From 21226d4f6454302fa80980121ed17540672ea3d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Andr=C3=A9=20Ver=C3=ADssimo?=
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 14:44:14 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Improvement on decorators (#822)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
# Pull Request
#### Changes description
- [x] Use updated `utils.R` functions
- [x] Source code standardization (avoids repeated complex call to
- [x] Update documentation
- [ ] ~Revert ggplot2_args to roxygen2 `@template`~
- I think we should keep this as is, it is the recommended way by
`roxygen2` documentation.
- [x] Revisit `{lifecycle}` dependency
- [x] Remove decorators that are not present in report
#### Modules that need recheck (for reviewer):
- `tm_data_table`: decorators removed
- `tm_missing_data`: Decorators using rlisting instead of DataTable
- `tm_distribution`: Was decorating data.frames in report, moved to
- `tm_outliers`: Code improvement
Big example app
# ######################################################
# _____ _
# | __ \ | |
# | | | | ___ ___ ___ _ __ __ _| |_ ___ _ __ ___
# | | | |/ _ \/ __/ _ \| '__/ _` | __/ _ \| '__/ __|
# | |__| | __/ (_| (_) | | | (_| | || (_) | | \__ \
# |_____/ \___|\___\___/|_| \__,_|\__\___/|_| |___/
# Decorators
# #####################################################
plot_grob_decorator <- function(default_footnote = "I am a good decorator", .var_to_replace = "plot") {
label = "Caption (grob)",
ui = function(id) shiny::textInput(shiny::NS(id, "footnote"), "Footnote", value = default_footnote),
server = function(id, data) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
logger::log_info("🟠 plot_grob with default: {default_footnote}!", namespace = "teal.modules.general")
req(data(), input$footnote)
logger::log_info("changing the footnote {default_footnote}", namespace = "teal.modules.general")
teal.code::eval_code(data(), substitute(
footnote_grob <- grid::textGrob(footnote, x = 0, hjust = 0, gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 10, fontface = "italic", col = "gray50"))
# Arrange the plot and footnote
.var_to_replace <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(
ncol = 1,
heights = grid::unit.c(grid::unit(1, "npc") - grid::unit(1, "lines"), grid::unit(1, "lines"))
env = list(
footnote = input$footnote,
.var_to_replace =
caption_decorator <- function(default_caption = "I am a good decorator", .var_to_replace = "plot") {
label = "Caption",
ui = function(id) shiny::textInput(shiny::NS(id, "footnote"), "Footnote", value = default_caption),
server = make_teal_transform_server(
my_name <- .var_name
.var_to_replace <- .var_to_replace + ggplot2::labs(caption = footnote)
}, env = list(.var_to_replace =, .var_name = .var_to_replace))
treelis_subtitle_decorator <- function(default_caption = "I am a good decorator", .var_to_replace = "plot") {
label = "Caption",
ui = function(id) shiny::textInput(shiny::NS(id, "footnote"), "Footnote", value = default_caption),
server = make_teal_transform_server(
.var_to_replace <- update(.var_to_replace, sub = footnote)
}, env = list(.var_to_replace =
insert_rrow_decorator <- function(default_caption = "I am a good new row", .var_to_replace = "table") {
label = "New row",
ui = function(id) shiny::textInput(shiny::NS(id, "new_row"), "New row", value = default_caption),
server = make_teal_transform_server(
.var_to_replace <- rtables::insert_rrow(.var_to_replace, rtables::rrow(new_row))
}, env = list(.var_to_replace =
rlisting_decorator <- function(default_caption = "I am a good new row", .var_to_replace = "table") {
label = "New row",
ui = function(id) shiny::textInput(shiny::NS(id, "new_row"), "New row", value = default_caption),
server = make_teal_transform_server(
rlistings::main_title(.var_to_replace) <- new_row
}, env = list(.var_to_replace =
do_nothing_decorator <- teal_transform_module(server = function(id, data) moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) data))
# ##########################################
# _ _ _ _
# | | | | | | | |
# | |_ ___ __ _| | __| | __ _| |_ __ _
# | __/ _ \/ _` | | / _` |/ _` | __/ _` |
# | || __/ (_| | || (_| | (_| | || (_| |
# \__\___|\__,_|_| \__,_|\__,_|\__\__,_|
# ______
# |______|
# teal_data
# #########################################
data <- teal_data(join_keys = default_cdisc_join_keys[c("ADSL", "ADRS")])
