+ __construct()
+ public
+ __construct(ContainerInterface $container, ContaoFrameworkInterface $framework, RoutingUtil $routingUtil, Connection $connection) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $container
+ : ContainerInterface
+ -
+ -
+ $framework
+ : ContaoFrameworkInterface
+ -
+ -
+ $routingUtil
+ : RoutingUtil
+ -
+ -
+ $connection
+ : Connection
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ activateNotificationType()
+ public
+ activateNotificationType(mixed $strGroup, mixed $strType, mixed $arrType) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $strGroup
+ : mixed
+ -
+ -
+ $strType
+ : mixed
+ -
+ -
+ $arrType
+ : mixed
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ addAliasToDca()
+ Adds an alias field to the dca and to the desired palettes.
+ public
+ addAliasToDca( $dca, $generateAliasCallback, $paletteField[, array<string|int, mixed> $palettes = ['default'] ]) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $dca
+ :
+ -
+ -
+ $generateAliasCallback
+ :
+ -
mixed The callback to call for generating the alias
+ -
+ $paletteField
+ :
+ -
String The field after which to insert the alias field in the palettes
+ -
+ $palettes
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ = ['default']
+ -
The palettes in which to insert the field
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ addAuthorFieldAndCallback()
+ public
+ addAuthorFieldAndCallback(string $table[, string $fieldPrefix = '' ]) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $fieldPrefix
+ : string
+ = ''
+ -
+ -
+ deprecated
+ -
Use AuthorField::register() instead
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ addOverridableFields()
+ Adds an override selector to every field in $fields to the dca associated with $destinationTable.
+ public
+ addOverridableFields(array<string|int, mixed> $fields, string $sourceTable, string $destinationTable[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $fields
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ -
+ -
+ $sourceTable
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $destinationTable
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $options
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ = []
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ aliasExist()
+ Return if the current alias already exist in table.
+ public
+ aliasExist(string $alias, int $id, string $table[, mixed $options = [] ]) : bool
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $alias
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $id
+ : int
+ -
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $options
+ : mixed
+ = []
+ -
+ -
+ throws
+ -
+ DBALException
+ Return values
+ bool
+ —
+ public
+ doGenerateDcOperationsButtons(mixed $arrRow, mixed $strTable[, mixed $arrRootIds = [] ][, mixed $blnCircularReference = false ][, mixed $arrChildRecordIds = null ][, mixed $options = [] ]) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $arrRow
+ : mixed
+ -
+ -
+ $strTable
+ : mixed
+ -
+ -
+ $arrRootIds
+ : mixed
+ = []
+ -
+ -
+ $blnCircularReference
+ : mixed
+ = false
+ -
+ -
+ $arrChildRecordIds
+ : mixed
+ = null
+ -
+ -
+ $options
+ : mixed
+ = []
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ flattenPaletteForSubEntities()
+ This function transforms an entity's palette (that can also contain sub palettes and concatenated type selectors) to a flatten
+palette where every field can be overridden.
+ public
+ flattenPaletteForSubEntities(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $overridableFields) : mixed
+ CAUTION: This function assumes that you have used addOverridableFields() for adding the fields that are overridable. The latter ones
+are $overridableFields
+This function is useful if you want to adjust a palette for sub entities that can override properties of their ancestor(s).
+Use $this->getOverridableProperty() for computing the correct value respecting the entity hierarchy.
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $overridableFields
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ generateAlias()
+ Generate an alias with unique check.
+ public
+ generateAlias(mixed $alias, int $id, string|null $table, string $title[, bool $keepUmlauts = true ][, mixed $options = [] ]) : string
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $alias
+ : mixed
+ -
The current alias (if available)
+ -
+ $id
+ : int
+ -
+ -
+ $table
+ : string|null
+ -
The entity's table (pass a comma separated list if the validation should be expanded to multiple tables like tl_news AND tl_member. ATTENTION: the first table needs to be the one we're currently in). Pass null to skip unqiue check.
+ -
+ $title
+ : string
+ -
The value to use as a base for the alias
+ -
+ $keepUmlauts
+ : bool
+ = true
+ -
Set to true if German umlauts should be kept
+ -
+ $options
+ : mixed
+ = []
+ -
+ -
+ throws
+ -
+ Exception
+ Return values
+ string
+ —
+ public
+ generateDcOperationsButtons(mixed $row, mixed $table[, mixed $rootIds = [] ][, mixed $options = [] ]) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $row
+ : mixed
+ -
+ -
+ $table
+ : mixed
+ -
+ -
+ $rootIds
+ : mixed
+ = []
+ -
+ -
+ $options
+ : mixed
+ = []
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ generateSitemap()
+ public
+ generateSitemap() : mixed
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ getArchiveModalEditLink()
+ Get a contao backend modal archive edit link.
