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Game server hosting

Fast RAM, high-speed internet

Eat lag for breakfast

Try our Project Zomboid Server hosting free for 2 days!

Project Zomboid Server Docker


Using Docker Desktop with WSL2 on Windows will result in a very slow download!

Server Requirements

Resource Minimum Recommended
CPU 4 cores 4+ cores
RAM 4GB Recommend over 8GB for stable operation
Storage 5GB 10GB

How to use


.env settings will override the current settings in the settings.ini If you do not want that to happen, set GENERATE_SETTINGS=false

Copy the .env.example file to a new file called .env file. Then use either docker compose or docker run


Please make sure to change the following in the .env: PASSWORD/RCON_PASSWORD/ADMIN_USERNAME/ADMIN_PASSWORD

Docker compose

Starting the server with Docker Compose:

    image: indifferentbroccoli/projectzomboid-server-docker
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: projectzomboid
    stop_grace_period: 30s
      - 16261:16261/udp
      - 16262:16262/udp
      - 27015:27015/tcp
      - .env
      - ./projectzomboid/server-files:/project-zomboid
      - ./projectzomboid/server-data:/project-zomboid-config

Then run:

docker-compose up -d

Docker Run

docker run -d \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --name projectzomboid \
    --stop-timeout 30 \
    -p 16261:16261/udp \
    -p 16262:16262/udp \
    -p 27015:27015/tcp \
    --env-file .env \
    -v ./projectzomboid/server-files:/project-zomboid \
    -v ./projectzomboid/server-data:/project-zomboid-config

Environment Variables

You can use the following values to change the settings of the server on boot. It is highly recommended you set the following environment values before starting the server:

