A selection of animation made with P5js during first year at university.
~ Phase Sketch ~
My very first attempt at coding for art was a wild ride! So many options, so many cool ideas bouncing around.
After a bit of digging, I ended up diving into the fascinating world of mathematical roses.
~ Random Sketch ~
Symmetry has always intrigued me.
I remember stumbling upon pictures of those huge, identical rows of buildings in Asia, where you couldn't even tell them apart.
I thought it'd be cool to give it a shot, you know, just for fun!
~ Sinusoidal Sketch ~
Creating organic forms can be quite challenging in art. It's certainly a goal I'd like to achieve in one of my sketches.
I've decided to take on the challenge of recreating the dynamic and ever-changing shapes of ocean waves.
Unlike real waves, these will maintain a consistent and controlled shape.
~ Recursive Sketch ~
For this sketch, I have let go of my pursuit of symmetry and discovered the beauty of depth.
In some distant galaxy, stars take on the form of various-sized rectangles, adrift in the immense expanse of space.
~ Autonomous Agent Sketch ~
The inspiration for this sketch came from my appreciation for the real of plants.
Expecifically from Field Guide to the Mushrooms & Toadstools, a book found at my bedside table.
This time, the organic forms drawn are found in the hidden roots of fungi.