data <- within(data, {
# For tm_outliers
fact_vars_adsl <- names(Filter(isTRUE, sapply(data[["ADSL"]], is.factor)))
vars <- choices_selected(variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], fact_vars_adsl))
# For tm_g_distribution
vars1 <- choices_selected(
variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("ARM", "COUNTRY", "SEX")),
selected = NULL
data = data,
modules = modules(
# ###################################################
# _
# (_)
# _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _ __
# | '__/ _ \/ _` | '__/ _ \/ __/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \
# | | | __/ (_| | | | __/\__ \__ \ | (_) | | | |
# |_| \___|\__, |_| \___||___/___/_|\___/|_| |_|
# __/ |
# |___/
# regression
# ##################################################
label = "Regression",
response = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
label = "Select variable:",
choices = "BMRKR1",
selected = "BMRKR1",
multiple = FALSE,
fixed = TRUE
regressor = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
label = "Select variables:",
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("AGE", "SEX", "RACE")),
selected = "AGE",
multiple = TRUE,
fixed = FALSE
decorators = list(caption_decorator("I am Regression", "plot"))
# #########################################################
# _ _ _ _ _ _ _
# | (_) | | (_) | | | (_)
# __| |_ ___| |_ _ __ _| |__ _ _| |_ _ ___ _ __
# / _` | / __| __| '__| | '_ \| | | | __| |/ _ \| '_ \
# | (_| | \__ \ |_| | | | |_) | |_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
# \__,_|_|___/\__|_| |_|_.__/ \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
# distribution
# ########################################################
dist_var = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("AGE", "BMRKR1")),
selected = "BMRKR1",
multiple = FALSE,
fixed = FALSE
strata_var = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
filter = filter_spec(
vars = vars1,
multiple = TRUE
group_var = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
filter = filter_spec(
vars = vars1,
multiple = TRUE
decorators = list(
histogram_plot = caption_decorator("I am density!", "histogram_plot"),
qq_plot = caption_decorator("I am QQ!", "qq_plot"),
summary_table = rlisting_decorator("summary row", "summary_table"),
test_table = rlisting_decorator("test row", "test_table")
# ####################
# _ __ ___ __ _
# | '_ \ / __/ _` |
# | |_) | (_| (_| |
# | .__/ \___\__,_|
# | |
# |_|
# pca
# ###################
dat = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(data = data[["ADSL"]], c("BMRKR1", "AGE", "EOSDY")),
selected = c("BMRKR1", "AGE")
decorators = list(
elbow_plot = caption_decorator("I am PCA / elbow", "elbow_plot"),
circle_plot = caption_decorator("I am a PCA / circle", "circle_plot"),
biplot = caption_decorator("I am a PCA / bipot", "biplot"),
eigenvector_plot = caption_decorator("I am a PCA / eigenvector", "eigenvector_plot")
# _ _ _
# | | | (_)
# ___ _ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __ ___
# / _ \| | | | __| | |/ _ \ '__/ __|
# | (_) | |_| | |_| | | __/ | \__ \
# \___/ \__,_|\__|_|_|\___|_| |___/
# outliers
# #####################################
outlier_var = list(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
label = "Select variable:",
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("AGE", "BMRKR1")),
selected = "AGE",
multiple = FALSE,
fixed = FALSE
categorical_var = list(
dataname = "ADSL",
filter = filter_spec(
vars = vars,
choices = value_choices(data[["ADSL"]], vars$selected),
selected = value_choices(data[["ADSL"]], vars$selected),
multiple = TRUE
decorators = list(
box_plot = caption_decorator("I am a good decorator", "box_plot"),
density_plot = caption_decorator("I am a good decorator", "density_plot"),
cumulative_plot = caption_decorator("I am a good decorator", "cumulative_plot"),
table = rlisting_decorator("table row", "table")