Variable Default Info
PVP true Players can hurt and kill other players
PAUSE_EMPTY true Game time stops when there are no players online
GLOBAL_CHAT true Toggles global chat on or off.
CHAT_STREAMS s,r,a,w,y,sh,f,all Chat streams
OPEN true Clients may join without already having an account in the whitelist. If set to false, administrators must manually create username/password combos.
SERVER_WELCOME_MESSAGE Welcome to your Indifferent Broccoli Project Zomboid Docker server The first welcome message visible in the chat panel.
AUTO_CREATE_USER_IN_WHITE_LIST false Add unknown usernames to the whitelist when players join
DISPLAY_USER_NAME true Display usernames above player's heads in-game.
SHOW_FIRST_AND_LAST_NAME false Display first & last name above player's heads.
SPAWN_POINT 0,0,0 Force every new player to spawn at these set x,y,z world coordinates. (Ignored when 0,0,0)
SAFETY_SYSTEM true Players can enter and leave PVP on an individual basis.
SHOW_SAFETY true Display a skull icon over the head of players who have entered PVP mode
SAFETY_TOGGLE_TIMER 2 The time it takes for a player to enter and leave PVP mode\nMinimum=0 Maximum=1000 Default=2
SAFETY_COOLDOWN_TIMER 3 The delay before a player can enter or leave PVP mode again, having recently done so\nMinimum=0 Maximum=1000 Default=3
SPAWN_ITEMS Item types new players spawn with.\nSeparate multiple item types with commas.\nExample: Base.Axe,Base.Bag_BigHikingBag
DEFAULT_PORT 16261 Default starting port for player data.
UDP_PORT 16262 Minimum=0 Maximum=65535 Default=16262
RESET_ID 563979383 Reset ID determines if the server has undergone a soft-reset.
MODS Enter the mod loading ID here. It can be found in \Steam\steamapps\workshop\modID\mods\modName\info.txt
MAP Enter the foldername of the mod found in \Steam\steamapps\workshop\modID\mods\modName\media\maps\
DO_LUA_CHECKSUM true Kick clients whose game files don't match the server's.
DENY_LOGIN_ON_OVERLOADED_SERVER false Deny login on overloaded server
PUBLIC true Shows the server on the in-game browser. (Note: Steam-enabled servers are always visible in the Steam server browser)
PUBLIC_NAME Indifferent Broccoli Project Zomboid Docker Server Name of the server displayed in the in-game browser and, if applicable, the Steam browser
SERVER_NAME pzserver Name of the server/map
PUBLIC_DESCRIPTION Welcome to your Indifferent Broccoli Project Zomboid Docker server Description displayed in the in-game public server browser. Typing \n will create a new line in your description
MAX_PLAYERS 32 Maximum number of players that can be on the server at one time. This excludes admins.
PING_LIMIT 400 Ping limit, in milliseconds, before a player is kicked from the server.
HOURS_FOR_LOOT_RESPAWN 0 After X hours, all containers in the world will respawn loot.
MAX_ITEMS_FOR_LOOT_RESPAWN 4 Containers with a number of items greater, or equal to, this setting will not respawn
CONSTRUCTION_PREVENTS_LOOT_RESPAWN false Items will not respawn in buildings that players have barricaded or built in
DROP_OFF_WHITE_LIST_AFTER_DEATH false Remove player accounts from the whitelist after death.
NO_FIRE false All forms of fire are disabled - except for campfires
ANNOUNCE_DEATH false If checked, every time a player dies a global message will be displayed in the chat
MINUTES_PER_PAGE 1.0 The number of in-game minutes it takes to read one page of a book
SAVE_WORLD_EVERY_MINUTES 0 Loaded parts of the map are saved after this set number of real-world minutes have passed.
PLAYER_SAFEHOUSE false Both admins and players can claim safehouses
ADMIN_SAFEHOUSE false Only admins can claim safehouses
SAFEHOUSE_ALLOW_TRESPASS true Allow non-members to enter a safehouse without being inviteds
SAFEHOUSE_ALLOW_FIRE true Allow fire to damage safehouses
SAFEHOUSE_ALLOW_LOOT true Allow non-members to take items from safehousest
SAFEHOUSE_ALLOW_RESPAWN false Players will respawn in a safehouse that they were a member of before they died
SAFEHOUSE_DAY_SURVIVED_TO_CLAIM 0 Players must have survived this number of in-game days before they are allowed to claim a safehouse
SAFEHOUSE_REMOVAL_TIME 144 Players are automatically removed from a safehouse they have not visited for this many real-world hours
SAFEHOUSE_ALLOW_NON_RESIDENTIAL false Governs whether players can claim non-residential buildings.
ALLOW_DESTRUCTION_BY_SLEDGEHAMMER true Allow players to destroy world objects with sledgehammers
SLEDGEHAMMER_ONLY_IN_SAFEHOUSE false Allow players to destroy world objects only in their safehouse
KICK_FAST_PLAYERS false Kick players that appear to be moving faster than is possible. May be buggy -- use with caution.
SERVER_PLAYER_ID 88635698 ServerPlayerID determines if a character is from another server, or single player.
RCON_PORT 27015 The port for the RCON (Remote Console)
DISCORD_ENABLE false Enables global text chat integration with a Discord channel
DISCORD_TOKEN Discord bot access token
DISCORD_CHANNEL The Discord channel name.
DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID The Discord channel ID.
MAX_ACCOUNTS_PER_USER 0 Limits the number of different accounts a single Steam user may create on this server.
ALLOW_COOP true Allow co-op/splitscreen players
SLEEP_ALLOWED false Players are allowed to sleep when their survivor becomes tired, but they do not NEED to sleep
SLEEP_NEEDED false Players get tired and need to sleep.
KNOCKED_DOWN_ALLOWED true Knocked down allowed
SNEAK_MODE_HIDE_FROM_OTHER_PLAYERS true Sneak mode hide from other players
WORKSHOP_ITEMS List Workshop Mod IDs for the server to download. Each must be separated by a semicolon.
STEAM_SCOREBOARD true Show Steam usernames and avatars in the Players list.
STEAM_VAC true Enable the Steam VAC system
UPNP true Attempt to configure a UPnP-enabled internet gateway to automatically setup port forwarding rules.
VOICE_ENABLE true VOIP is enabled when checked
VOICE_MIN_DISTANCE 10.0 The minimum tile distance over which VOIP sounds can be heard.
VOICE_MAX_DISTANCE 100.0 The maximum tile distance over which VOIP sounds can be heard
VOICE_3D true Toggle directional audio for VOIP
SPEED_LIMIT 70.0 Minimum=10.00 Maximum=150.00 Default=70.00
LOGIN_QUEUE_ENABLED false Login queue enabled
LOGIN_QUEUE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 60 Minimum=20 Maximum=1200 Default=60
SERVER_BROWSER_ANNOUNCED_IP Set the IP from which the server is broadcast.
PLAYER_RESPAWN_WITH_SELF false Players can respawn in-game at the coordinates where they died
PLAYER_RESPAWN_WITH_OTHER false Players can respawn in-game at a split screen / Remote Play player's location
FAST_FORWARD_MULTIPLIER 40.0 Governs how fast time passes while players sleep.
DISABLE_SAFEHOUSE_WHEN_PLAYER_CONNECTED false Safehouse acts like a normal house if a member of the safehouse is connected
FACTION true Players can create factions when true
FACTION_DAY_SURVIVED_TO_CREATE 0 Players must survive this number of in-game days before being allowed to create a faction
