0001 |
Two Sum |
Python3 |
Easy |
0002 |
Add Two Numbers |
Python3 |
Medium |
0003 |
longest-substring-without-repeating-characters |
Python3 |
Medium |
0004 |
Median of Two Sorted Arrays |
Python3 |
Hard |
0005 |
Longest Palindromic Substring |
Python3 |
Medium |
0006 |
Zigzag Conversion |
Python3 |
Medium |
0007 |
Reverse Integer |
Python3 |
Medium |
0008 |
String to Integer (atoi) |
Python3 |
Medium |
0009 |
Palindrome Number |
Python3 |
Easy |
0011 |
Container With Most Water |
Python3 |
Medium |
0012 |
Integer to Roman |
Python3 |
Medium |
0013 |
Roman to Integer |
Python3 |
Easy |
0014 |
Longest Common Prefix |
Python3 |
Easy |
0015 |
3Sum |
Python3 |
Medium |
0017 |
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number |
Python3 |
Medium |
0019 |
Remove Nth Node From End of List |
Python3 |
Medium |
0020 |
Valid Parentheses |
Python3 |
Easy |
0021 |
Merge Two Sorted Lists |
Python3 |
Easy |
0023 |
Merge k Sorted Lists |
Python3 |
Hard |
0024 |
Swap Nodes in Pairs |
Python3 |
Medium |
0026 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array |
Python3 |
Easy |
0027 |
Remove Element |
Python3 |
Easy |
0028 |
Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String |
Python3 |
Easy |
0029 |
Divide Two Integers |
Python3 |
Medium |
0030 |
Substring with Concatenation of All Words |
Python3 |
Hard |
0031 |
Next Permutation |
Python3 |
Medium |
0034 |
Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array |
Python3 |
Medium |
0035 |
0035_Search_Insert_Position |
Python3 |
Easy |
0036 |
Valid Sudoku |
Python3 |
Medium |
0038 |
Count and Say |
Python3 |
Medium |
0039 |
Combination Sum |
Python3 |
Medium |
0042 |
First Missing Positive |
Python3 |
Hard |
0042 |
Trapping Rain Water |
Python3 |
Hard |
0045 |
Jump Game II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0046 |
Permutations |
Python3 |
Medium |
0048 |
Rotate Image |
Python3 |
Medium |
0049 |
Group Anagrams |
Python3 |
Medium |
0050 |
Pow(x, n) |
Python3 |
Medium |
0054 |
Spiral Matrix |
Python3 |
Medium |
0055 |
Jump Game |
Python3 |
Medium |
0056 |
Merge Intervals |
Python3 |
Medium |
0057 |
Insert Interval |
Python3 |
Medium |
0058 |
Length of Last Word |
Python3 |
Easy |
0061 |
Rotate List |
Python3 |
Medium |
0062 |
Unique Paths |
Python3 |
Medium |
0063 |
Unique Paths II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0064 |
Minimum Path Sum |
Python3 |
Medium |
0065 |
Valid Number |
Python3 |
Hard |
0066 |
Plus One |
Python3 |
Easy |
0067 |
Add Binary |
Python3 |
Easy |
0068 |
Text Justification |
Python3 |
Hard |
0069 |
Sqrt(x) |
Python3 |
Easy |
0070 |
Climbing Stairs |
Python3 |
Easy |
0071 |
Simplify Path |
Python3 |
Medium |
0073 |
Set Matrix Zeroes |
Python3 |
Medium |
0074 |
Search a 2D Matrix |
Python3 |
Medium |
0077 |
Combinations |
Python3 |
Medium |
0079 |
Word Search |
Python3 |
Medium |
0080 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0082 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0083 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List |
Python3 |
Easy |
0086 |
Partition List |
Python3 |
Medium |
0088 |
Merge Sorted Array |
Python3 |
Easy |
0092 |
Reverse Linked List II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0098 |
Validate Binary Search Tree |
Python3 |
Medium |
0100 |
Same Tree |
Python3 |
Easy |
0101 |
Symmetric Tree |
Python3 |
Easy |
0102 |
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal |
Python3 |
Medium |
0103 |
Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal |
Python3 |
Medium |
0105 |
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal |
Python3 |
Medium |
0108 |
Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree |
Python3 |
Easy |
0110 |
Balanced Binary Tree |
Python3 |
Easy |
0111 |
Minimum Depth of Binary Tree |
