- #124: Update dependencies.
- Lift minimum Node.js from 14.17.0 to 18.18.0 since maintenance is running out.
- #121: Update dependencies.
- Lift minimum Node.js from 12.22.7 to 14.17.0 since maintenance has run out.
- #116: Add funding information.
- Update dependencies.
- #114: Update dependencies.
- Lift required Node.js version from 10.12.0 to 12.22.7 to since maintenance has run out.
- #106: Add options to JSON result.
- Update dependencies.
- #103: Add aliases for micro- and milliseconds.
- Update dependencies.
- #98: Add profile for shallow array copying.
- Automate Github release via CircleCI.
- Update dependencies.
- Lift required Node.js version from 8.14.0 to 10.12.0 to accomodate update dependencies.
- #86: Add better descriptions to profiles and profile tests.
- #69: Fix outdated docs.
- Rename
. - Add human readable descriptions to profile functions.
- Add keywords to profile functions.
- Add codeSample to profile functions.
- Add strict vs equal comparisons to guards profile.
- Update dependencies.
- Add new features and migration guide to readme.
- Improve profile test descriptions.
- Add keywords to profiles.
- Add array support module.
- #81: Add a profile to compare object property iteration.
- Lift minimum node.js version to 8.14.0
- #70: Integrate CD.
- Add for-of loop.
- #30: Measure memory consumption.
- Refactor function execution and profiling into profiler module.
- Add units for memory measurement.
- Enable precision option to distinguish between time and memory precision.
- Enable unit option to distinguish between time and memory unit.
- #31: Minimize pollution for accurate measurements.
- Adjust clock handling.
- Move high resolution time conversion to units module.
- Fix pollution in guards profile.
- #49: Add man page.
- Update dependencies to fix security vulnerability in brace-expansion < 1.1.7
- #46: Create npm module and binary.
- #47: List option should respect output format.
- Add option to specify unit.
- Add documentation.
- #32: Add JSON reporter.
- Major refactoring of project file structure
- #10: Add profile for guards.
- Add command line option to specify result precision.
- Add test data type
- #1: Update readme.
- Adjust verbosity settings.
- Update project description.
- #2: Add unit tests.
- Refactor profiles.
- Refactor
module intoclock
- Initial project setup.