+ public
+ getArchiveModalEditLink(string $module, int $id, string $table[, string|null $label = null ][, int $width = 1024 ]) : string
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $module
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $id
+ : int
+ -
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
The dataContainer table
+ -
+ $label
+ : string|null
+ = null
+ -
+ -
+ $width
+ : int
+ = 1024
+ -
+ -
+ deprecated
+ -
Use DcaUtil::getPopupWizardLink() instead
+ Return values
+ string
+ —
+ The modal archive edit link
+ getAuthorNameByUserId()
+ public
+ getAuthorNameByUserId(mixed $id) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $id
+ : mixed
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ getAuthorNameLinkByUserId()
+ public
+ getAuthorNameLinkByUserId(mixed $id) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $id
+ : mixed
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ getConfigByArrayOrCallbackOrFunction()
+ Retrieves an array from a dca config (in most cases eval) in the following priorities:.
+ public
+ getConfigByArrayOrCallbackOrFunction(array<string|int, mixed> $array, $property[, array<string|int, mixed> $arguments = [] ]) : mixed|null
+- The value associated to $array[$property]
+- The value retrieved by $array[$property . '_callback'] which is a callback array like ['Class', 'method'] or ['service.id', 'method']
+- The value retrieved by $array[$property . '_callback'] which is a function closure array like ['Class', 'method']
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $array
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ -
+ -
+ $property
+ :
+ -
+ -
+ $arguments
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ = []
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed|null
+ —
+ The value retrieved in the way mentioned above or null
+ getCurrentPaletteName()
+ Taken from \Contao\DataContainer.
+ public
+ getCurrentPaletteName(string $table, int $id) : string|null
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $id
+ : int
+ -
+ Return values
+ string|null
+ —
+ getDataContainers()
+ Returns (nearly) all registered datacontainers as array.
+ public
+ getDataContainers([array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
+ Options:
+- bool onlyTableType: Return only table data containers
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $options
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ = []
+ -
+ Return values
+ array<string|int, mixed>
+ —
+ getDCTable()
+ Mostly used for Form::prepareSpecialValueForOutput().
+ public
+ getDCTable(string $table, $activeRecord) : DC_Table_Utils
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $activeRecord
+ :
+ -
+ Return values
+ DC_Table_Utils
+ —
+ getEditLink()
+ Get a contao backend modal edit link.
+ public
+ getEditLink(string $module, int $id[, string|null $label = null ]) : string
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $module
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $id
+ : int
+ -
+ -
+ $label
+ : string|null
+ = null
+ -
+ Return values
+ string
+ —
+ getFieldLabel()
+ public
+ getFieldLabel(string $table, string $field) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $field
+ : string
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ getFields()
+ Returns a list of fields as an option array for dca fields.
+ public
+ getFields(string $table[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
+ Possible options:
+- array inputTypes Restrict to certain input types
+- array evalConditions restrict to certain dca eval
+- bool localizeLabels
+- bool skipSorting
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $options
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ = []
+ -
+ -
+ deprecated
+ -
Use Utils service instead
+ -
+ codeCoverageIgnore
+ -
+ Return values
+ array<string|int, mixed>
+ —
+ getLocalizedFieldName()
+ public
+ getLocalizedFieldName( $strField, $strTable) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $strField
+ :
+ -
+ -
+ $strTable
+ :
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ getModalEditLink()
+ Get a contao backend modal edit link.
+ public
+ getModalEditLink(string $module, int $id[, string|null $label = null ][, string $table = '' ][, int $width = 1024 ]) : string
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $module
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $id
+ : int
+ -
+ -
+ $label
+ : string|null
+ = null
+ -
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ = ''
+ -
The dataContainer table
+ -
+ $width
+ : int
+ = 1024
+ -
+ -
+ deprecated
+ -
Use DcaUtil::getPopupWizardLink() instead
+ Return values
+ string
+ —
+ getNewNotificationTypeArray()
+ public
+ getNewNotificationTypeArray([bool $includeNotificationCenterPlusTokens = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $includeNotificationCenterPlusTokens
+ : bool
+ = false
+ -
+ Return values
+ array<string|int, mixed>
+ —
+ getNewSortingPosition()
+ Returns the set of pid and sorting to be used in an sql update statement. Also updates the existing records according to the usage.
+ public
+ getNewSortingPosition(string $table, int $id[, mixed $pid = null ][, mixed $insertAfterId = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
+ The method can be used in several ways:
+ - Insert in an archive of a certain pid as first item: $pid must be set (0 is also ok), $insertAfterId needs to be null
+ - Insert after a record of a certain id: $insertAfterId must be set, $pid can be set if necessary
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $id
+ : int
+ -
+ -
+ $pid
+ : mixed
+ = null
+ -
+ -
+ $insertAfterId
+ : mixed
+ = null
+ -
+ -
+ example
+ -
// insert a new record after another one with the ID 82
+$news = new \Contao\NewsModel();
+$news->pid = 3;
+$news->tstamp = time();
+$news->title = 'Something';
+$set = System::getContainer()->get('huh.utils.dca')->getNewSortingPosition(
+'tl_news', $news->id, 3, 82
+// store the returned set to the news record created above as usual
+Hint: Mostly taken from DC_Table::getNewPosition(). Removed: handling if only a pid field is present, mode handling (since we don't have it in this context).