FACTION_PLAYERS_REQUIRED_FOR_TAG 1 Number of players required as faction members before the faction owner can create a group tag
DISABLE_RADIO_STAFF false Disables radio transmissions from players with an access level
DISABLE_RADIO_ADMIN true Disables radio transmissions from players with 'admin' access level
DISABLE_RADIO_GM true Disables radio transmissions from players with 'gm' access level
DISABLE_RADIO_OVERSEER false Disables radio transmissions from players with 'overseer' access level
DISABLE_RADIO_MODERATOR false Disables radio transmissions from players with 'moderator' access level
DISABLE_RADIO_INVISIBLE true Disables radio transmissions from invisible players
CLIENT_COMMAND_FILTER -vehicle.*;+vehicle.damageWindow;+vehicle.fixPart;+vehicle.installPart;+vehicle.uninstallPart Semicolon-separated list of commands that will not be written to the cmd.txt server log.
CLIENT_ACTION_LOGS ISEnterVehicle;ISExitVehicle;ISTakeEngineParts; Semicolon-separated list of actions that will be written to the ClientActionLogs.txt server log.
PERK_LOGS true Track changes in player perk levels in PerkLog.txt server log
ITEM_NUMBERS_LIMIT_PER_CONTAINER 0 Maximum number of items that can be placed in a container.
BLOOD_SPLAT_LIFESPAN_DAYS 0 Number of days before old blood splats are removed.
ALLOW_NON_ASCII_USERNAME false Allow use of non-ASCII (cyrillic etc) characters in usernames
BAN_KICK_GLOBAL_SOUND true Ban kick global sound
REMOVE_PLAYER_CORPSES_ON_CORPSE_REMOVAL false If enabled, when HoursForCorpseRemoval triggers, it will also remove player?s corpses from the ground.
TRASH_DELETE_ALL false If true, player can use the "delete all" button on bins
PVP_MELEE_WHILE_HIT_REACTION false If true, player can hit again when struck by another player.
MOUSE_OVER_TO_SEE_DISPLAY_NAME true If true, players will have to mouse over someone to see their display name.
HIDE_PLAYERS_BEHIND_YOU true If true, automatically hide the player you can't see (like zombies).
PVP_MELEE_DAMAGE_MODIFIER 30.0 Damage multiplier for PVP melee attacks.
PVP_FIREARM_DAMAGE_MODIFIER 50.0 Damage multiplier for PVP ranged attacks.
CAR_ENGINE_ATTRACTION_MODIFIER 0.5 Modify the range of zombie attraction to cars.
PLAYER_BUMP_PLAYER false Governs whether players bump (and knock over) other players when running through them.
MAP_REMOTE_PLAYER_VISIBILITY 1 Controls display of remote players on the in-game map.
BACKUPS_COUNT 5 Backups count
BACKUPS_ON_START true Backups on start
BACKUPS_ON_VERSION_CHANGE true Backups on version change
BACKUPS_PERIOD 0 Backups period
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE1 true Anti cheat protection type 1
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE2 true Anti cheat protection type 2
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE3 true Anti cheat protection type 3
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE4 true Anti cheat protection type 4
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE5 true Anti cheat protection type 5
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE6 true Anti cheat protection type 6
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE7 true Anti cheat protection type 7
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE8 true Anti cheat protection type 8
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE9 true Anti cheat protection type 9
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE10 true Anti cheat protection type 10
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE11 true Anti cheat protection type 11
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE12 true Anti cheat protection type 12
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE13 true Anti cheat protection type 13
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE14 true Anti cheat protection type 14
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE15 true Anti cheat protection type 15
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE16 true Anti cheat protection type 16
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE17 true Anti cheat protection type 17
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE18 true Anti cheat protection type 18
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE19 true Anti cheat protection type 19
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE20 true Anti cheat protection type 20
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE21 true Anti cheat protection type 21
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE22 true Anti cheat protection type 22
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE23 true Anti cheat protection type 23
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE24 true Anti cheat protection type 24
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE2_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER 3.0 Anti cheat protection type 2 threshold multiplier
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE3_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER 1.0 Anti cheat protection type 3 threshold multiplier
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE4_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER 1.0 Anti cheat protection type 4 threshold multiplier
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE9_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER 1.0 Anti cheat protection type 9 threshold multiplier
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE15_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER 1.0 Anti cheat protection type 15 threshold multiplier
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE20_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER 1.0 Anti cheat protection type 20 threshold multiplier
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE22_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER 1.0 Anti cheat protection type 22 threshold multiplier
ANTI_CHEAT_PROTECTION_TYPE24_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER 6.0 Anti cheat protection type 24 threshold multiplier

Developer information

Building the image

You can build the image from the Dockerfile using the following command:

docker build -t indifferentbroccoli/projectzomboid-server-docker .


Entrypoint of the container. This script will check if the server is installed and if not, it will install it. Also has a term_handler function to catch SIGTERM signals to gracefully stop the server. Features basic checks that will confirm if the server can be started.

Starts the server with the settings from the .env file. Will also call the script to generate the server settings.


Installs the server. This script will download the server files using SteamCMD and extract them to the server directory.

Contains functions that are used in the other scripts.

Generates the server settings file from the .env file. Uses envsubst to replace the variables in the settings.ini.template file.