This macro generates an <input>
and <label>
Name | Description |
name | sets the name of the input |
id | sets the id of the input, and the for of the label |
label | sets the text of the label |
hint | sets hint text within the label |
value | sets the value of the input |
error | sets the error message |
maxlength | sets the max length of the input |
classes | object used for styling elements |
With hint, error and maxlength if the values are empty, then they are not displayed in the render.
You can add various styles to the elements within the macro.
Name | Description |
label | this overrides the form-label-bold |
input | adds addtional classes to the input |
These are supplied as a string i.e {label: 'form-label', input: 'new-class new-class-two'}
You will need to expose the views to the nunjucks config, an example is below.
const appViews = [path.join(__dirname, '/app/views/'),
path.join(__dirname, '/node_modules/govuk-elements-nunjucks/components/'),
path.join(__dirname, '/lib/')]
const nunjucksAppEnv = nunjucks.configure(appViews, {
autoescape: true,
express: app,
noCache: true,
watch: true
Include the nunjucks macro and render it like so:
{% from 'gov-input/macro.njk' import govInput %}
{{ govInput('input', 'This is a label') }}