Creating your own CA-Handler should be pretty easy. All you need to do is to create your own with a "CAhandler" class containing the following methods required by est_proxy
- ca_certs_get: to fetch CA certificates from CA server
- enroll: to enroll a new certificate from CA server
- poll: to poll a pending certificate request from CA server (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!)
The contains a skeleton which can be used to create customized ca_handlers.
The below skeleton describes the different input parameters given by est_proxy as well as the expected return values.
class CAhandler(object):
""" CA handler """
def __init__(self, debug=None, logger=None):
debug - debug mode (True/False)
logger - log handler
self.debug = debug
self.logger = logger
def __enter__(self):
""" Makes CAhandler a context manager """
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
""" cose the connection at the end of the context """
def ca_certs_get(self):
""" fetch exsting certificates """
input: None
output: cert_bundle - certificate chain in pem format
return cert_bundle
def enroll(self, csr):
""" enroll certificate """
csr - csr in pkcs10 format
error - error message during cert enrollment (None in case no error occured)
certificate - certificate chain in pem format
poll_identifier - callback identifier to lookup enrollment request in case the CA server does not issue
certificate immediately. This identifier will be used by the polling method check if
a CSR got accepted
self.logger.debug('Certificate.enroll() ended')
return(error, certificate, poll_identifier)
def poll(self, poll_identifier, csr):
""" poll pending status of pending CSR and download certificates """
poll_identifier - poll_identifier
csr - csr
error - error message during cert polling (None in case no error occured)
certificate - certificate
poll_identifier - (updated) callback identifier - will be updated in database for later lookups
rejected - indicates of request has been rejected by CA admistrator - in case of a request rejection
the corresponding order status will be set to "invalid" state
return(error, certificate, poll_identifier, rejected)
You can add additional methods according to your needs. You can also add configuration options to est_proxy.cfg allowing you to configure the ca_handler according to your needs.
Check the especially the _config_load()
method for further details.