diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index e38959505c1..a04115244c2 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ COPY app/package.json /headlamp/app/package.json
# Keep npm install separated so source changes don't trigger install
COPY frontend/package*.json /headlamp/frontend/
-COPY frontend/patches/* /headlamp/frontend/patches/
WORKDIR /headlamp
RUN cd ./frontend && npm install --only=prod
diff --git a/backend/cmd/headlamp.go b/backend/cmd/headlamp.go
index 0b2d876a4ea..8e3a3652796 100644
--- a/backend/cmd/headlamp.go
+++ b/backend/cmd/headlamp.go
@@ -166,10 +166,14 @@ func baseURLReplace(staticDir string, baseURL string) {
+ []byte("headlampBaseUrl = './'"),
+ []byte("headlampBaseUrl = '"+replaceURL+"'"),
+ // Replace any resource that has "./" in it
- []byte(baseURL+"/"),
- []byte("headlampBaseUrl=\".\""),
- []byte("headlampBaseUrl=\""+replaceURL+"\""))
+ []byte(baseURL+"/"))
+ // Insert baseURL in css url() imports, they don't have "./" in them
+ copyReplace(index, index, []byte("url("), []byte("url("+baseURL+"/"), []byte(""), []byte(""))
func getOidcCallbackURL(r *http.Request, config *HeadlampConfig) string {
diff --git a/charts/headlamp/templates/deployment.yaml b/charts/headlamp/templates/deployment.yaml
index b3e51ef37f0..dd18ea15a6f 100644
--- a/charts/headlamp/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/charts/headlamp/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -61,6 +61,12 @@ spec:
image: "{{ .Values.image.registry}}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default (printf "v%s" .Chart.AppVersion) }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
{{ if or $oidc .Values.env }}
+ {{- if $oidc.externalSecret.enabled }}
+ # Check if externalSecret is enabled
+ envFrom:
+ - secretRef:
+ name: {{ $oidc.externalSecret.name }}
+ {{- else }}
{{- if $oidc.secret.create }}
{{- if $oidc.clientID }}
@@ -91,11 +97,6 @@ spec:
name: {{ $oidc.secret.name }}
key: scopes
{{- end }}
- {{- else if $oidc.externalSecret.enabled }}
- # Check if externalSecret is enabled
- envFrom:
- - secretRef:
- name: {{ $oidc.externalSecret.name }}
{{- else }}
{{- if $oidc.clientID }}
@@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ spec:
{{- toYaml .Values.env | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
- "-in-cluster"
{{- with .Values.config.pluginsDir}}
diff --git a/charts/headlamp/tests/expected_templates/oidc-external-secret.yaml b/charts/headlamp/tests/expected_templates/oidc-external-secret.yaml
index 88ac3fec0f9..c5d73da04e6 100644
--- a/charts/headlamp/tests/expected_templates/oidc-external-secret.yaml
+++ b/charts/headlamp/tests/expected_templates/oidc-external-secret.yaml
@@ -92,11 +92,10 @@ spec:
image: "ghcr.io/headlamp-k8s/headlamp:v0.24.0"
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- env:
- # Check if externalSecret is enabled
- envFrom:
- - secretRef:
- name: oidc
+ # Check if externalSecret is enabled
+ envFrom:
+ - secretRef:
+ name: oidc
- "-in-cluster"
- "-plugins-dir=/headlamp/plugins"
diff --git a/frontend/.gitignore b/frontend/.gitignore
index 911f20a1256..4e57dd2e73f 100644
--- a/frontend/.gitignore
+++ b/frontend/.gitignore
@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ yarn-error.log*
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/frontend/.storybook/main.js b/frontend/.storybook/main.js
index 5a45313f21f..a8c203aa471 100644
--- a/frontend/.storybook/main.js
+++ b/frontend/.storybook/main.js
@@ -1,41 +1,19 @@
-module.exports = {
+export default {
stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.mdx', '../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'],
- addons: [
- '@storybook/addon-links',
- '@storybook/addon-essentials',
- // '@storybook/addon-interactions',
- '@storybook/preset-create-react-app',
- ],
+ addons: ['@storybook/addon-links', '@storybook/addon-essentials'],
core: {
- disableTelemetry: true
- },
- webpackFinal: config => {
- return {
- ...config,
- resolve: {
- ...config.resolve,
- fallback: {
- ...config.fallback,
- crypto: require.resolve('crypto-browserify'),
- http: require.resolve('stream-http'),
- https: require.resolve('https-browserify'),
- path: require.resolve('path-browserify'),
- stream: require.resolve('stream-browserify'),
- vm: require.resolve("vm-browserify"),
- },
- },
- };
+ builder: '@storybook/builder-vite',
+ disableTelemetry: true,
framework: {
- name: '@storybook/react-webpack5',
- options: {}
+ name: '@storybook/react-vite',
+ options: {},
docs: {
- autodocs: true
- }
+ autodocs: true,
+ },
diff --git a/frontend/.storybook/preview.tsx b/frontend/.storybook/preview.tsx
index 46358e71f37..058b0448374 100644
--- a/frontend/.storybook/preview.tsx
+++ b/frontend/.storybook/preview.tsx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import React from 'react';
import themesConf from '../src/lib/themes';
import { ThemeProvider, StyledEngineProvider } from '@mui/material/styles';
import { initialize, mswDecorator } from 'msw-storybook-addon';
-import { rest } from 'msw'
+import { rest } from 'msw';
// https://github.com/mswjs/msw-storybook-addon
@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ const darkTheme = themesConf['dark'];
const lightTheme = themesConf['light'];
const withThemeProvider = (Story, context) => {
- const backgroundColor = context.globals.backgrounds
- ? context.globals.backgrounds.value
- : 'light';
+ const backgroundColor = context.globals.backgrounds ? context.globals.backgrounds.value : 'light';
const theme = backgroundColor !== 'dark' ? lightTheme : darkTheme;
const ourThemeProvider = (
@@ -60,18 +58,24 @@ export const parameters = {
rest.get('http://localhost/api/v1/events', (_req, res, ctx) => {
return res(ctx.json({}));
- rest.post('http://localhost/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1/selfsubjectaccessreviews', (_req, res, ctx) => {
- return res(ctx.json({status: 200}));
- }),
+ rest.post(
+ 'http://localhost/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1/selfsubjectaccessreviews',
+ (_req, res, ctx) => {
+ return res(ctx.json({ status: 200 }));
+ }
+ ),
rest.get('http://localhost:4466/api/v1/namespaces', (_req, res, ctx) => {
return res(ctx.json({}));
rest.get('http://localhost:4466/api/v1/events', (_req, res, ctx) => {
return res(ctx.json({}));
- rest.post('http://localhost:4466/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1/selfsubjectaccessreviews', (_req, res, ctx) => {
- return res(ctx.json({status: 200}));
- }),
- ]
+ rest.post(
+ 'http://localhost:4466/apis/authorization.k8s.io/v1/selfsubjectaccessreviews',
+ (_req, res, ctx) => {
+ return res(ctx.json({ status: 200 }));
+ }
+ ),
+ ],
diff --git a/frontend/README.md b/frontend/README.md
index 859d27a647f..65a65dfcbe3 100644
--- a/frontend/README.md
+++ b/frontend/README.md
@@ -1,68 +1,5 @@
-This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App](https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app).
