings for create and join world, along with their types and shapes, the consequences of any actions and the meaning of any observations, as well as any properties.