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108 lines (74 loc) · 2.79 KB

File metadata and controls

108 lines (74 loc) · 2.79 KB


teaching notes etc.



  1. find the terminal
  2. add terminal to task bar
  3. open terminal
  4. which directory are you in? (pwd)
  5. look at your home directory (ls)
  6. make a src directory (mkdir src)
  7. make a project directory (cd src; mkdir first)
  8. add an html file to your project directory (cd first; touch index.html)

you learned

  • how to open terminal
  • your home directory (/Users/yourname)
  • terminal (shell) commands: pwd, ls, mkdir, cd, touch



  1. find TextEdit
  2. add TextEdit to task bar
  3. open TextEdit
  4. set preferences (TextEdit > Preferences)
    • un-check "Smart quotes" and "Smart dashes"
    • Open and Save tab: check "Display HTML files as HTML ..."

you learned

  • how to set up TextEdit for writing code


first project

  1. open the index.html file (open terminal, cd src/first, open -e index.html)
  2. copy/paste in basic html file from here: index.html
  3. save
  4. Open in browser (from terminal: open index.html)
  5. customize your file
    • html (replace Friend with your name, save file, refresh browser)
    • css (change gray to blue, save file, refresh browser)
    • javascript (remove // from before document.get[... etc], save file, refresh browser)

you learned

  • how to copy and paste code
  • how to open an html file in a browser
  • how to edit, save, and refresh an html file to see your changes
  • that // in front of a line of javascript means the browser will ignore it
  • the browser interprets html, css and javascript to display a web page


functions and events

  • rename the function showTime to showtime (inside the script tag, save, refresh browser)
  • change onload="showTime()" to onload="showtime()" (inside the body tag, save, refresh browser)
  • change both instances of showtime to something silly like sandwiches (in both places, save, refresh browser)

you learned

  • to change the name of a function
  • a function is executed by its name followed by ()
  • uppercase and lowercase letters in a function name make a difference
  • onload is a browser event you can subscribe to in the html body tag


variables and objects

  • replace the single line of javascript inside { and } with:
//hold a reference to the html paragraphs
var paragraphs = document.querySelector('p');

//hold a reference to a Date object
var rightNow = new Date(;

//use the two variables above to change the paragraph text
paragraphs.innerHTML = `It is ${rightNow.toTimeString()}`;
  • save, refresh the browser



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