+ Return values
+ array<string|int, mixed>
+ —
+ getOverridableProperty()
+ Retrieves a property of given contao model instances by *ascending* priority, i.e. the last instance of $instances
+will have the highest priority.
+ public
+ getOverridableProperty(string $property, array<string|int, mixed> $instances) : mixed
+ CAUTION: This function assumes that you have used addOverridableFields() in this class!! That means, that a value in a
+model instance is only used if it's either the first instance in $arrInstances or "overrideFieldname" is set to true
+in the instance.
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $property
+ : string
+ -
The property name to retrieve
+ -
+ $instances
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ -
An array of instances in ascending priority. Instances can be passed in the following form:
+['tl_some_table', $instanceId] or $objInstance
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ Get a contao backend popup link.
+ public
+ getPopupWizardLink(array<string|int, mixed> $parameter[, array<string|int, mixed> $options = [] ]) : string
+ Options:
+- attributes: (array) Link attributes as key value pairs. Will override title and style option. href and onclick are not allowed and will be removed from list.
+- title: (string) Overrride default link title
+- style: (string) Override default css style properties
+- onclick: (string) Override default onclick javascript code
+- icon: (string) Link icon to show as link text. Overrides default icon.
+- linkText: (string) A linkTitle to show as link text. Will be displayed after the link icon. Default empty.
+- url-only: (boolean) Return only url instead of a complete link element
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $parameter
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ -
An array of parameter. Using string is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
+ -
+ $options
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ = []
+ -
+ Return values
+ string
+ —
+ getRenderedDiff()
+ public
+ getRenderedDiff(string $table, array<string|int, mixed> $source, array<string|int, mixed> $target[, array<string|int, mixed> $config = [] ]) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $source
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ -
+ -
+ $target
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ -
+ -
+ $config
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ = []
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ getSubPaletteFieldSelector()
+ Returns the selector of the sub palette a field is placed in. Currently doesn't support fields in multiple sub palettes.
+ public
+ getSubPaletteFieldSelector(string $field, string $table) : string
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $field
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ Return values
+ string
+ —
+ getTranslatedModuleNameByTable()
+ public
+ getTranslatedModuleNameByTable(string $table) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ isDcMultilingual()
+ public
+ isDcMultilingual(string $table) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ isDcMultilingual3()
+ public
+ isDcMultilingual3() : mixed
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ isSubPaletteField()
+ Returns true if the field is in at least one sub palette.
+ public
+ isSubPaletteField(string $field, string $table) : bool
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $field
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ Return values
+ bool
+ —
+ loadDc()
+ Load a data container in a testable way.
+ public
+ loadDc(string $table) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ loadLanguageFile()
+ Load a language file in a testable way.
+ public
+ loadLanguageFile(string $table) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ modifyAuthorPaletteOnLoad()
+ public
+ modifyAuthorPaletteOnLoad(DataContainer $dc) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $dc
+ : DataContainer
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ prepareRowEntryForList()
+ public
+ prepareRowEntryForList(mixed $table, string $field, mixed $value) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : mixed
+ -
+ -
+ $field
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $value
+ : mixed
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ setAuthorIDOnCreate()
+ public
+ setAuthorIDOnCreate(string $table, int $id, array<string|int, mixed> $row, DataContainer $dc) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $table
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $id
+ : int
+ -
+ -
+ $row
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ -
+ -
+ $dc
+ : DataContainer
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ setDateAdded()
+ Sets the current date as the date added -> usually used on submit.
+ public
+ setDateAdded(DataContainer $dc) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $dc
+ : DataContainer
+ -
+ -
+ deprecated
+ -
Use DateAddedField instead
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ setDateAddedOnCopy()
+ Sets the current date as the date added -> usually used on copy.
+ public
+ setDateAddedOnCopy( $insertId, DataContainer $dc) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $insertId
+ :
+ -
+ -
+ $dc
+ : DataContainer
+ -
+ -
+ deprecated
+ -
Use DateAddedField instead
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ setDefaultsFromDca()
+ Set initial $varData from dca.
+ public
+ setDefaultsFromDca(string $strTable[, mixed $varData = null ][, bool $includeSql = false ]) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $strTable
+ : string
+ -
+ -
+ $varData
+ : mixed
+ = null
+ -
+ -
+ $includeSql
+ : bool
+ = false
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ Object or array with the default values
+ setFieldsToReadOnly()
+ public
+ setFieldsToReadOnly(mixed &$dca[, array<string|int, mixed> $config = [] ]) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $dca
+ : mixed
+ -
+ -
+ $config
+ : array<string|int, mixed>
+ = []
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —
+ combiner()
+ Taken from \Contao\DataContainer.
+ private
+ combiner(mixed $names) : mixed
+ Parameters
+ -
+ $names
+ : mixed
+ -
+ Return values
+ mixed
+ —