# #######################################################
# _ _ _
# (_) | | (_)
# __ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __
# / _` / __/ __|/ _ \ / __| |/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \
# | (_| \__ \__ \ (_) | (__| | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
# \__,_|___/___/\___/ \___|_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
# association
# ######################################################
ref = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(
selected = "RACE"
vars = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(
selected = "BMRKR2",
multiple = TRUE
decorators = list(plot_grob_decorator("I am a good grob (association)"))
# ########################################################
# _ _ _
# | | | | | |
# ___ _ __ ___ ___ ___ ______| |_ __ _| |__ | | ___
# / __| '__/ _ \/ __/ __|______| __/ _` | '_ \| |/ _ \
# | (__| | | (_) \__ \__ \ | || (_| | |_) | | __/
# \___|_| \___/|___/___/ \__\__,_|_.__/|_|\___|
# cross-table
# #######################################################
label = "Cross Table",
x = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], subset = function(data) {
idx <- !vapply(data, inherits, logical(1), c("Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt"))
selected = "COUNTRY",
multiple = TRUE,
ordered = TRUE
y = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], subset = function(data) {
idx <- vapply(data, is.factor, logical(1))
selected = "SEX"
decorators = list(insert_rrow_decorator("I am a good new row"))
# #######################################################################################
# _ _ _ _ _ _
# | | | | | | | | | | (_)
# ___ ___ __ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __ _ __ | | ___ | |_ _ __ ___ __ _| |_ _ __ ___ __
# / __|/ __/ _` | __| __/ _ \ '__| '_ \| |/ _ \| __| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| '__| \ \/ /
# \__ \ (_| (_| | |_| || __/ | | |_) | | (_) | |_ | | | | | | (_| | |_| | | |> <
# |___/\___\__,_|\__|\__\___|_| | .__/|_|\___/ \__| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_| |_/_/\_\
# | |
# |_|
# scatterplot matrix
# ######################################################################################
label = "Scatterplot matrix",
variables = list(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]]),
selected = c("AGE", "RACE", "SEX"),
multiple = TRUE,
ordered = TRUE
dataname = "ADRS",
filter = filter_spec(
label = "Select endpoints:",
vars = c("PARAMCD", "AVISIT"),
choices = value_choices(data[["ADRS"]], c("PARAMCD", "AVISIT"), c("PARAM", "AVISIT")),
selected = "INVET - END OF INDUCTION",
multiple = TRUE
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADRS"]]),
selected = c("AGE", "AVAL", "ADY"),
multiple = TRUE,
ordered = TRUE
decorators = list(treelis_subtitle_decorator("I am a Scatterplot matrix", "plot"))
# #############################################
# _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___
# | '__/ _ \/ __| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \/ __|/ _ \
# | | | __/\__ \ |_) | (_) | | | \__ \ __/
# |_| \___||___/ .__/ \___/|_| |_|___/\___|
# | |
# |_|
# response
# ############################################
label = "Response",
response = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("BMRKR2", "COUNTRY")))
x = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("SEX", "RACE")), selected = "RACE")
decorators = list(caption_decorator("I am a Response", "plot"))
# ############################################
# _ _ _ _
# | | (_) (_) | |
# | |__ ___ ____ _ _ __ _ __ _| |_ ___
# | '_ \| \ \ / / _` | '__| |/ _` | __/ _ \
# | |_) | |\ V / (_| | | | | (_| | || __/
# |_.__/|_| \_/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__\___|
# bivariate
# ###########################################
x = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]]), selected = "AGE")
y = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]]), selected = "SEX")
row_facet = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]]), selected = "ARM")
col_facet = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]]), selected = "COUNTRY")
decorators = list(caption_decorator("I am a Bivariate", "plot"))
# _ _ _ _
# | | | | | | | |
# ___ ___ __ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __ _ __ | | ___ | |_
# / __|/ __/ _` | __| __/ _ \ '__| '_ \| |/ _ \| __|
# \__ \ (_| (_| | |_| || __/ | | |_) | | (_) | |_
# |___/\___\__,_|\__|\__\___|_| | .__/|_|\___/ \__|
# | |
# |_|
# scatterplot
# ####################################################
label = "Scatterplot",
x = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("AGE", "BMRKR1", "BMRKR2")))
y = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("AGE", "BMRKR1", "BMRKR2")),
selected = "BMRKR1"
color_by = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("AGE", "BMRKR1", "BMRKR2", "RACE", "REGION1")),
selected = NULL
size_by = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("AGE", "BMRKR1")))
row_facet = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("BMRKR2", "RACE", "REGION1")),
selected = NULL
col_facet = data_extract_spec(
dataname = "ADSL",
select = select_spec(
choices = variable_choices(data[["ADSL"]], c("BMRKR2", "RACE", "REGION1")),
selected = NULL
decorators = list(caption_decorator("I am a scatterplot", "plot"))
# ##############################################################
# _ _ _ _
# (_) (_) | | | |
# _ __ ___ _ ___ ___ _ _ __ __ _ __| | __ _| |_ __ _
# | '_ ` _ \| / __/ __| | '_ \ / _` | / _` |/ _` | __/ _` |
# | | | | | | \__ \__ \ | | | | (_| | | (_| | (_| | || (_| |
# |_| |_| |_|_|___/___/_|_| |_|\__, | \__,_|\__,_|\__\__,_|
# __/ |_____
# |___/______|
# missing_data
# #############################################################
label = "Missing data",
decorators = list(
summary_plot = plot_grob_decorator("A", "summary_plot"),
combination_plot = plot_grob_decorator("B", "combination_plot"),
summary_table = rlisting_decorator("table row", "table"),
by_subject_plot = caption_decorator("by_subject_plot")
) |> shiny::runApp()
Signed-off-by: André Veríssimo <>
Co-authored-by: github-actions <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Lluís Revilla <>
R/roxygen2_templates.R | 16 +----
R/tm_a_pca.R | 10 +--
R/tm_a_regression.R | 10 +--
R/tm_data_table.R | 43 +++----------
R/tm_g_association.R | 10 +--
R/tm_g_bivariate.R | 10 +--
R/tm_g_distribution.R | 84 +++++++++++++-------------
R/tm_g_response.R | 10 +--
R/tm_g_scatterplot.R | 10 +--
R/tm_g_scatterplotmatrix.R | 10 +--
R/tm_missing_data.R | 23 ++++---
R/tm_outliers.R | 43 +++++++------
R/tm_t_crosstable.R | 10 +--
R/utils.R | 29 ++++++---
man/figures/lifecycle-deprecated.svg | 21 +++++++
man/figures/lifecycle-experimental.svg | 21 +++++++
man/figures/lifecycle-stable.svg | 29 +++++++++
man/figures/lifecycle-superseded.svg | 21 +++++++
man/shared_params.Rd | 9 +++
man/tm_a_pca.Rd | 9 ++-
man/tm_a_regression.Rd | 9 ++-
man/tm_data_table.Rd | 21 +------
man/tm_g_association.Rd | 9 ++-
man/tm_g_bivariate.Rd | 9 ++-
man/tm_g_distribution.Rd | 15 +++--
man/tm_g_response.Rd | 9 ++-
man/tm_g_scatterplot.Rd | 9 ++-
man/tm_g_scatterplotmatrix.Rd | 9 ++-
man/tm_missing_data.Rd | 11 ++--
man/tm_outliers.Rd | 11 ++--
man/tm_t_crosstable.Rd | 9 ++-
teal.modules.general.Rproj | 1 +
33 files changed, 335 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 man/figures/lifecycle-deprecated.svg
create mode 100755 man/figures/lifecycle-experimental.svg
create mode 100755 man/figures/lifecycle-stable.svg
create mode 100755 man/figures/lifecycle-superseded.svg
index f5a569933..8e0393ffd 100644
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Imports:
DT (>= 0.13),
forcats (>= 1.0.0),
- lifecycle (>= 0.2.0),
+ rlistings (>= 0.2.8),
shinyTree (>= 0.2.8),
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ Suggests:
knitr (>= 1.42),
lattice (>= 0.18-4),
+ lifecycle (>= 0.2.0),
logger (>= 0.2.0),
nestcolor (>= 0.1.0),
diff --git a/R/roxygen2_templates.R b/R/roxygen2_templates.R
index d55c2aef4..8ff396409 100644
--- a/R/roxygen2_templates.R
+++ b/R/roxygen2_templates.R
@@ -1,18 +1,4 @@
# nocov start
-roxygen_decorators_param <- function(module_name) {
- paste(
- sep = " ",
- lifecycle::badge("experimental"),
- " (`list` of `teal_transform_module`, named `list` of `teal_transform_module` or",
- "`NULL`) optional, if not `NULL`, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.",
- "When a named list of `teal_transform_module`, the decorators are applied to the",
- "respective output objects.\n\n",
- "Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name `default`.\n\n",
- sprintf("See section \"Decorating `%s`\"", module_name),
- "below for more details."