Python3 |
Easy |
0112 |
Path Sum |
Python3 |
Easy |
0114 |
Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List |
Python3 |
Medium |
0117 |
Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0118 |
Pascal's Triangle |
Python3 |
Easy |
0120 |
Triangle |
Python3 |
Medium |
0122 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0124 |
Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum |
Python3 |
Hard |
0125 |
Valid Palindrome |
Python3 |
Easy |
0128 |
Longest Consecutive Sequence |
Python3 |
Medium |
0129 |
Sum Root to Leaf Numbers |
Python3 |
Medium |
0130 |
Surrounded Regions |
Python3 |
Medium |
0133 |
Clone Graph |
Python3 |
Medium |
0134 |
Gas Station |
Python3 |
Medium |
0135 |
Candy |
Python3 |
Hard |
0136 |
Single Number |
Python3 |
Easy |
0136 |
Copy List with Random Pointer |
Python3 |
Medium |
0141 |
Linked List Cycle |
Python3 |
Easy |
0143 |
Reorder List |
Python3 |
Medium |
0144 |
Binary Tree Preorder Traversal |
Python3 |
Easy |
0146 |
LRU Cache |
Python3 |
Medium |
0148 |
Sort List |
Python3 |
Medium |
0150 |
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation |
Python3 |
Medium |
0151 |
Reverse Words in a String |
Python3 |
Medium |
0155 |
Min Stack |
Python3 |
Medium |
0157 |
Read N Characters Given Read4 |
Python3 |
Easy |
0162 |
Find Peak Element |
Python3 |
Medium |
0163 |
Missing Ranges |
Python3 |
Easy |
0166 |
Fraction to Recurring Decimal |
Python3 |
Medium |
0167 |
Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted |
Python3 |
Medium |
0172 |
Factorial Trailing Zeroes |
Python3 |
Medium |
0173 |
Binary Search Tree Iterator |
Python3 |
Medium |
0190 |
Reverse Bits |
Python3 |
Easy |
0191 |
Number of 1 Bits |
Python3 |
Easy |
0198 |
House Robber |
Python3 |
Medium |
0199 |
Binary Tree Right Side View |
Python3 |
Medium |
0202 |
Happy Number |
Python3 |
Easy |
0205 |
Isomorphic Strings |
Python3 |
Easy |
0206 |
Reverse Linked List |
Python3 |
Easy |
0208 |
Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) |
Python3 |
Medium |
0209 |
Minimum Size Subarray Sum |
Python3 |
Medium |
0215 |
Kth Largest Element in an Array |
Python3 |
Medium |
0217 |
Contains Duplicate |
Python3 |
Easy |
0219 |
Contains Duplicate II |
Python3 |
Easy |
0222 |
Count Complete Tree Nodes |
Python3 |
Easy |
0226 |
Invert Binary Tree |
Python3 |
Easy |
0227 |
Basic Calculator II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0228 |
Summary Ranges |
Python3 |
Easy |
0230 |
Kth Smallest Element in a BST |
Python3 |
Medium |
0232 |
Implement Queue using Stacks |
Python3 |
Easy |
0234 |
Palindrome Linked List |
Python3 |
Easy |
0236 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree |
Python3 |
Medium |
0238 |
Product of Array Except Self |
Python3 |
Medium |
0242 |
Valid Anagram |
Python3 |
Easy |
0246 |
Strobogrammatic Number |
Python3 |
Easy |
0249 |
Group Shifted Strings |
Python3 |
Medium |
0253 |
Meeting Rooms II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0266 |
Palindrome Permutation |
Python3 |
Easy |
0268 |
Missing Number |
Python3 |
Easy |
0270 |
Closest Binary Search Tree Value |
Python3 |
Easy |
0274 |
H-Index |
Python3 |
Medium |
0277 |
Find the Celebrity |
Python3 |
Medium |
0279 |
Perfect Squares |
Python3 |
Medium |
0282 |
Expression Add Operators |
Python3 |
Hard |
0283 |
Move Zeroes |
Python3 |
Easy |
0287 |
Find the Duplicate Number |
Python3 |
Medium |
0290 |
Word Pattern |
Python3 |
Medium |
0300 |
Longest Increasing Subsequence |
Python3 |
Medium |
0303 |
Range Sum Query - Immutable |
Python3 |
Easy |
0304 |
Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable |
Python3 |
Medium |
0314 |
Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal |
Python3 |
Medium |
0319 |
Bulb Switcher |
Python3 |