+# Headlamp Frontend
-## Available Scripts
+React frontend for the Headlamp.
-In the project directory, you can run:
-### `npm start`
-Runs the app in the development mode.
-Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in the browser.
-The page will reload if you make edits.
-You will also see any lint errors in the console.
-### `npm test`
-Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
-See the section about [running tests](https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/running-tests) for more information.
-### `npm run build`
-Builds the app for production to the `build` folder.
-It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
-The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
-Your app is ready to be deployed!
-See the section about [deployment](https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/deployment) for more information.
-### `npm run eject`
-**Note: this is a one-way operation. Once you `eject`, you can’t go back!**
-If you aren’t satisfied with the build tool and configuration choices, you can `eject` at any time. This command will remove the single build dependency from your project.
-Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (Webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. All of the commands except `eject` will still work, but they will point to the copied scripts so you can tweak them. At this point you’re on your own.
-You don’t have to ever use `eject`. The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn’t feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn’t be useful if you couldn’t customize it when you are ready for it.
-## Learn More
-You can learn more in the [Create React App documentation](https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/getting-started).
-To learn React, check out the [React documentation](https://reactjs.org/).
-### Code Splitting
-This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/code-splitting
-### Analyzing the Bundle Size
-This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/analyzing-the-bundle-size
-### Making a Progressive Web App
-This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/making-a-progressive-web-app
-### Advanced Configuration
-This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/advanced-configuration
-### Deployment
-This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/deployment
-### `npm run build` fails to minify
-This section has moved here: https://facebook.github.io/create-react-app/docs/troubleshooting#npm-run-build-fails-to-minify
diff --git a/frontend/public/index.html b/frontend/index.html
similarity index 60%
rename from frontend/public/index.html
rename to frontend/index.html
index bd59cc650b2..2b2964fe47b 100644
--- a/frontend/public/index.html
+++ b/frontend/index.html
@@ -2,18 +2,15 @@
- @@ -781,7 +773,6 @@ exports[`Storyshots Home/Home Base 1`] = `
- @@ -848,7 +838,6 @@ exports[`Storyshots Home/Home Base 1`] = `
- @@ -922,10 +910,9 @@ exports[`Storyshots Home/Home Base 1`] = ` class="MuiInputBase-root MuiInput-root MuiInputBase-colorPrimary css-1yz2iyv-MuiInputBase-root-MuiInput-root-MuiSelect-root" >
@@ -1022,5 +1008,4 @@ exports[`Storyshots Home/Home Base 1`] = `
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Description
+ 0
+ |
+ Origin
+ |
+ Status
+ 0
+ |
+ + + plugin a 0 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A0 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 1 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A1 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 2 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A2 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 3 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A3 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 4 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A4 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ No data to be shown. +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Description
+ 0
+ |
+ Origin
+ |
+ Status
+ 0
+ |
+ + + plugin a 0 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A0 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 1 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A1 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 2 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A2 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 3 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A3 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 4 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A4 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Description
+ 0
+ |
+ Origin
+ |
+ Status
+ 0
+ |
+ + + plugin a 0 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A0 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 1 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A1 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 2 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A2 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 3 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A3 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 4 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A4 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Description
+ 0
+ |
+ Origin
+ |
+ Status
+ 0
+ |
+ + + plugin a 0 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A0 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 1 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A1 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 2 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A2 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 3 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A3 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 4 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A4 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 5 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A5 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 6 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A6 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 7 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A7 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 8 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A8 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 9 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A9 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 10 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A10 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 11 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A11 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 12 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A12 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 13 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A13 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 14 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A14 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Description
