This tutorial explains how to remove host contamination reads from your data using the TOFU-MAaPO pipeline. To perform host decontamination, you need to configure the Bowtie2 index of your host genome in the pipeline settings. Below are two methods to achieve this.
Download Bowtie2 indexes
Download the Bowtie2 indexes for your host genome from sources like AWS Indexes.Note: Files must be unzipped and contain the
suffix -
Configure the pipeline
Add the path to the basename of the Bowtie2 index files to your custom configuration file (e.g.,tofu.config
) before running the QC module.
Example configuration for the human genome:params { genomes { human { bowtie_index = "/path/to/your/references/iGenomes/references/Homo_sapiens/NCBI/GRCh38Decoy/Sequence/Bowtie2Index/genome" } } }
Run the pipeline
Use the custom profile (-profile custom) and specify the genome using the--genome human
parameter to remove human reads from your data.nextflow run ikmb/TOFU-MAaPO -profile custom -c tofu.config --reads '*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz' --genome human
To include a new host genome, download it in FASTA format and create Bowtie2 indexes as follows:
Set up environment
Create a new Conda environment with the necessary tools:conda create --name=bowtie2 -c conda-forge -c bioconda bowtie2 ncbi-genome-download unzip conda activate bowtie2
Download the genome
Search for the genome accession code on NCBI Datasets and download the genome. Example: Wild boar genome (Sus scrofa, Sscrofa 11.1):datasets download genome accession GCF_000003025.6 --include genome
Extract the genome Unzip the downloaded file and rename the genome file:
unzip # Change path to the new created directory containing the fasta: cd ncbi_dataset/data/GCF_000003025.6 # rename the genome to genome.fna mv *.fna genome.fna
Create Bowtie2 indexes
bowtie2-build genome.fna genome
Note: Optionally, move the
files to a dedicated directory for reference genomes.
Configure the Pipeline
Update your configuration file (e.g., tofu.config) with the following entry for the wild boar genome:params { genomes { boar { bowtie_index = "/path/to/the/Bowtie2Index/genome" } } }
Run the pipeline
nextflow run ikmb/TOFU-MAaPO -profile custom -c tofu.config --reads '*_R{1,2}.fastq.gz' --genome boar
For additional usage customization options, refer to the TOFU-MAaPO usage documentation