Medium |
0322 |
Coin Change |
Python3 |
Medium |
0325 |
Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k |
Python3 |
Medium |
0339 |
Nested List Weight Sum |
Python3 |
Medium |
0340 |
Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters |
Python3 |
Medium |
0345 |
Reverse Vowels of a String |
Python3 |
Easy |
0346 |
Moving Average from Data Stream |
Python3 |
Easy |
0347 |
Top K Frequent Elements |
Python3 |
Medium |
0348 |
Design Tic-Tac-Toe |
Python3 |
Medium |
0349 |
Intersection of Two Arrays |
Python3 |
Easy |
0350 |
Intersection of Two Arrays II |
Python3 |
Easy |
0364 |
Nested List Weight Sum II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0378 |
Nested List Weight Sum II |
Python3 |
Medium |
0380 |
Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) |
Python3 |
Medium |
0387 |
First Unique Character in a String |
Python3 |
Easy |
0389 |
Find the Difference |
Python3 |
Easy |
0398 |
Random Pick Index |
Python3 |
Medium |
0399 |
Evaluate Division |
Python3 |
Medium |
0407 |
Trapping Rain Water II |
Python3 |
Hard |
0408 |
Valid Word Abbreviation |
Python3 |
Easy |
0414 |
Third Maximum Number |
Python3 |
Easy |
0417 |
Pacific Atlantic Water Flow |
Python3 |
Medium |
0426 |
Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List |
Python3 |
Medium |
0433 |
Minimum Genetic Mutation |
Python3 |
Medium |
0442 |
Find All Duplicates in an Array |
Python3 |
Medium |
0443 |
String Compression |
Python3 |
Medium |
0451 |
String Compression |
Python3 |
Medium |
0451 |
Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons |
Python3 |
Medium |
0455 |
Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence |
Python3 |
Hard |
0455 |
Assign Cookies |
Python3 |
Easy |
0459 |
Repeated Substring Pattern |
Python3 |
Easy |
0463 |
Island Perimeter |
Python3 |
Easy |
0494 |
Target Sum |
Python3 |
Medium |
0498 |
Diagonal Traverse |
Python3 |
Medium |
0501 |
Repeated Substring Pattern |
Python3 |
Easy |
0513 |
Find Bottom Left Tree Value |
Python3 |
Medium |
0515 |
Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row |
Python3 |
Medium |
0523 |
Continuous Subarray Sum |
Python3 |
Medium |
0525 |
Contiguous Array |
Python3 |
Medium |
0528 |
Random Pick with Weight |
Python3 |
Medium |
0530 |
Minimum Absolute Difference in BST |
Python3 |
Easy |
0543 |
Diameter of Binary Tree |
Python3 |
Easy |
0551 |
Student Attendance Record I |
Python3 |
Easy |
0560 |
Subarray Sum Equals K |
Python3 |
Medium |
0567 |
Permutation in String |
Python3 |
Medium |
0572 |
Subtree of Another Tree |
Python3 |
Easy |
0605 |
Can Place Flowers |
Python3 |
Easy |
0621 |
Task Scheduler |
Python3 |
Medium |
0632 |
Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists |
Python3 |
Hard |
0645 |
Set Mismatch |
Python3 |
Easy |
0653 |
Two Sum IV - Input is a BST |
Python3 |
Easy |
0658 |
Find K Closest Elements |
Python3 |
Medium |
0670 |
Maximum Swap |
Python3 |
Medium |
0674 |
Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence |
Python3 |
Easy |
0678 |
Valid Parenthesis String |
Python3 |
Medium |
0680 |
Valid Palindrome II |
Python3 |
Easy |
0684 |
Redundant Connection |
Python3 |
Medium |
0689 |
Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays |
Python3 |
Hard |
0703 |
Kth Largest Element in a Stream |
Python3 |
Easy |
0708 |
Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List |
Python3 |
Medium |
0713 |
Subarray Product Less Than K |
Python3 |
Medium |
0721 |
Accounts Merge |
Python3 |
Medium |
0739 |
Network Delay Time |
Python3 |
Medium |
0743 |
Network Delay Time |
Python3 |
Medium |
0766 |
Toeplitz Matrix |
Python3 |
Easy |
0769 |
Max Chunks To Make Sorted |
Python3 |
Medium |
0773 |
Sliding Puzzle |
Python3 |
Hard |
0785 |
Is Graph Bipartite? |
Python3 |
Medium |
0791 |