+ 0
+ |
+ Origin
+ |
+ Status
+ 0
+ |
+ + + plugin a 0 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A0 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 1 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A1 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 2 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A2 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 3 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A3 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 4 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A4 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 5 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A5 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 6 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A6 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 7 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A7 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 8 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A8 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 9 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A9 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 10 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A10 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 11 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A11 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 12 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A12 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
+ + + plugin a 13 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A13 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Incompatible + | +
+ + + plugin a 14 + ++ + |
+ + This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A14 + | ++ Unknown + | ++ Enabled + | +
- Name
- 0
- |
- Description
- 0
- |
- Origin
- |
- Status
- 0
- |
- - - plugin a 0 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A0 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 1 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A1 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 2 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A2 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 3 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A3 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 4 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A4 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- No data to be shown. -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Description
- 0
- |
- Origin
- |
- Status
- 0
- |
- - - plugin a 0 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A0 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 1 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A1 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 2 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A2 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 3 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A3 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 4 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A4 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Description
- 0
- |
- Origin
- |
- Status
- 0
- |
- - - plugin a 0 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A0 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 1 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A1 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 2 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A2 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 3 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A3 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 4 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A4 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Description
- 0
- |
- Origin
- |
- Status
- 0
- |
- - - plugin a 0 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A0 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 1 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A1 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 2 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A2 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 3 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A3 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 4 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A4 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 5 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A5 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 6 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A6 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 7 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A7 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 8 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A8 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 9 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A9 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 10 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A10 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 11 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A11 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 12 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A12 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 13 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A13 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 14 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A14 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Description
- 0
- |
- Origin
- |
- Status
- 0
- |
- - - plugin a 0 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A0 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 1 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A1 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 2 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A2 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 3 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A3 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 4 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A4 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 5 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A5 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 6 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A6 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 7 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A7 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 8 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A8 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 9 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A9 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 10 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A10 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 11 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A11 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 12 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A12 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
