Note: There is no rule 5, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
SN | Name | Description |
ExternalRule1 | LatestVersionCheck | |
ExternalRule2 | ContractNotEmptyCheck | |
ExternalRule3 | EmptyFileCheck | |
ExternalRule4 | EmptyFunctionCheck | |
ExternalRule6 | CurlyBraceCheck | |
ExternalRule7 | ConstructorVisibilityCheck | |
ExternalRule8 | DeprecatedConstructorCheck | |
ExternalRule9 | CognitiveComplexityCheck, CognitiveComplexityVisitor | |
ExternalRule13 | DeprecatedSuicideCheck | |
ExternalRule14 | AvoidTxOriginCheck | |
ExternalRule15 | AvoidSha3Check | |
ExternalRule16 | AccessRestrictionPatternCheck | |
ExternalRule17 | GuardCheckPatternCheck | |
ExternalRule22 | CheckEffectsCheck | |
ExternalRule23 | BytesLowerGasCheck |
Note: some new rules implemented in original rules. TBI = To Be Implemented.
SN | Name | Description |
ExternalRule102 | AddressHardcodedCheck | |
ExternalRule103 | TBI | |
ExternalRule104 | BalanceEqualityCheck | |
ExternalRule105 | BytesLowerGasCheck | = ExternalRule23 |
ExternalRule106 | TBI | |
ExternalRule107 | CompilerVersionNotFixedCheck | |
ExternalRule108 | TBI | |
ExternalRule109 | TBI | |
ExternalRule111 | TBI | |
ExternalRule112 | TBI | |
ExternalRule113 | LoopCheck | |
ExternalRule114 | TBI | |
ExternalRule115 | ImplicitVisibilityLevelCheck | |
ExternalRule116 | IntegerOverflowUnderflowCheck | |
ExternalRule117 | TBI | |
ExternalRule118 | TBI | |
ExternalRule119 | TBI | |
ExternalRule120 | TBI | |
ExternalRule121 | TBI | |
ExternalRule122 | TBI | |
ExternalRule123 | TBI | |
ExternalRule124 | TBI | |
ExternalRule125 | StyleGuideViolationCheck | = ExternalRule203+204+205 |
ExternalRule126 | TBI | |
ExternalRule127 | TBI | |
ExternalRule128 | TBI | |
ExternalRule129 | TBI | |
ExternalRule130 | TBI | |
ExternalRule131 | UsingVarCheck | = ExternalRule139 |
ExternalRule132 | AvoidTxOriginCheck | = ExternalRule14 |
ExternalRule133 | TBI | |
ExternalRule134 | TBI | |
ExternalRule135 | TBI | |
ExternalRule136 | AvoidSha3Check | = ExternalRule15 |
ExternalRule137 | DeprecatedSuicideCheck | = ExternalRule13 |
ExternalRule138 | UsingThrowCheck | |
ExternalRule139 | UsingVarCheck | |
ExternalRule140 | ExplicitlyLabelVisibilityCheck | |
ExternalRule203 | StyleEventNameCheck | |
ExternalRule204 | StyleFunctionArgumentNameCheck | |
ExternalRule205 | StyleFunctionNameCheck |
SonarSolidity: is a SonarQube static code analyzer for Solidity Smart Contracts.
To begin with you should install a SonarQube 7.2+ instance (, please follow the instructions provided. As soon as you installed SonarQube, then download the latest release from here and copy paste it in the folder sonarqube/extensions/plugins/ then start your instance and you are ready to go!
git clone --recursive
mvn clean install
- Metrics (cognitive complexity, number of lines, number of contracts etc)
- 25 Rules
ANTLR4 grammar to build the Parser and the Lexer.
SonarSolidity supports the import of reports from Solium linter version 1.0.0
- 13 Security Rules
- 32 Style Rules
Please read documentation on how to take advantage of this feature.
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0