Custom Sort String |
Python3 |
Medium |
0796 |
Rotate String |
Python3 |
Easy |
0802 |
Find Eventual Safe States |
Python3 |
Medium |
0824 |
Goat Latin |
Python3 |
Easy |
0827 |
Making A Large Island |
Python3 |
Hard |
0852 |
Peak Index in a Mountain Array |
Python3 |
Medium |
0859 |
Buddy Strings |
Python3 |
Easy |
0863 |
Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K |
Python3 |
Hard |
0863 |
All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree |
Python3 |
Medium |
0865 |
Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes |
Python3 |
Medium |
0872 |
Leaf-Similar Trees |
Python3 |
Easy |
0876 |
Middle of the Linked List |
Python3 |
Easy |
0916 |
Word Subsets |
Python3 |
Medium |
0921 |
Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid |
Python3 |
Medium |
0930 |
Binary Subarrays With Sum |
Python3 |
Medium |
0931 |
Minimum Falling Path Sum |
Python3 |
Medium |
0938 |
Range Sum of BST |
Python3 |
Easy |
0948 |
Bag of Tokens |
Python3 |
Medium |
0950 |
Reveal Cards In Increasing Order |
Python3 |
Medium |
0951 |
Flip Equivalent Binary Trees |
Python3 |
Medium |
0953 |
Verifying an Alien Dictionary |
Python3 |
Easy |
0957 |
Prison Cells After N Days |
Python3 |
Medium |
0957 |
Check Completeness of a Binary Tree |
Python3 |
Medium |
0973 |
K Closest Points to Origin |
Python3 |
Medium |
0977 |
Squares of a Sorted Array |
Python3 |
Easy |
0983 |
Minimum Cost For Tickets |
Python3 |
Medium |
0986 |
Interval List Intersections |
Python3 |
Medium |
0987 |
Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree |
Python3 |
Hard |
0992 |
Subarrays with K Different Integers |
Python3 |
Hard |
1004 |
Max Consecutive Ones III |
Python3 |
Medium |
1014 |
Best Sightseeing Pair |
Python3 |
Medium |
1026 |
Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor |
Python3 |
Medium |
1027 |
Longest Arithmetic Subsequence |
Python3 |
Medium |
1047 |
Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String |
Python3 |
Easy |
1047 |
Remove Vowels from a String |
Python3 |
Easy |
1072 |
Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows |
Python3 |
Medium |
1091 |
Shortest Path in Binary Matrix |
Python3 |
Medium |
1106 |
Parsing A Boolean Expression |
Python3 |
Hard |
1137 |
N-th Tribonacci Number |
Python3 |
Medium |
1171 |
Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List |
Python3 |
Medium |
1176 |
Diet Plan Performance |
Python3 |
Easy |
1207 |
Unique Number of Occurrences |
Python3 |
Easy |
1213 |
Intersection of Three Sorted Arrays |
Python3 |
Easy |
1216 |
Valid Palindrome III |
Python3 |
Hard |
1235 |
Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling |
Python3 |
Hard |
1249 |
Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses |
Python3 |
Medium |
1266 |
Minimum Time Visiting All Points |
Python3 |
Easy |
1267 |
Count Servers that Communicate |
Python3 |
Medium |
1291 |
Sequential Digits |
Python3 |
Medium |
1329 |
Sort the Matrix Diagonally |
Python3 |
Medium |
1331 |
Rank Transform of an Array |
Python3 |
Easy |
1346 |
Check If N and Its Double Exist |
Python3 |
Easy |
1368 |
Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a Grid |
Python3 |
Hard |
1400 |
Construct K Palindrome Strings |
Python3 |
Medium |
1408 |
String Matching in an Array |
Python3 |
Easy |
1422 |
Maximum Score After Splitting a String |
Python3 |
Easy |
1427 |
Perform String Shifts |
Python3 |
Easy |
1436 |
Destination City |
Python3 |
Easy |
1443 |
Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree |
Python3 |
Medium |
1455 |
Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence |
Python3 |
Easy |
1462 |
Course Schedule IV |
Python3 |
Medium |
1469 |
Find All The Lonely Nodes |
Python3 |
Easy |
1492 |
The kth Factor of n |
Python3 |
Medium |
1528 |