- )
roxygen_ggplot2_args_param <- function(...) {
sep = " ",
@@ -21,7 +7,7 @@ roxygen_ggplot2_args_param <- function(...) {
"The argument is merged with options variable `teal.ggplot2_args` and default module setup.\n\n",
"List names should match the following: `c(\"default\", %s)`.\n\n",
- paste("\"", unlist(rlang::list2(...)), "\"", collapse = ", ", sep = "")
+ paste("\"", unlist(list(...)), "\"", collapse = ", ", sep = "")
"For more details see the vignette: `vignette(\"custom-ggplot2-arguments\", package = \"teal.widgets\")`."
diff --git a/R/tm_a_pca.R b/R/tm_a_pca.R
index 0398ac555..cc8b4df1b 100644
--- a/R/tm_a_pca.R
+++ b/R/tm_a_pca.R
@@ -14,11 +14,10 @@
#' - If vector of `length == 1` then the font sizes will have a fixed size.
#' - while vector of `value`, `min`, and `max` allows dynamic adjustment.
#' @param ggplot2_args `r roxygen_ggplot2_args_param("Elbow plot", "Circle plot", "Biplot", "Eigenvector plot")`
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_a_pca")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_a_pca`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
#' - `elbow_plot` (`ggplot2`)
@@ -1121,9 +1120,12 @@ srv_a_pca <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, dat, plot_height, pl
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "R Code for PCA"
@@ -1146,7 +1148,7 @@ srv_a_pca <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, dat, plot_height, pl
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q())))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/tm_a_regression.R b/R/tm_a_regression.R
index e5d76d95c..622d89fb9 100644
--- a/R/tm_a_regression.R
+++ b/R/tm_a_regression.R
@@ -40,11 +40,10 @@
# nolint start: line_length.
#' @param ggplot2_args `r roxygen_ggplot2_args_param("Response vs Regressor", "Residuals vs Fitted", "Scale-Location", "Cook's distance", "Residuals vs Leverage", "Cook's dist vs Leverage")`
# nolint end: line_length.
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_a_regression")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_a_regression`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
#' - `plot` (`ggplot2`)
@@ -1006,9 +1005,12 @@ srv_a_regression <- function(id,
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "R code for the regression plot",
@@ -1027,7 +1029,7 @@ srv_a_regression <- function(id,
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q())))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/tm_data_table.R b/R/tm_data_table.R
index 0f1e6a9a8..ca259cf66 100644
--- a/R/tm_data_table.R
+++ b/R/tm_data_table.R
@@ -26,18 +26,9 @@
#' `list(searching = FALSE, pageLength = 30, lengthMenu = c(5, 15, 30, 100), scrollX = TRUE)`
#' @param server_rendering (`logical`) should the data table be rendered server side
#' (see `server` argument of [DT::renderDataTable()])
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_data_table")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_data_table`:
-#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
-#' - `table` ([DT::datatable()])
-#' For additional details and examples of decorators, refer to the vignette
-#' `vignette("decorate-modules-output", package = "teal")` or the [`teal::teal_transform_module()`] documentation.
