Releases: huynhthanhbinh/saigonparking
Releases · huynhthanhbinh/saigonparking
Update logging levels
- Turn off some packages' logging
- Disable printing stacktrace on production mode
Handling PermissionDenied + UsernameNotMatch exceptions
v1.1.5 [SERVER] handling PermissionDenied + UsernameNotMatch exceptions
Handling login exceptions
v1.1.4 [SERVER] update AuthService (login) + update UserService (getOne)
Activate account and reset password via Email
v1.1.3 [SERVER] add UserAlreadyActivated + UserNotActivated exceptions
Implement password hashing
v1.1.2 [SERVER] MailService update SaigonParking domain
Implement refresh token
v1.1.1 [SERVER] update emulator
Successfully setup CI with Github Actions
v1.1.0 [SERVER] update CI jobs
Separate gateway into http-gateway and grpc-gateway
- GRPC gateway for Content-Type: Application/Grpc
- HTTP gateway for Content-Type: Application/GrpcWebText
- Both are instances of the same Kong images: Kong v2.1.0.alpha
- Update project's architecture
Successfully setup Kong gateway DB less mode
- create kong.ym for production environment.
- create kong_dev.yml for developing environment.
- update .env, docker-compose for each environment.
Successfully setup gRPC-Web with Kong API Gateway
- Remove previous Envoy proxy setup
- Setup gRPC-Web plugin for Kong gateway
- Update project architecture remove Envoy
- Upgrade netty-tcnative-boringssl-static to v2.0.28.Final (gRPC v1.28.0)