- - - plugin a 13 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A13 - | -- Unknown - | -- Incompatible - | -
- - - plugin a 14 - -- - |
- - This is a plugin for this project PLUGIN A14 - | -- Unknown - | -- Enabled - | -
+ CPU usage +
++ Pods +
++ 9 / 9 Requested +
++ Pods +
++ 5 / 10 Requested +
+- CPU usage -
-- Pods -
-- 5 / 10 Requested -
-- Pods -
-- 9 / 9 Requested -
-+ name +
++ value +
++ name +
+ ++ value +
+- name -
-- value -
-- name -
-- value -
-+ Some label +
++ Some label +
++ Some label +
++ Some label +
+- Some label - -
-- Some label - -
-- - Some label -
-- Some label - -
-+ label1: My Label 1 +
++ label2: My Label 2 +
++ label3: My Label 3 +
++ label1: My Label 1 +
++ label2: My Label 2 +
++ label3: My Label 3 +
++ label1: My Label 1 +
++ label2: My Label 2 +
++ label3: My Label 3 +
+- label1: My Label 1 -
-- label2: My Label 2 -
-- label3: My Label 3 -
-- label1: My Label 1 -
-- label2: My Label 2 -
-- label3: My Label 3 -
-- label1: My Label 1 -
-- label2: My Label 2 -
-- label3: My Label 3 -
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ Age
+ 0
+ |
+ + mypod0 + + | ++ + MyNamespace0 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ + mypod1 + + | ++ + MyNamespace1 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ + mypod2 + + | ++ + MyNamespace2 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ + mypod3 + + | ++ + MyNamespace3 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ Age
+ 0
+ |
+ + mypod0 + + | ++ + MyNamespace0 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ + mypod1 + + | ++ + MyNamespace1 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ + mypod2 + + | ++ + MyNamespace2 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ + mypod3 + + | ++ + MyNamespace3 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Age
+ 0
+ |
+ + mypod0 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ + mypod1 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ + mypod2 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ + mypod3 + + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- Age
- 0
- |
- - mypod0 - - | -- - MyNamespace0 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - mypod1 - - | -- - MyNamespace1 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - mypod2 - - | -- - MyNamespace2 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - mypod3 - - | -- - MyNamespace3 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- Age
- 0
- |
- - mypod0 - - | -- - MyNamespace0 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - mypod1 - - | -- - MyNamespace1 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - mypod2 - - | -- - MyNamespace2 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - mypod3 - - | -- - MyNamespace3 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- Name
- 0
- |
- Age
- 0
- |
- - mypod0 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - mypod1 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - mypod2 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - mypod3 - - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Status
+ 0
+ |
+ Age
+ 0
+ |
+ Long Field Name
+ 0
+ |
+ some name0 + | ++ some status0 + | ++ some age0 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | +
+ some name1 + | ++ some status1 + | ++ some age1 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | +
+ some name2 + | ++ some status2 + | ++ some age2 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Status
+ 0
+ |
+ Age
+ 0
+ |
+ Long Field Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Number
+ 0
+ |
+ some name0 + | ++ some status0 + | ++ some age0 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | ++ 22 + | +
+ some name1 + | ++ some status1 + | ++ some age1 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | ++ 33 + | +
+ some name2 + | ++ some status2 + | ++ some age2 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | ++ 44 + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ 0
+ |
+ Labels
+ 0
+ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | ++ phony0 + | ++ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | ++ phony1 + | ++ {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources2.io + | ++ MyNamespace2 + | ++ phony2 + | ++ {"mykey2":"mylabel"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources3.io + | ++ MyNamespace3 + | ++ phony3 + | ++ {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ 0
+ |
+ Labels
+ 0
+ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | ++ phony0 + | ++ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | ++ phony1 + | ++ {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources2.io + | ++ MyNamespace2 + | ++ phony2 + | ++ {"mykey2":"mylabel"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources3.io + | ++ MyNamespace3 + | ++ phony3 + | ++ {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ 0
+ |
+ Labels
+ 0
+ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | ++ phony0 + | ++ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | ++ phony1 + | ++ {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources2.io + | ++ MyNamespace2 + | ++ phony2 + | ++ {"mykey2":"mylabel"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources3.io + | ++ MyNamespace3 + | ++ phony3 + | ++ {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} + | +
+ MyNamespace1 + + , + + + +1 + +
+ +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ 0
+ |
+ Labels
+ 0
+ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | ++ phony0 + | ++ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | ++ phony1 + | ++ {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ 0
+ |
+ Labels
+ 0
+ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | ++ phony0 + | ++ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | ++ phony1 + | ++ {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources2.io + | ++ MyNamespace2 + | ++ phony2 + | ++ {"mykey2":"mylabel"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources3.io + | ++ MyNamespace3 + | ++ phony3 + | ++ {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ Number
+ 0
+ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | ++ 0 + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | ++ 10 + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources2.io + | ++ MyNamespace2 + | ++ 20 + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources3.io + | ++ MyNamespace3 + | ++ 30 + | +