Shuffle String |
Python3 |
Easy |
1539 |
Kth Missing Positive Number |
Python3 |
Easy |
1544 |
Make The String Great |
Python3 |
Easy |
1545 |
Find Kth Bit in Nth Binary String |
Python3 |
Medium |
1570 |
Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors |
Python3 |
Medium |
1574 |
Shortest Subarray to be Removed to Make Array Sorted |
Python3 |
Medium |
1578 |
Minimum Time to Make Rope Colorful |
Python3 |
Medium |
1609 |
Even Odd Tree |
Python3 |
Medium |
1614 |
Maximum Nesting Depth of the Parentheses |
Python3 |
Easy |
1639 |
Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary |
Python3 |
Hard |
1644 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree II |
Python3 |
Medium |
1650 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III |
Python3 |
Medium |
1652 |
Defuse the Bomb |
Python3 |
Easy |
1662 |
Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent |
Python3 |
Easy |
1669 |
Merge In Between Linked Lists |
Python3 |
Medium |
1700 |
Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch |
Python3 |
Easy |
1704 |
Determine if String Halves Are Alike |
Python3 |
Easy |
1730 |
Shortest Path to Get Food |
Python3 |
Medium |
1750 |
Minimum Length of String After Deleting Similar Ends |
Python3 |
Medium |
1760 |
Minimum Limit of Balls in a Bag |
Python3 |
Medium |
1762 |
Buildings With an Ocean View |
Python3 |
Medium |
1765 |
Map of Highest Peak |
Python3 |
Medium |
1768 |
Merge Strings Alternately |
Python3 |
Easy |
1769 |
Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box |
Python3 |
Medium |
1791 |
Find Center of Star Graph |
Python3 |
Easy |
1792 |
Maximum Average Pass Ratio |
Python3 |
Meidum |
1829 |
Maximum XOR for Each Query |
Python3 |
Meidum |
1861 |
Rotating the Box |
Python3 |
Meidum |
1891 |
Cutting Ribbons |
Python3 |
Meidum |
1897 |
Redistribute Characters to Make All Strings Equal |
Python3 |
Easy |
1930 |
Unique Length-3 Palindromic Subsequences |
Python3 |
Meidum |
1942 |
The Number of the Smallest Unoccupied Chair |
Python3 |
Meidum |
1957 |
Delete Characters to Make Fancy String |
Python3 |
Easy |
1963 |
Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String Balanced |
Python3 |
Meidum |
1975 |
Maximum Matrix Sum |
Python3 |
Meidum |
2017 |
Grid Game |
Python3 |
Meidum |
2054 |
Two Best Non-Overlapping Events |
Python3 |
Meidum |
2064 |
Minimized Maximum of Products Distributed to Any Store |
Python3 |
Meidum |
2070 |
Most Beautiful Item for Each Query |
Python3 |
Meidum |
2073 |
Time Needed to Buy Tickets |
Python3 |
Easy |
2097 |
Valid Arrangement of Pairs |
Python3 |
Hard |
2108 |
Find First Palindromic String in the Array |
Python3 |
Medium |
2109 |
Adding Spaces to a String |
Python3 |
Medium |
2116 |
Check if a Parentheses String Can Be Valid |
Python3 |
Medium |
2125 |
Number of Laser Beams in a Bank |
Python3 |
Medium |
2127 |
Maximum Employees to Be Invited to a Meeting |
Python3 |
Hard |
2149 |
Rearrange Array Elements by Sign |
Python3 |
Medium |
2168 |
Unique Substrings With Equal Digit Frequency |
Python3 |
Medium |
2182 |
Construct String With Repeat Limit |
Python3 |
Medium |
2185 |
Counting Words With a Given Prefix |
Python3 |
Easy |
2225 |
Find Players With Zero or One Losses |
Python3 |
Medium |
2257 |
Count Unguarded Cells in the Grid |
Python3 |
Medium |
2270 |
Number of Ways to Split Array |
Python3 |
Medium |
2275 |
Largest Combination With Bitwise AND Greater Than Zero |
Python3 |
Medium |
2290 |
Minimum Obstacle Removal to Reach Corner |
Python3 |
Hard |
2330 |
Valid Palindrome IV |
Python3 |
Hard |
2337 |
Move Pieces to Obtain a String |
Python3 |
Medium |
2381 |
Shifting Letters II |
Python3 |
Medium |
2385 |
Amount of Time for Binary Tree to Be Infected |
Python3 |
Medium |
2415 |
Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree |
Python3 |
Medium |
2418 |
Sort the People |
Python3 |
Easy |
2425 |
Bitwise XOR of All Pairings |
Python3 |
Medium |
2429 |
Minimize XOR |
Python3 |
Medium |
2444 |
Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds |
Python3 |
Hard |
2461 |
Maximum Sum of Distinct Subarrays With Length K |
Python3 |
Medium |
2466 |
Count Ways To Build Good Strings |
Python3 |
Medium |
2485 |
Find the Pivot Integer |
Python3 |
Easy |
2490 |
Circular Sentence |
Python3 |
Easy |
2516 |
Take K of Each Character From Left and Right |
Python3 |
Medium |
2530 |
Maximal Score After Applying K Operations |
Python3 |
Medium |
2540 |
Minimum Common Value |
Python3 |
Easy |
2554 |
Maximum Number of Integers to Choose From a Range I |
Python3 |
Medium |
2558 |
Take Gifts From the Richest Pile |
Python3 |
Easy |
2559 |
Count Vowel Strings in Ranges |
Python3 |
Medium |
2563 |
Count the Number of Fair Pairs |
Python3 |
Medium |
2577 |
Minimum Time to Visit a Cell In a Grid |
Python3 |
Hard |
2583 |
Kth Largest Sum in a Binary Tree |
Python3 |
Medium |
2593 |
Find Score of an Array After Marking All Elements |
Python3 |
Medium |
2601 |
Prime Subtraction Operation |
Python3 |
Medium |
2610 |
Convert an Array Into a 2D Array With Conditions |
Python3 |
Medium |
2641 |
Cousins in Binary Tree II |
Python3 |
Medium |
2657 |
Find the Prefix Common Array of Two Arrays |
Python3 |
Medium |
2658 |
Maximum Number of Fish in a Grid |
Python3 |
Medium |
2661 |
First Completely Painted Row or Column |
Python3 |
Medium |
2683 |
Neighboring Bitwise XOR |
Python3 |
Medium |
2696 |
Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings |
Python3 |
Easy |
2762 |
Continuous Subarrays |
Python3 |
Medium |
2769 |
Find the Maximum Achievable Number |
Python3 |
Easy |
2779 |
Maximum Beauty of an Array After Applying Operation |
Python3 |
Medium |
2810 |
Faulty Keyboard |
Python3 |
Easy |
2825 |
Make String a Subsequence Using Cyclic Increments |
Python3 |
Easy |
2864 |
Maximum Odd Binary Number |
Python3 |
Easy |
2870 |
Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Empty |
Python3 |
Medium |
2914 |
Minimum Number of Changes to Make Binary String Beautiful |
Python3 |
Medium |
2924 |
Find Champion II |
Python3 |
Medium |
2938 |
Separate Black and White Balls |
Python3 |
Medium |
2948 |
Make Lexicographically Smallest Array by Swapping Elements |
Python3 |
Medium |
2951 |
Find the Peaks |
Python3 |
Easy |
2956 |
Find Common Elements Between Two Arrays |
Python3 |
Easy |
2958 |
Length of Longest Subarray With at Most K Frequency |
Python3 |
Medium |
2962 |
Count Subarrays Where Max Element Appears at Least K Times |
Python3 |
Medium |
2965 |
Find Missing and Repeated Values |
Python3 |
Easy |
2971 |
Find Polygon With the Largest Perimeter |
Python3 |
Medium |
2981 |
Find Longest Special Substring That Occurs Thrice I |
Python3 |
Medium |
3005 |
Count Elements With Maximum Frequency |
Python3 |
Easy |
3011 |
Find if Array Can Be Sorted |
Python3 |
Medium |
3042 |
Count Prefix and Suffix Pairs I |
Python3 |
Easy |
3062 |
Winner of the Linked List Game |
Python3 |
Easy |
3063 |
Linked List Frequency |
Python3 |
Easy |
3097 |
Shortest Subarray With OR at Least K II |
Python3 |
Medium |
3133 |
Minimum Array End |
Python3 |
Medium |
3152 |
Special Array II |
Python3 |
Medium |
3163 |
String Compression III |
Python3 |
Medium |
3203 |
Find Minimum Diameter After Merging Two Trees |
Python3 |
Medium |
3223 |
Minimum Length of String After Operations |
Python3 |
Medium |
3243 |
Shortest Distance After Road Addition Queries I |
Python3 |
Medium |
3254 |
Find the Power of K-Size Subarrays I |
Python3 |
Medium |
3264 |
Final Array State After K Multiplication Operations I |
Python3 |
Medium |