Nunjucks loader for webpack, support include
, extends
and Customizing Syntax
Features | Installation | Usage | Examples | Command-line options | Configuration
Load nunjucks template file in webpack: You can use it with html-webpack-loader.
: Useinclude
with folder alias in file. -
Customizing Syntax: If you want different tokens than {{ and the rest for variables, blocks, and comments, you can specify different tokens as the tags option.
$ npm i nunjucks-webpack-loader
In your webpack.config.js and add to rules block:
test: /\.njk|nunjucks/,
use: ['html-withimg-loader', { // use html-loader or html-withimg-loader to handle inline resource
loader: 'nunjucks-webpack-loader', // add nunjucks-webpack-loader
options : {
alias: { // add alias and you can use it in your template
pages : path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/pages'),
components: path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/components'),
layouts: path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/layouts')
tags: { // if you want to use different tokens
blockStart: '@{%',
blockEnd: '%}',
variableStart: '@{{',
variableEnd: '}}',
commentStart: '{#',
commentEnd: '#}'
{% include '~pages/sometemplate.njk' %} // ~pages is alias to pages folder