+ Test changing the page and rows per page. +
++ + Current URL search: + + + ?p=2 +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ Number
+ 0
+ |
+ Name 0 + | ++ Namespace 0 + | ++ 0 + | +
+ Name 1 + | ++ Namespace 1 + | ++ 1 + | +
+ Name 2 + | ++ Namespace 2 + | ++ 2 + | +
+ Name 3 + | ++ Namespace 3 + | ++ 3 + | +
+ Name 4 + | ++ Namespace 4 + | ++ 4 + | +
+ Test changing the page and rows per page. +
++ + Current URL search: + + + ?p=2 +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ Number
+ 0
+ |
+ Name 0 + | ++ Namespace 0 + | ++ |
+ Name 1 + | ++ Namespace 1 + | ++ |
+ Name 2 + | ++ Namespace 2 + | ++ |
+ Name 3 + | ++ Namespace 3 + | ++ |
+ Name 4 + | ++ Namespace 4 + | ++ |
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ 0
+ |
+ Labels
+ 0
+ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | ++ phony0 + | ++ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | ++ phony1 + | ++ {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources2.io + | ++ MyNamespace2 + | ++ phony2 + | ++ {"mykey2":"mylabel"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources3.io + | ++ MyNamespace3 + | ++ phony3 + | ++ {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources2.io + | ++ MyNamespace2 + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources3.io + | ++ MyNamespace3 + | +
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ 0
+ |
+ Labels
+ 0
+ |
+ + No results found + + |
+ Name
+ 0
+ |
+ Namespace
+ 0
+ |
+ 0
+ |
+ Labels
+ 0
+ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources3.io + | ++ MyNamespace3 + | ++ phony3 + | ++ {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources2.io + | ++ MyNamespace2 + | ++ phony2 + | ++ {"mykey2":"mylabel"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | ++ phony1 + | ++ {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | ++ phony0 + | ++ |
- Name
- 0
- |
- Status
- 0
- |
- Age
- 0
- |
- Long Field Name
- 0
- |
- some name0 - | -- some status0 - | -- some age0 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -
- some name1 - | -- some status1 - | -- some age1 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -
- some name2 - | -- some status2 - | -- some age2 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Status
- 0
- |
- Age
- 0
- |
- Long Field Name
- 0
- |
- Number
- 0
- |
- some name0 - | -- some status0 - | -- some age0 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -- 22 - | -
- some name1 - | -- some status1 - | -- some age1 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -- 33 - | -
- some name2 - | -- some status2 - | -- some age2 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -- 44 - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- 0
- |
- Labels
- 0
- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -- phony0 - | -- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -- phony1 - | -- {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources2.io - | -- MyNamespace2 - | -- phony2 - | -- {"mykey2":"mylabel"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources3.io - | -- MyNamespace3 - | -- phony3 - | -- {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- 0
- |
- Labels
- 0
- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -- phony0 - | -- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -- phony1 - | -- {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources2.io - | -- MyNamespace2 - | -- phony2 - | -- {"mykey2":"mylabel"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources3.io - | -- MyNamespace3 - | -- phony3 - | -- {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- 0
- |
- Labels
- 0
- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -- phony0 - | -- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -- phony1 - | -- {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources2.io - | -- MyNamespace2 - | -- phony2 - | -- {"mykey2":"mylabel"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources3.io - | -- MyNamespace3 - | -- phony3 - | -- {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} - | -
- MyNamespace1 - - , - - - +1 - -
- -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- 0
- |
- Labels
- 0
- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -- phony0 - | -- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -- phony1 - | -- {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- 0
- |
- Labels
- 0
- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -- phony0 - | -- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -- phony1 - | -- {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources2.io - | -- MyNamespace2 - | -- phony2 - | -- {"mykey2":"mylabel"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources3.io - | -- MyNamespace3 - | -- phony3 - | -- {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- Number
- 0
- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -- 0 - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -- 10 - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources2.io - | -- MyNamespace2 - | -- 20 - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources3.io - | -- MyNamespace3 - | -- 30 - | -
- Test changing the page and rows per page. -
-- - Current URL search: - - - ?p=2 -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- Number
- 0
- |
- Name 0 - | -- Namespace 0 - | -- 0 - | -
- Name 1 - | -- Namespace 1 - | -- 1 - | -
- Name 2 - | -- Namespace 2 - | -- 2 - | -
- Name 3 - | -- Namespace 3 - | -- 3 - | -
- Name 4 - | -- Namespace 4 - | -- 4 - | -
- Test changing the page and rows per page. -
-- - Current URL search: - - - ?p=2 -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- Number
- 0
- |
- Name 0 - | -- Namespace 0 - | -- |
- Name 1 - | -- Namespace 1 - | -- |
- Name 2 - | -- Namespace 2 - | -- |
- Name 3 - | -- Namespace 3 - | -- |
- Name 4 - | -- Namespace 4 - | -- |
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- 0
- |
- Labels
- 0
- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -- phony0 - | -- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -- phony1 - | -- {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources2.io - | -- MyNamespace2 - | -- phony2 - | -- {"mykey2":"mylabel"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources3.io - | -- MyNamespace3 - | -- phony3 - | -- {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources2.io - | -- MyNamespace2 - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources3.io - | -- MyNamespace3 - | -
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- 0
- |
- Labels
- 0
- |
- - No results found - - |
- Name
- 0
- |
- Namespace
- 0
- |
- 0
- |
- Labels
- 0
- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources3.io - | -- MyNamespace3 - | -- phony3 - | -- {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources2.io - | -- MyNamespace2 - | -- phony2 - | -- {"mykey2":"mylabel"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -- phony1 - | -- {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -- phony0 - | -- |
