Learning react, react-native.
Learn the way to create a structure that easy to maintain.
Learn clean code.
Learn reuseable.
Learn about SOLID.
[x] Create a folder name "configs" This folder will contains all configuration of the app. (endpoint, api key, ...)
[x] GET: https://www.example.com/getItem/${id}?key=123123 POST: create PUT: update DELETE
[x] Create Login Page w user token
[x] new Endpoint => list user/load more with flatlist
[x] constructor not needed
[x] handle error only if key not exist
// PRIORITY DECENDING [x] limit load/ load ealier on userview and chatview [x] chat view [x] load ealier [x] limit load [x] user view [x] load ealier [x] limit load
[x] Header in Chat
[x] Avatar in Chat ? Cus dont have a func to upload avatar so....
[x] Settings currently does nothing (cant think of anything yet)
[o] (optional) implement redux ?
[o] (optional) sort by most messages ( may need to create another object in firebase )
[x] just to be sure check null before create room
[] clean code ( check funcs + performance + delete useless things + increase UX)
[x] src rename => public [x] 1 là static key [x] 2 là controllers [] 3 là data [] 4 là models [x] 5 là presentation ( now is view ) [] 6 là middlewares [x] 7 là configs [] 8 là resources
[x] Attention in Chat.js controller
[x] Finish up Navigation [x] Make Navigation.js more readable [] Chat screen header hide on scroll leaves blank => animate list to cover it later [] Change date => sunday, sat, mon,... for readability [] Add models to handle data