- RSA encryption
- RSA digital signatures and certificates
- 1-2 oblivious transfer
- Pedersen commitments
import itertools, math, random
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
n = np.linspace(1,2048,100); plt.plot(n, 1/(3*n),'b'); plt.show(); print(1/(3*2048))
If we set the number of tries \(t = 3n^2\) then the probability that we don’t find an \(n\)-bit prime is:
\(\left(1-{1\over 3n}\right)^t = \left(\left(1-{1\over 3n}\right)3n\right)^n ≤ (e-1)^n = e-n\)
So for \(1024\) bits we have \(3⋅ 1024^2 = 3145728\) tries.
def gen_prime(n):
for i in range(1, 3*n**2):
p = 2**(n-1) | random.getrandbits(n-2)<<1 | 1
if prime_test(p, n): return p
Theorem 8.38 Fix \(N\). Say there exists a witness that \(N\) is composite. Then at least half of the elements of \(\mathbb Z_N^*\) are witnesses that \(N\) is composite.
This tells us that if there is an element that is not a generator…
…then at least half the elements are not generators!
(and thus witnesses that \(N\) is not prime for \(\mathbb Z_N^*\))
- If \(N\) is prime, then we know that \(|\mathbb Z_N^*| = N-1\)
- Then \(aN-1 = 1 \mod N\) for all \(a ∈ \{1\ldots N-1\}\)
- So we can hope to find an \(a\) such that \(aN-1 ≠ 1 \mod N\)
def prime_test(N, t):
for i in range(1, t+1):
a = random.randint(1, N-1)
if pow(a, N-1, N) != 1: return False
return True
prime_test(2018, 12)
There are some composites, called Carmichael numbers, for which the previous test always fails. Miller-Rabin is a more refined test that works on these too.def prime_test(N, t):
r, u = 1, (N-1)>>1
while u%2 == 0:
r, u = r+1, u>>1
for j in range(1, t+1):
a = random.randint(1, N-1)
if (not(pow(a, u, N) in [1, N-1])
and all(pow(a, u<<i, N) != N-1 for i in range(1, r))):
return False
return True
129959381739245485257776409031406132579068068514363239230514551297553260916858100171814290640123292192734036601485374294636207665385807608000534657124030483938983016320381725774479385430522056167498812748018828440589016904594115377181332474625915407069172730139248670508116552591224712854813412230681604892311Generates an integer \(N\) which is the product of two primes \(p\) and \(q\).
def gen_modulus(n):
p = gen_prime(n)
q = gen_prime(n)
N = p*q
return N, p, q
N, p, q = gen_modulus(512)
print('N =', N, '\np =', p, '\nq =', q)
N = 97728410942323480073646136131232486589905164591561132354235791826522263098554731174719218274126418384394175213419661229856757142784875736799457807052555057342436079209078418723780667783212682553266753820005796391857529600802898850310488286144329736063149827810767471349077984922549036032952166181565418690517 p = 9310707629734975400051176672170845047337351636805509302033069157228005064537779195987341508838543916005547301488345704953370820984333971107018523060789491 q = 10496346231538286422874596246457063070917419800020739816938657396010170470136531318305168441118211651018029616927193064271850972782793437959063514101732887
- Choose \(N = p⋅ q\) for \(p,q\) primes.
- Choose an integer \(e>2\) co-prime with \(φ(N) = (p-1)⋅(q-1)\).