- My chart -
-- Progress so far -
-+ My chart +
+ ++ Progress so far +
++ A child paragraph. +
++ A child paragraph. +
+- A child paragraph. -
-- A child paragraph. -
-+ Name + | ++ Status + | ++ Age + | ++ Long Field Name + | +
+ some name0 + | ++ some status0 + | ++ some age0 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | +
+ some name1 + | ++ some status1 + | ++ some age1 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | +
+ some name2 + | ++ some status2 + | ++ some age2 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | +
+ Name + | ++ Status + | ++ Age + | ++ Long Field Name + | ++ Number + | +
+ some name0 + | ++ some status0 + | ++ some age0 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | ++ 22 + | +
+ some name1 + | ++ some status1 + | ++ some age1 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | ++ 33 + | +
+ some name2 + | ++ some status2 + | ++ some age2 + | ++ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. + | ++ 44 + | +
+ Name + | ++ Namespace + | ++ UID + | ++ Labels + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | ++ phony1 + | ++ {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources2.io + | ++ MyNamespace2 + | ++ phony2 + | ++ {"mykey2":"mylabel"} + | +
+ Name + | ++ Namespace + | ++ UID + | ++ Labels + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources2.io + | ++ MyNamespace2 + | ++ phony2 + | ++ {"mykey2":"mylabel"} + | +
+ Name + | ++ Namespace + | ++ UID + | ++ Labels + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources3.io + | ++ MyNamespace3 + | ++ phony3 + | ++ {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} + | +
+ MyNamespace1 + + , + + + +1 + +
+ ++ Name + | ++ Namespace + | ++ UID + | ++ Labels + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | ++ phony0 + | ++ |
+ mydefinition.phonyresources1.io + | ++ MyNamespace1 + | ++ phony1 + | ++ {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} + | +
+ Name + | ++ Namespace + | ++ UID + | ++ Labels + | +
+ + No data matching the filter criteria. + + |
+ Name + | ++ Namespace + | ++ Number + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources3.io + | ++ MyNamespace3 + | ++ 30 + | +
+ Test changing the page and rows per page. +
++ + Current URL search: + + + ?p=2 +
++ Name + | ++ Namespace + | ++ Number + | +
+ Name 5 + | ++ Namespace 5 + | ++ 5 + | +
+ Name 6 + | ++ Namespace 6 + | ++ 6 + | +
+ Name 7 + | ++ Namespace 7 + | ++ 7 + | +
+ Name 8 + | ++ Namespace 8 + | ++ 8 + | +
+ Name 9 + | ++ Namespace 9 + | ++ 9 + | +
+ Test changing the page and rows per page. +
++ + Current URL search: + + + ?p=2 +
++ Name + | ++ Namespace + | ++ Number + | +
+ Name 0 + | ++ Namespace 0 + | ++ |
+ Name 1 + | ++ Namespace 1 + | ++ |
+ Name 2 + | ++ Namespace 2 + | ++ |
+ Name 3 + | ++ Namespace 3 + | ++ |
+ Name 4 + | ++ Namespace 4 + | ++ |
+ Name + | ++ Namespace + | ++ UID + | ++ Labels + | +
+ mydefinition.phonyresources0.io + | ++ MyNamespace0 + | ++ phony0 + | ++ |
- Name - | -- Status - | -- Age - | -- Long Field Name - | -
- some name0 - | -- some status0 - | -- some age0 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -
- some name1 - | -- some status1 - | -- some age1 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -
- some name2 - | -- some status2 - | -- some age2 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -
- Name - | -- Status - | -- Age - | -- Long Field Name - | -- Number - | -
- some name0 - | -- some status0 - | -- some age0 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -- 22 - | -
- some name1 - | -- some status1 - | -- some age1 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -- 33 - | -
- some name2 - | -- some status2 - | -- some age2 - | -- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. - | -- 44 - | -
- Name - | -- Namespace - | -- UID - | -- Labels - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -- phony1 - | -- {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources2.io - | -- MyNamespace2 - | -- phony2 - | -- {"mykey2":"mylabel"} - | -
- Name - | -- Namespace - | -- UID - | -- Labels - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources2.io - | -- MyNamespace2 - | -- phony2 - | -- {"mykey2":"mylabel"} - | -
- Name - | -- Namespace - | -- UID - | -- Labels - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources3.io - | -- MyNamespace3 - | -- phony3 - | -- {"mykey3":"myvalue3"} - | -
- MyNamespace1 - - , - - - +1 - -
- -- Name - | -- Namespace - | -- UID - | -- Labels - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -- phony0 - | -- |
- mydefinition.phonyresources1.io - | -- MyNamespace1 - | -- phony1 - | -- {"mylabel1":"myvalue1"} - | -
- Name - | -- Namespace - | -- UID - | -- Labels - | -
- - No data matching the filter criteria. - - |
- Name - | -- Namespace - | -- Number - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources3.io - | -- MyNamespace3 - | -- 30 - | -
- Test changing the page and rows per page. -
-- - Current URL search: - - - ?p=2 -
-- Name - | -- Namespace - | -- Number - | -
- Name 5 - | -- Namespace 5 - | -- 5 - | -
- Name 6 - | -- Namespace 6 - | -- 6 - | -
- Name 7 - | -- Namespace 7 - | -- 7 - | -
- Name 8 - | -- Namespace 8 - | -- 8 - | -
- Name 9 - | -- Namespace 9 - | -- 9 - | -
- Test changing the page and rows per page. -
-- - Current URL search: - - - ?p=2 -
-- Name - | -- Namespace - | -- Number - | -
- Name 0 - | -- Namespace 0 - | -- |
- Name 1 - | -- Namespace 1 - | -- |
- Name 2 - | -- Namespace 2 - | -- |
- Name 3 - | -- Namespace 3 - | -- |
- Name 4 - | -- Namespace 4 - | -- |
- Name - | -- Namespace - | -- UID - | -- Labels - | -
- mydefinition.phonyresources0.io - | -- MyNamespace0 - | -- phony0 - | -- |
+ tab body 1 +
++ tab body 2 +
++ tab body 1 +
++ We start on the second tab using defaultIndex=1 +
+- tab body 1 -
-- tab body 2 -
-- tab body 1 -
-- We start on the second tab using defaultIndex=1 -
-+ No data in this config map +
++ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
- No data in this config map -
-- Type - | -- Reason - | -- From - | -- Message - | -- Age - - | -
- Normal - | -- Created - | -- kubelet - | -
- |
- - 3mo - - - |
- Resource
- 0
- |
- Definition
- 0
- |
- Group
- 0
- |
- Scope
- 0
- |
- Categories
- 0
- |
- Age
- 0
- |
- - MyCustomResource - - | -- - mydefinition.phonyresources.io - - | -- my.phonyresources.io - | -- Namespaced - | -- - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
+ Resource
+ 0
+ |
+ Definition
+ 0
+ |
+ Group
+ 0
+ |
+ Scope
+ 0
+ |
+ Categories
+ 0
+ |
+ Age
+ 0
+ |
+ + MyCustomResource + + | ++ + mydefinition.phonyresources.io + + | ++ my.phonyresources.io + | ++ Namespaced + | ++ + | +
