title: "Developer's Toolkit - or things I wish someone had told me earlier..." subtitle: 'LinuxDays Spotlight Course Fall 2016' date: 'Oct 25, 2016' author:
- Nils Leuzinger
- Philip Stark
notes: |
- Intro 5min (Phil)
- Only an overview. Not going into depth on any of the tools
- IDEs are not evil
- git, vim, ant, cmake
- Control over your environment is important
- remove second guessing yourself ...
- Intro 5min (Phil)
Block 1 (40 min)
- Why CLI tools
- Vim
- Git
Pause (5 min)
Block 2 (40 min)
- Build Tools (Java)
- Misc
Questions and Answers
- Too much to talk about everything
- What this course is
- An Overview
- What this course won't be
- In depth...
- It pays off to learn to use tools
- Automation is worth it
- Handout
- Slides and Demo Examples: https://github.com/hellerbarde/linuxdays-spotlight-fall2016
Java: Eclipse, IntelliJ
C/C++: Visual Studio, CLion
C#: Visual Studio, MonoDevelop
Aside: IDEs are good!
- Refactoring Tools
- Autocompletion
- Build Tools
From source code to releasable build
Should be
- Reproducible
- Stable
- Easy
- Automated
Why? (no, really, why? It's so much work...)
- Be in control
- Eliminate doubt
- Languages without dedicated IDE
- Haskell
- Erlang
- Elixir