Attribut | Datentyp | Beschreibung |
graph | String | unique graph name |
outputVerbose | boolean | if true resulting segment information will be enhanced by additional attributes; optional, default "false" |
timeoutMS | int | timeout in milliseconds |
startSegmentId | long | ID of start segment; the map matcher tries to extend a matching path starting at this segment; needed in online matching; optional |
track | JSON | Track in JSON format |
Track's JSON format example
Using curl:
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "http://localhost:7474/graphium/api/matching/graphs/osm_at/versions/current/matchtrack?outputVerbose=true&timeoutMs=60000" -d "@/path/to/file"
"geometry":"LINESTRING (13.553598000000001 48.241205300000004, 13.549009000000002 48.2416478, 13.5443821 48.242131500000006, 13.5406752 48.2426085, 13.539036900000001 48.242862200000005, 13.5374438 48.243127900000005, 13.5342532 48.2437301, 13.5330031 48.243989400000004)",
"name":"A8 - Innkreis Autobahn",
"geometry":"LINESTRING (13.5330031 48.243989400000004, 13.531556100000001 48.2443199, 13.5306625 48.2445217)","name":"A8 - Innkreis Autobahn",