+ + 3mo + + |
+ Error getting custom resource nonexistentcustomresource: No mock custom resource for you +
++ Error getting custom resource definition error.crd.io: No mock CRD for you +
+- Error getting custom resource nonexistentcustomresource: No mock custom resource for you -
-- Error getting custom resource definition error.crd.io: No mock CRD for you -
-3mo -
@@ -642,7 +636,6 @@ exports[`Storyshots crd/CustomResourceList List 1`] = ` data-mui-internal-clone-element="true" > 3mo - @@ -678,10 +671,9 @@ exports[`Storyshots crd/CustomResourceList List 1`] = ` class="MuiInputBase-root MuiInput-root MuiInputBase-colorPrimary css-1yz2iyv-MuiInputBase-root-MuiInput-root-MuiSelect-root" > @@ -778,5 +769,4 @@ exports[`Storyshots crd/CustomResourceList List 1`] = `+ * + +
++ No data to be shown. +
++ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
+ * * * * * +
++ No data to be shown. +
++ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
- Phony error is phony! -
-+ Phony error is phony! +
+- @@ -96,7 +90,6 @@ exports[`Storyshots hpa/HpaDetailsView Default 1`] = ` tabindex="0" type="button" > - @@ -190,7 +183,7 @@ exports[`Storyshots hpa/HpaDetailsView Default 1`] = ` class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-item MuiGrid-zeroMinWidth css-175wz9v-MuiGrid-root" >
3 months -
- Phony error is phony! -
-+ Phony error is phony! +
++ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
+ ingressclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: true +
++ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
+ Host + | ++ Path + | ++ Backends + | +
+ + http://https-example.foo.com/ + + | +
+ /
+ (Prefix)
+ |
+ + Service:service1 + + |
+ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
- IngressClass + Ingress
+ > + +- Reason - | -- From + Path | - Message - | -- Age - + Backends | @@ -260,242 +282,65 @@ exports[`Storyshots IngressClass/DetailsView Basic 1`] = `- Normal - | -- Created - | -- kubelet + + https://https-example.foo.com/ + |
+ /
+ (Prefix)
+ /second
+ (Prefix)
- - 3mo - - - |
- ingressclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: true + service1:80 +
++ service2:someport
- Uptime -
-- Not ready yet! -
-- CPU Usage -
-- Memory Usage -
-- Name - - | -- Restarts - - | -- Ready - | -- Status - - | -- Pod IP - - | -- Node Name - - | -- Age - - | -
- - imagepullbackoff - - | -- 0 - | -- 0/1 - | -
- ImagePullBackOff
- |
- - - | -- my-node - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - successful - - | -- 0 - | -- 0/1 - | -
- Completed
- |
- - - | -- my-node - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - initializing - - | -- 0 - | -- 0/1 - | -
- Init:0/2
- |
- - - | -- my-node - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - liveness-http - - | -- 337 (3mo ago) - | -- 0/1 - | -
- CrashLoopBackOff
- |
- - - | -- my-node - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - terminated - - | -- 0 - | -- 0/1 - | -
- Error
- |
- - - | -- my-node - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- - running - - | -- 0 - | -- 1/1 - | -
- Running
- |
- - - | -- my-node - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
- Type - | -- Reason - | -- From - | -- Message - | -- Age - - | -
- Normal - | -- Created - | -- kubelet - | -- Created - | -
- - 3mo - - - |
+ Key + | ++ Value + | ++ Operator + | ++ Effect + | ++ Seconds + | +
+ node.kubernetes.io/not-ready + | ++ | + Exists + | ++ NoExecute + | ++ 300 + | +
+ node.kubernetes.io/unreachable + | ++ | + Exists + | ++ NoExecute + | ++ 300 + | +
+ Condition + | ++ Status + | ++ Last Transition + | ++ Last Update + | ++ Reason + | +
+ + Initialized + + | ++ True + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | ++ - + | +
+ + Ready + + | ++ False + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | +
+ + PodFailed + + |
+ + ContainersReady + + | ++ False + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | +
+ + PodFailed + + |
+ + PodScheduled + + | ++ True + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | ++ - + | +
+ alpine:3.4 +
++ + ID: + + + docker.io/library/alpine@sha256:b733d4a32c4da6a00a84df2ca32791bb03df95400243648d8c539e7b4cce329c +
++ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Warning + | ++ FailedGetResourceMetric + | ++ horizontal-pod-autoscaler + | +
+ |
+ + 3 months (10 times over 3 months) + | +
+ Key + | ++ Value + | ++ Operator + | ++ Effect + | ++ Seconds + | +
+ node.kubernetes.io/not-ready + | ++ | + Exists + | ++ NoExecute + | ++ 300 + | +
+ node.kubernetes.io/unreachable + | ++ | + Exists + | ++ NoExecute + | ++ 300 + | +
+ Condition + | ++ Status + | ++ Last Transition + | ++ Last Update + | ++ Reason + | +
+ + Initialized + + | ++ False + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | +
+ + ContainersNotInitialized + + |
+ + Ready + + | ++ False + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | +
+ + ContainersNotReady + + |
+ + ContainersReady + + | ++ False + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | +
+ + ContainersNotReady + + |
+ + PodScheduled + + | ++ True + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | ++ - + | +
+ busybox +
+ ++ busybox +
++ + ID: + + + docker.io/library/busybox@sha256:125113b35efe765c89a8ed49593e719532318d26828c58e26b26dd7c4c28a673 +
++ busybox +
+ ++ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
+ Key + | ++ Value + | ++ Operator + | ++ Effect + | ++ Seconds + | +
+ node.kubernetes.io/not-ready + | ++ | + Exists + | ++ NoExecute + | ++ 300 + | +
+ node.kubernetes.io/unreachable + | ++ | + Exists + | ++ NoExecute + | ++ 300 + | +
+ Condition + | ++ Status + | ++ Last Transition + | ++ Last Update + | ++ Reason + | +
+ + Initialized + + | ++ True + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | ++ - + | +
+ + Ready + + | ++ False + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | +
+ + ContainersNotReady + + |
+ + ContainersReady + + | ++ False + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | +
+ + ContainersNotReady + + |
+ + PodScheduled + + | ++ True + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | ++ - + | +
+ Exit Code +
++ 2 +
++ Started +
++ 2022-01-01T00:05:00.000Z +
++ Finished +
++ 2022-01-01T00:05:00.000Z +
++ registry.k8s.io/liveness +
++ + ID: + + + sha256:554cfcf2aa85635c0b1ae9506f36f50118419766221651e70dfdc94631317b4d +
++ /server +
++ http-get, path: /healthz, port: 8080, + scheme: HTTP +
++ success = 1 +
++ failure = 3 +
++ delay = 3s +
++ timeout = 1s +
++ period = 3s +
++ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
+ Key + | ++ Value + | ++ Operator + | ++ Effect + | ++ Seconds + | +
+ node.kubernetes.io/not-ready + | ++ | + Exists + | ++ NoExecute + | ++ 300 + | +
+ node.kubernetes.io/unreachable + | ++ | + Exists + | ++ NoExecute + | ++ 300 + | +
