Work in Progress. PWault is a password vault based on NodeJs, SQLite and React/Redux/Redux-Saga and simply generates password and saves them with related information like website url, email, username, website favicon and additional information. Frontend is based on React Boilerplate. React semantic-ui is used in frontend.
- Bookmarklet support: You can drag bookmarklet to bookmarks and when you click the bookmarklet on a website, PWault will search existed passwords using domain and will list those entries(domains and subdomains may need different passwords)
- Favicon support: Automatically gets the favicon when url is set in the form and saves DB as base64 image
- Revealing passwords
- Copy button that copies to clipboard
- Password Generator: Adjustable length, string, numeric, punctuation for generation
- Redux-auth-wrapper is used for authorization of pages
- Encryption is not implemented yet, only CRUD of passwords/websites are implemented
- Multiple User support needed, login is test & test for now
- Category support is needed
Frontend and Backend environment is decoupled. Npm install is needed in both frontend and backend folder. .env file needs to be defined from .env-sample
- Root directory
npm install and npm start for parallel start of dev environment
- Frontend
cd frontend
npm install / yarn install
- Backend
cd backend
npm install
- Frontend Folder
npm run build
- Backend Folder
NODE_ENV=production node index //PM2 can be used
Nodejs can automatically serve static files from build folder in its port. No need for static server like Apache/Nginx.