If the GM allows, you can choose a Magic Speciality instead of one of the Specialities from your chosen Background.
Magic Speciality
You carry a gift that bestows magical powers.
Level | Features |
1st | Source of Power, Magical Gift |
1st-level Gift Bearer speciality feature
Through your gift you can tap into mystic powers or communicate with spirits. You can pick a magical archetype during character creation.
1st-level Gift Bearer speciality feature
Pick a magical gift from below.
This gleaming onyx bracelet cannot be removed. It allows you to hear and command the... things that linger beyond the shadows. While wearing the bracelet you can see normally in low-light and darkness.
You are Proficient in a curious tune only you can whistle. You can use its Proficiency instead of a substitute Proficiency of your choice.
Magic Speciality
You have lived for centuries, maybe aeons. You may live for centuries more.
Level | Features |
1st | Ancient Wisdom, Memory of Ages |
1st-level Immortal speciality feature
You come from an age of high magic. The lore of this time has been long lost, but you still possess some of this ancient wisdom. You can pick a magical archetype during character creation.
1st-level Immortal speciality feature
You're forgotten more than most folk know, more than you remember yourself. You can spend 10 minute searching your memories to gain proficiency in one tool, language, or one of the following Skill: Arcana, History, Medicine, Nature, or Religion. The memory of this knowledge fades once you take a Rest. You must Rest before you can use this feature again.