+ Condition + | ++ Status + | ++ Last Transition + | ++ Last Update + | ++ Reason + | +
+ + Initialized + + | ++ True + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | ++ - + | +
+ + Ready + + | ++ False + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | +
+ + ContainersNotReady + + |
+ + ContainersReady + + | ++ False + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | +
+ + ContainersNotReady + + |
+ + PodScheduled + + | ++ True + | +
+ + 3 months + + |
+ + - + | ++ - + | +
+ Exit Code +
++ 1 +
++ Started +
++ 2022-01-01T00:05:00.000Z +
++ Finished +
++ 2022-01-01T00:05:00.000Z +
++ doesnotexist:nover +
+ ++ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
- Ingress + Pod
+ ++ Value + | ++ Operator | - Path + Effect | - Backends + Seconds | @@ -267,43 +346,52 @@ exports[`Storyshots Ingress/DetailsView With Resource 1`] = `- - http://https-example.foo.com/ - + node.kubernetes.io/not-ready | +
- /
- (Prefix)
+ Exists
+ NoExecute
+ - Service:service1 - - |
+ + 300 + | + +
+ node.kubernetes.io/unreachable + | ++ | + Exists + | ++ NoExecute + | ++ 300 | - Reason + Status | - From + Last Transition | - Message + Last Update | - Age - + Reason | @@ -409,44 +486,159 @@ exports[`Storyshots Ingress/DetailsView With Resource 1`] = `- Normal + + Initialized + | - Created + True |
- kubelet
+ + 3 months + |
+ -
+ |
+ Ready
+ |
+ True
+ - 3mo - + 3 months
+ -
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ ContainersReady
+ |
+ True
+ |
+ |
+ + 3 months + +
+ -
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ PodScheduled
+ |
+ True
+ |
+ |
+ + 3 months + +
+ -
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ + ID: + + + docker.io/library/nginx@sha256:f7988fb6c02e0ce69257d9bd9cf37ae20a60f1df7563c3a2a6abe24160306b8d +
- Host - | -- Path - | -- Backends - | -
- - https://https-example.foo.com/ - - | -
- /
- (Prefix)
- /second
- (Prefix)
- |
- - service1:80 - -- service2:someport - + + TCP: + + + 80 + + |
- CronJob + Pod
- * - -
+ + Completed + + +- No data to be shown. -
-+ 3 months +
- - + PodCompleted +
+- 3mo - + 3 months +
++ PodCompleted
+ 3 months +
++ PodCompleted +
++ 3 months +
+ alpine:3.4 +
++ + ID: + + + docker.io/library/alpine@sha256:b733d4a32c4da6a00a84df2ca32791bb03df95400243648d8c539e7b4cce329c +
+- No data to be shown. -
-+ ca-certs +
++ etc-ca-certificates +
+- ca-certs -
-- etc-ca-certificates -
-- @@ -96,7 +90,6 @@ exports[`Storyshots pdb/PDBDetailsView Default 1`] = ` tabindex="0" type="button" > - @@ -217,7 +210,7 @@ exports[`Storyshots pdb/PDBDetailsView Default 1`] = ` class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-item MuiGrid-zeroMinWidth css-175wz9v-MuiGrid-root" >
- Phony error is phony! -
-+ Phony error is phony! +
+- @@ -96,7 +90,6 @@ exports[`Storyshots PriorityClass/PriorityClassDetailsView Default 1`] = ` tabindex="0" type="button" > - @@ -175,7 +168,7 @@ exports[`Storyshots PriorityClass/PriorityClassDetailsView Default 1`] = ` class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-item MuiGrid-zeroMinWidth css-175wz9v-MuiGrid-root" >
- Phony error is phony! -
-+ Phony error is phony! +
+- @@ -96,7 +90,6 @@ exports[`Storyshots ResourceQuota/ResourceQuotaDetailsView Default 1`] = ` tabindex="0" type="button" > - @@ -190,7 +183,7 @@ exports[`Storyshots ResourceQuota/ResourceQuotaDetailsView Default 1`] = ` class="MuiGrid-root MuiGrid-item MuiGrid-zeroMinWidth css-175wz9v-MuiGrid-root" >
- @@ -423,7 +415,6 @@ exports[`Storyshots ResourceQuota/ResourceQuotaDetailsView Default 1`] = ` data-mui-internal-clone-element="true" > 3mo -
@@ -435,202 +426,4 @@ exports[`Storyshots ResourceQuota/ResourceQuotaDetailsView Default 1`] = `- Phony error is phony! -
-+ Phony error is phony! +
++ No data in this secret +
++ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
+ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
- No data in this secret -
-- Type - | -- Reason - | -- From - | -- Message - | -- Age - - | -
- Normal - | -- Created - | -- kubelet - | -
- |
- - 3mo - - - |
- Type - | -- Reason - | -- From - | -- Message - | -- Age - - | -
- Normal - | -- Created - | -- kubelet - | -
- |
- - 3mo - - - |
3 months -
@@ -677,202 +683,4 @@ exports[`Storyshots VPA/VPADetailsView Default 1`] = `- Phony error is phony! -
-+ Phony error is phony! +
+- ValidatingWebhookConfiguration + MutatingWebhookConfiguration
+ > + +- API Groups - | -- API Versions - | -- Operations - | -- Resources - | -- Scope - | -
- - | -- v1 - | -- UPDATE - | -- nodes - | -- * - | -
- Type - | -- Reason - | -- From - | -- Message - | -- Age - - | -
- Normal - | -- Created - | -- kubelet - | -
- |
- - 3mo - - - |
- admissions.enforcer/disabled: true -
-- validating-webhook: true -
-- validating-webhook in (true) -
-- validating-webhook: true -
-- validating-webhook in (true) -
-+ admissions.enforcer/disabled: true +
++ validating-webhook: true +
++ validating-webhook in (true) +
++ validating-webhook: true +
++ validating-webhook in (true) +
++ API Groups + | ++ API Versions + | ++ Operations + | ++ Resources + | ++ Scope + | +
+ + | ++ v1 + | ++ CREATE + | ++ pods + | ++ * + | +
+ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
- admissions.enforcer/disabled: true -
-- validating-webhook: true -
-- validating-webhook in (true) -
-- validating-webhook: true -
-- validating-webhook in (true) -
-- API Groups - | -- API Versions - | -- Operations - | -- Resources - | -- Scope - | -
- - | -- v1 - | -- CREATE - | -- pods - | -- * - | -
- Type - | -- Reason - | -- From - | -- Message - | -- Age - - | -
- Normal - | -- Created - | -- kubelet - | -
- |
- - 3mo - - - |
- admissions.enforcer/disabled: true -
-- validating-webhook: true -
-- validating-webhook in (true) -
-- validating-webhook: true -
-- validating-webhook in (true) -
-- API Groups - | -- API Versions - | -- Operations - | -- Resources - | -- Scope - | -
- - | -- v1 - | -- CREATE - | -- pods - | -- * - | -
- Type - | -- Reason - | -- From - | -- Message - | -- Age - - | -
- Normal - | -- Created - | -- kubelet - | -
- |
- - 3mo - - - |
+ admissions.enforcer/disabled: true +
++ validating-webhook: true +
++ validating-webhook in (true) +
++ validating-webhook: true +
++ validating-webhook in (true) +
++ API Groups + | ++ API Versions + | ++ Operations + | ++ Resources + | ++ Scope + | +
+ + | ++ v1 + | ++ UPDATE + | ++ nodes + | ++ * + | +
+ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |
+ admissions.enforcer/disabled: true +
++ validating-webhook: true +
++ validating-webhook in (true) +
++ validating-webhook: true +
++ validating-webhook in (true) +
++ API Groups + | ++ API Versions + | ++ Operations + | ++ Resources + | ++ Scope + | +
+ + | ++ v1 + | ++ UPDATE + | ++ nodes + | ++ * + | +
+ Type + | ++ Reason + | ++ From + | ++ Message + | ++ Age + + | +
+ Normal + | ++ Created + | ++ kubelet + | +
+ |
+ + 3mo + + |