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Training SchNet on QM1B (to be released)

This repository contains the implementation of the SchNet 9M trained on the QM1B dataset. We show that training a SchNet 9M model to predict HL gap shows improvement as the number of training samples approaches 500M.



This project requires requires Python 3.8, and Graphcore SDK 3.2. Additional dependencies can be installed into your environment with

pip install -r requirements.txt

Training SchNet


Complete Training Usage

Complete usage is documented below.

python --help
usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--print_config[=flags]] [--seed SEED] [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
                [--learning_rate_decay LEARNING_RATE_DECAY] [--update_lr_period UPDATE_LR_PERIOD]
                [--val_period VAL_PERIOD] [--pop_config CONFIG] [--pop_config.device_iterations DEVICE_ITERATIONS]
                [--pop_config.replication_factor REPLICATION_FACTOR]
                [--pop_config.gradient_accumulation GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION] [--pop_config.optimize_popart {true,false}]
                [--pop_config.cache_dir CACHE_DIR] [--pop_config.quiet {true,false}]
                [--pop_config.offload_optimizer_state {true,false}] [--pop_config.pipeline_splits PIPELINE_SPLITS]
                [--pop_config.available_memory_proportion AVAILABLE_MEMORY_PROPORTION]
                [--pop_config.use_stochastic_rounding {true,false}] [--data_config CONFIG] [--data_config.dataset DATASET]
                [--data_config.num_workers NUM_WORKERS] [--data_config.num_train NUM_TRAIN]
                [--data_config.num_test NUM_TEST] [--data_config.max_num_examples MAX_NUM_EXAMPLES]
                [--data_config.root_folder ROOT_FOLDER] [--data_config.shuffle {true,false}] [--model_config CONFIG]
                [--model_config.num_features NUM_FEATURES] [--model_config.num_filters NUM_FILTERS]
                [--model_config.num_interactions NUM_INTERACTIONS] [--model_config.num_gaussians NUM_GAUSSIANS]
                [--model_config.k K] [--model_config.cutoff CUTOFF] [--model_config.batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
                [--model_config.use_half {true,false}] [--model_config.recomputation_blocks RECOMPUTATION_BLOCKS]
                [--debug {true,false}] [--wandb_project WANDB_PROJECT] [--use_wandb {true,false}]
                [--only_compile {true,false}] [--warmup_steps WARMUP_STEPS] [--wandb_warmup {true,false}]

Minimal SchNet GNN training

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --config CONFIG       Path to a configuration file.
                        Print the configuration after applying all other arguments and exit. The optional flags customizes
                        the output and are one or more keywords separated by comma. The supported flags are: comments,
                        skip_default, skip_null.
  --seed SEED           the random number seed (type: int, default: 0)
  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        the learning rate used by the optimizer (type: float, default: 0.0005)
  --learning_rate_decay LEARNING_RATE_DECAY
                        exponential ratio to reduce the learning rate by (type: float, default: 0.96)
  --update_lr_period UPDATE_LR_PERIOD
                        the number of steps between learning rate updates. Default: 32*300*batch_size = 36M so lr is
                        increasing 0 to 4M warmup, then decreasing every 36M steps (1000/36 ~ 30 times) (type: int,
                        default: 9600)
  --val_period VAL_PERIOD
                        number of training steps before performing validation (type: int, default: 4000)
  --debug {true,false}  enables additional logging (with perf overhead) (type: bool, default: False)
  --wandb_project WANDB_PROJECT
                        (type: str, default: schnet-9m)
  --use_wandb {true,false}
                        Use Weights and Biases to log benchmark results. (type: bool, default: True)
  --only_compile {true,false}
                        Compile the and exit (no training) (type: bool, default: False)
  --warmup_steps WARMUP_STEPS
                        set to 0 to turn off. openc uses 2-3 epochs with 2-3M molecules => 4-9M graphs; => steps = 10M /
                        batchsize ~ --warmup_steps 2500 (type: int, default: 2500)
  --wandb_warmup {true,false}
                        enable wandb logging of warmup steps (type: bool, default: False)

configuration options for PopTorch:
  --pop_config CONFIG   Path to a configuration file.
  --pop_config.device_iterations DEVICE_ITERATIONS
                        (type: int, default: 32)
  --pop_config.replication_factor REPLICATION_FACTOR
                        (type: int, default: 16)
  --pop_config.gradient_accumulation GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION
                        (type: int, default: 1)
  --pop_config.optimize_popart {true,false}
                        (type: bool, default: True)
  --pop_config.cache_dir CACHE_DIR
                        (type: str, default: .poptorch_cache)
  --pop_config.quiet {true,false}
                        (type: bool, default: True)
  --pop_config.offload_optimizer_state {true,false}
                        (type: bool, default: False)
  --pop_config.pipeline_splits PIPELINE_SPLITS, --pop_config.pipeline_splits+ PIPELINE_SPLITS
                        (type: Union[List[int], null], default: null)
  --pop_config.available_memory_proportion AVAILABLE_MEMORY_PROPORTION
                        (type: float, default: 0.6)
  --pop_config.use_stochastic_rounding {true,false}
                        (type: bool, default: True)

options for data subsetting and loading:
  --data_config CONFIG  Path to a configuration file.
  --data_config.dataset DATASET
                        (type: str, default: qm9)
  --data_config.num_workers NUM_WORKERS
                        (type: int, default: 1)
  --data_config.num_train NUM_TRAIN
                        (type: int, default: 100000)
  --data_config.num_test NUM_TEST
                        (type: int, default: 20000)
  --data_config.max_num_examples MAX_NUM_EXAMPLES
                        (type: int, default: 1000000000)
  --data_config.root_folder ROOT_FOLDER
                        (type: Union[str, null], default: null)
  --data_config.shuffle {true,false}
                        (type: bool, default: True)

model arcitecture options:
  --model_config CONFIG
                        Path to a configuration file.
  --model_config.num_features NUM_FEATURES
                        (type: int, default: 1024)
  --model_config.num_filters NUM_FILTERS
                        (type: int, default: 256)
  --model_config.num_interactions NUM_INTERACTIONS
                        (type: int, default: 5)
  --model_config.num_gaussians NUM_GAUSSIANS
                        (type: int, default: 200)
  --model_config.k K    (type: int, default: 28)
  --model_config.cutoff CUTOFF
                        (type: float, default: 15.0)
  --model_config.batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        (type: int, default: 8)
  --model_config.use_half {true,false}
                        (type: bool, default: False)
  --model_config.recomputation_blocks RECOMPUTATION_BLOCKS, --model_config.recomputation_blocks+ RECOMPUTATION_BLOCKS
                        (type: Union[List[int], null], default: null)