- Compute \(d = e-1 \mod φ(N)\).
def egcd(a, b):
s = 0; s1 = 1
t = 1; t1 = 0
r = b; r1 = a
while r != 0:
q = r1//r
r1, r = r, r1 - q*r
s1, s = s, s1 - q*s
t1, t = t, t1 - q*t
return (r1, s1, t1)
def modinv(a, m):
g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
if g == 1: return x % m
log_2 = lambda c: next(filter(lambda x: 2**x > c, itertools.count()))
def gen_RSA(n):
N, p, q = gen_modulus(n)
Φ_N = (p-1) * (q-1)
for e in [3, 65537]:
if e < Φ_N and math.gcd(e, Φ_N) == 1:
d = modinv(e, Φ_N)
return N, e, d
- To encrypt a message \(m\) compute \(c = m^e \mod N\)
- To decrypt a ciphertext \(c\) compute \(m = c^d \mod N\)
rsa_encrypt = lambda m, pk: pow(m, pk['e'], pk['N'])
rsa_decrypt = lambda c, sk: pow(c, sk['d'], sk['N'])
N,e,d = gen_RSA(512)
pk = {'N': N, 'e': e}
sk = {'N': N, 'e': e, 'd': d}
print(N, e, d)
71100885626883594404973364118050351580429459968513220996149614210139836275609155031761483147096510992304386948269906042867763985181692782810632449799749805973028698372574059549369552790686574274142748614948478031802420744658059264584828150125868997778654817650321860838939077856683491501286559318482931278883 65537 34040808830351199195032565511574620161727499968445905903477218137411807724183109654570396214450573346438420270623691073852355624502891106493266618511173064433227665198436668664214748725509689792793523942494167831986229517389899815293822013365986708085198512760803875055636601602538993391997856854544026932873
c = rsa_encrypt(20, pk)
m = rsa_decrypt(c, sk)
print('c =', c, '\nm =', m)
c = 22764871540526848650234483458536645927216772368518389331590799668631134073488389287709021786974816074639156682743953530435136549162316580196626457137832123474980752526729754714172895335727821325415022836618015950871119319426157109251235877654930315923758674678660863425125305560078628863088333023480728900030 m = 20
- With low exponent (typically \(e = 3\)) and small messages (e.g. \(m\) with less than \(N/3\) bits) then \(m^3 \mod N = m^3\)
- \(log_3(m)\) is easy to compute (look Pollard’s Rho algorithm)
- This means that if \(N\) is \(1024\) bits, we can easily attack any message \(m\) with \(≈ 300\) bits.
- That includes an AES-256 bit key if we wanted to encode it with plain RSA
- If we know that \(m < B\), we can do a brute-force attack in \(\mathcal O(B)\)
- But we can also recover \(m\) with high probability in time \(\mathcal O(\sqrt B)\)
- If \(m\) is composite, there exists \(r ⋅ s = m\) with \(1<r≤ \sqrt m\)
- So we choose our guess \(n\) of bits for the plaintext, and \(α ∈ ({1 \over 2}, 1)\).
- Then we try to find \(r, s\), with \(1<r≤ s≤ 2α n\) for which \(m = r ⋅ s\)
- If so, then \(r^e ⋅ s^e = (r ⋅ s)^e = m^e = c\)
- We can split this search if we precompute \(x_r = c/r^e = s^e \mod N\)
def recover_message(pk, c, n, α):
N, e = pk['N'], pk['e']
T = int(2**(α*n))
print('T =', T)
pairs = {}
for r in range(1, T):
x_r = c * modinv(pow(r, e, N), N) % N
pairs[x_r] = r
for s in range(1, T):
r = pairs.get(pow(s, e, N))
if r:
print('r =', r, 's =', s)
return r * s % N
n = 25
m = random.getrandbits(n)
c = rsa_encrypt(m, pk)
print('m =', m, '\nc =', c)
recover_message(pk, c, n, 0.6)
m = 11391055 c = 44556678880667595140462647567869157357318383332510834851241735622080020966362134214122561341165859012104456786332794711613016220108823437849600096801726788217697039702363945744633534081180154069276307814469281064220282629876664577225780269138207784493045047031256420533549880684059275698022810465908846728003 T = 32768 r = 30215 s = 377 11391055
- Assume \(e = 3\) and that you have \(m = m_1 || m_2\) and know \(m_1\). You can express \(m\) also as \(m = 2^k ⋅ m_1 + m_2\) for \(k = |m_1|\).
