This macro generates a selection of <input>
with <label>
based on what you supply, and a <legend>
all in a <fieldset>
Name | Description |
name | sets the name of each input |
id | sets the base id for each label |
legend | sets the text of the legend |
hint | sets hint text within the legend |
value | sets the radio button to checked when matched |
error | sets the error message within the legend |
radioButtons | object of values to generate a radio button |
classes | object used for styling elements |
With hint and error if the values are empty, then they are not displayed in the render.
You have to pass these as an array of objects, there is no set order to this.
Name | Description |
id | this is prefixed by the main id |
value | sets value of the radio button |
label | sets value of the label |
dataTarget | sets the dataTarget, this is used to with show/hide javascript |
dataJourneyClick | sets a dataJourneyClick to be used with stage prompt |
if two radio buttons are provided then they appear side by side, else it will appear as a list.
An example of yes/no radio buttons array:
{id: 'yes', value: 'yes', label: 'Yes'},
{id: 'no', value: 'no', label: 'Yno'}
You can add various styles to the elements within the macro.
Name | Description |
legend | adds addtional classes to the legend |
These are supplied as a string i.e {legend: 'new-class new-class-two'}
You will need to expose the views to the nunjucks config, an example is below.
const appViews = [path.join(__dirname, '/app/views/'),
path.join(__dirname, '/node_modules/govuk-elements-nunjucks/components/'),
path.join(__dirname, '/lib/')]
const nunjucksAppEnv = nunjucks.configure(appViews, {
autoescape: true,
express: app,
noCache: true,
watch: true
Include the nunjucks macro and render it like so:
{% from 'gov-radios/macro.njk' import govRadios %}
{{ govRadios('yes-or-no',
'Please select an option',
[{id: 'yes', value: 'yes', label: 'Yes'},
{id: 'no', value: 'no', label: 'Yno'}]
) }}