- Then \(c = m^3 \mod N = (m_1 || m_2)^3 \mod N\)
- We can express the problem of finding \(m_2\) as the root of a cubic polynomial \(p(x) = (2^k⋅ m_1 + x)^3 - c\), which can be solved in polynomial time.
- Assume \(m\) and \(m + δ\) encrypted with the same key:
\(c_1 = m^3 \mod N\), \(c_2 = (m+δ)^e \mod N\)
- Then we can construct the two polynomials:
\(f_1(x) = x^e - c_1\) and \(f_2(x) = (x+δ)^e - c_2\)
- The roots of \(f_1\) and \(f_2\) can also be computed in polynomial time, revealing \(m\)
- Assume three public keys: \(pk_1 = \langle N_1, 3 \rangle, pk_2 = \langle N_2, 3 \rangle, pk_3 = \langle N_3, 3 \rangle\)
- The attacker sees: \(c_1 = m^3 \mod N_1\), \(c_2 = m^3 \mod N_2\), \(c_3 = m^3 \mod N_3\)
- Using an extended version of the Chinese remainder theorem we can recover \(m\) in polynomial time.
- How do we make RSA CPA-secure?
- Random padding! Map \(m\) to \(\hat m ∈ \mathbb Z_N^*\), encrypt \(c = \hat m^e \mod N\)
- On the other side, decrypt \(\hat m = c^d \mod N\) and map back to \(m\)
- RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 applies random padding: \(\hat m = 0x0002||r||0x00||m\) where \(r\) is randomly generated \((k-D-3)\)-byte string
- Proven CPA-secure if \(m\) is 1 bit, but no practical attacks are known if \(r\) is “long enough”
- Padding: \(m:=m||0k_1;\ s:=m’⊕ G(r);\ t:= r ⊕ H(s);\ \hat m := s||t\)
- Inverse: \(s||t:= \hat m;\ r:=H(s)⊕ t;\ m’ := G(r) ⊕ s\)
- RSA-OAEP implementations also attacked by Menger at Crypto’91
- Menger found it possible to distinguish when \(\hat m ∈ \mathbb Z_N^*\) is too large or when the padded \(m’\) does not have enough trailing \(0\)s.
- The theoretical construction does not allow this, but timing reveals information about \(m\)
- Use GenRSA as usual to get \(\langle N, e, D \rangle\)
- Sign: input private key \(sk=\langle N,d\rangle\) and message \(m\)
to produce:
\(σ := m^d \mod N\)
- Verify: input \(σ\), public key \(pk = \langle N, e\rangle\)
and message \(m\) to check:
\(m \overset{?}{=} σ^e \mod N\)
- Verification always succeeds since
\(σ^e = (m^d)^e = med \mod φ(N) = m^1 = m\) \(\mod N\)
- Forging a signature is really easy: choose a random \(σ ∈ \mathbb Z_N^*\) and compute \(m := σ^e \mod N\).
- It might seem just a theoretical attack, but if we only care to fix a few bits of the message, this is practical.
- If we can obtain two signatures from the signer, we can forge a signature for any message of our choice
- Choose \(m ∈ \mathbb Z_N^*\) with two factors \(m_1 ⋅ m_2 = m\)
- Obtain the signatures \(σ_1, σ_2\) and compute
\(σ := σ_1 ⋅ σ_2 \mod N\), which is a valid
signature for \(m\)!
\(σ^e = (σ_1⋅ σ_2)^e = (m_1^d⋅ m_2^d)^e = m_1ed⋅ m_2ed = m \mod N\)
- If we can obtain more than two signatures, the attack can be generalized
- Same trick as the other PKCS standards, set an encoding \(\hat m\):
\(\hat m = H(m)\) for some hash function \(H\)
- Sign: \(σ := \hat m^d \mod N\), Verify: \(\hat m \overset{?}{=} σ^e \mod N\)
- Hope that the hash \(H\) does not satisfy the relation \(H(m) = H(m_1) ⋅ H(m_2)\) if \(m = m_1 ⋅ m_2\)
- Verified in the random oracle model, but not provable with real hash functions
A commitment scheme allows a Committer to “commit” to a message \(m\) to a Verifier by sending a commitment value \(com\) with these properties: - Hiding: the commitment reveals nothing about \(m\) - Binding: it is impossible for the committer to output a commitment \(com\) that can “open” as two different messages \(m, m’\) Recall ElGamal encryption: \(c = (α, β) = (g^r, m ⋅ h^r)\) for some \(x, r \overset{\$}{←} \mathbb Z_q^*\), \(h = g^x\). We can construct a commitment as follows:- Commit inputs the message \(m\), public key \(k\), randomness \(r\) and outputs \(β’= g^m ⋅ h^r\) (note slightly different than encryption)
- Reveal releases also \(α = g^r\) and \(m\)
In fact, we know that for any \(m, r\) and \(m’\) there is an \(r’\) such that:
- \(r′ = \frac{m-m′}{a} + r\) (because we have a cyclic group)
So until they get \(α = g^r\), the verifier knows nothing about \(m\)
Note that it’s computationally hard for the Committer to change its commitment to \(m’ ≠ m\), as it would require to break the Computational Diffie-Hellman problem (CDH)In fact, to compute \(m’\) given a commitment to \(m\), one needs to solve the following:
- find an \(r’\) such that \(g^m⋅ h^r = gm’⋅ hr’\)
if we could solve that, we would have a solution for \(log_g(h)=\frac{m′-m}{r-r′}\)
“The 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer allows one party to transfer exactly one secret, out of two recognizable secrets, to his counterpart. The first (second) secret is received with probability one half, while the sender is ignorant of which secret has been received”- Sender chooses randomly a key pair \(pk, sk\) and two random public
messages \(m_0, m_1\).
Sender transmits \(pk, m_0, m_1\)
- Receiver chooses randomly a bit \(r ∈ \{0,1\}\), a message \(k\)
Transmits \(q = Encpk(k) ⊕ m_r\)
- Sender computes \(k’_i = Decsk(q ⊕ m_i)\) for
\(i ∈ \{0,1\}\) and choses random \(s∈\{0,1\}\)
Transmits \((M_0 ⊕ k’_s, M_1 ⊕ k’\bar s)\)
- If both parties follow the protocol, then \(k_i’ = Decsk(Encpk(k)+m_r+m_i)\) so for \(i = r\) we have \(k’_i = k\) and for \(i ≠ r\) we have random garbage. The receiver can compute \(M_r\).
- If R has followed the protocol and has not received \(Ms ⊕ r\), then he knows he has been cheated by S.
- If both parties follow the protocol, then the only information S gets from R is \(q = Encpk(k) ⊕ m_r\)
- What is Hauukins? Haaukins provides the participants the possibility to work on various cyber security challenges in a closed and secure virtual environment. Challenges includes network forensics, web exploitation, reverse engineering, binaries and cryptography.
- Go to https://itusec.ntp-event.dk/ and create a user.
- Connect to the virtual machine hosted on your lab. See point ‘info’ for copy/paste instructions.
- For tips and tricks, try https://aau-network-security.github.io/tips-and-tricks/.
- Other useful cipher/encoding tools: https://www.dcode.fr/tools-list & https://dencode.com/
- Try out the starter challenge ‘Welcome Cookie’.
- After this, try and solve the other challenges for Cryptography, like ‘Beginner RSA’ and onwards.
- If the .txt’s are blank, find the backup files under ethical-hacking-2024\code\9-rsa-haaukins_cryptography to solve the exercises.
- Note! That the backups for the exercises have individual flags, so submitting them might fail. But if you got HKN{…} format, then likely your result is correct.
- Happy Hacking!