#' @examplesShinylive
#' library(teal.modules.general)
#' interactive <- function() TRUE
@@ -105,8 +96,7 @@ tm_data_table <- function(label = "Data Table",
server_rendering = FALSE,
pre_output = NULL,
- post_output = NULL,
- decorators = NULL) {
+ post_output = NULL) {
message("Initializing tm_data_table")
# Start of assertions
@@ -132,8 +122,6 @@ tm_data_table <- function(label = "Data Table",
checkmate::assert_multi_class(pre_output, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "html"), null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_multi_class(post_output, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "html"), null.ok = TRUE)
- decorators <- normalize_decorators(decorators)
- assert_decorators(decorators, null.ok = TRUE, "table")
# End of assertions
ans <- module(
@@ -146,8 +134,7 @@ tm_data_table <- function(label = "Data Table",
datasets_selected = datasets_selected,
dt_args = dt_args,
dt_options = dt_options,
- server_rendering = server_rendering,
- decorators = decorators
+ server_rendering = server_rendering
ui_args = list(
pre_output = pre_output,
@@ -197,8 +184,7 @@ srv_page_data_table <- function(id,
- server_rendering,
- decorators) {
+ server_rendering) {
checkmate::assert_class(data, "reactive")
checkmate::assert_class(isolate(data()), "teal_data")
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
@@ -251,8 +237,7 @@ srv_page_data_table <- function(id,
id = session$ns(x),
choices = choices,
- selected = variables_selected,
- decorators = decorators
+ selected = variables_selected
@@ -274,8 +259,7 @@ srv_page_data_table <- function(id,
if_distinct = if_distinct,
dt_args = dt_args,
dt_options = dt_options,
- server_rendering = server_rendering,
- decorators = decorators
+ server_rendering = server_rendering
@@ -283,10 +267,7 @@ srv_page_data_table <- function(id,
# UI function for the data_table module
-ui_data_table <- function(id,
- choices,
- selected,
- decorators) {
+ui_data_table <- function(id, choices, selected) {
ns <- NS(id)
if (!is.null(selected)) {
@@ -298,7 +279,6 @@ ui_data_table <- function(id,
teal.widgets::get_dt_rows(ns("data_table"), ns("dt_rows")),
- ui_decorate_teal_data(ns("decorator"), decorators = select_decorators(decorators, "table")),
"Select variables:",
@@ -322,8 +302,7 @@ srv_data_table <- function(id,
- server_rendering,
- decorators) {
+ server_rendering) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
iv <- shinyvalidate::InputValidator$new()
iv$add_rule("variables", shinyvalidate::sv_required("Please select valid variable names"))
@@ -367,15 +346,9 @@ srv_data_table <- function(id,
- decorated_data_table_data <- srv_decorate_teal_data(
- id = "decorator",
- data = data_table_data,
- decorators = select_decorators(decorators, "table")
- )
output$data_table <- DT::renderDataTable(server = server_rendering, {
- req(decorated_data_table_data())[["table"]]
+ req(data_table_data())[["table"]]
diff --git a/R/tm_g_association.R b/R/tm_g_association.R
index 941448f67..00230b867 100644
--- a/R/tm_g_association.R
+++ b/R/tm_g_association.R
@@ -21,11 +21,10 @@
#' Default to `"gray"`.
#' @param ggplot2_args `r roxygen_ggplot2_args_param("Bivariate1", "Bivariate2")`
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_g_association")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_g_association`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
#' - `plot` (`grob` created with [ggplot2::ggplotGrob()])
@@ -526,9 +525,12 @@ srv_tm_g_association <- function(id,
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_grob_q())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_grob_q()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "Association Plot"
@@ -547,7 +549,7 @@ srv_tm_g_association <- function(id,
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_grob_q())))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/tm_g_bivariate.R b/R/tm_g_bivariate.R
index 26c7b5c86..c4c2691d3 100644
--- a/R/tm_g_bivariate.R
+++ b/R/tm_g_bivariate.R
@@ -43,11 +43,10 @@
#' @param free_y_scales (`logical`) optional, whether Y scaling shall be changeable.
#' Does not allow scaling to be changed by default (`FALSE`).
#' @param swap_axes (`logical`) optional, whether to swap X and Y axes. Defaults to `FALSE`.
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_g_bivariate")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_g_bivariate`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
#' - `plot` (`ggplot2`)
@@ -715,9 +714,12 @@ srv_g_bivariate <- function(id,
width = plot_width
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q_facets())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q_facets()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "Bivariate Plot"
@@ -736,7 +738,7 @@ srv_g_bivariate <- function(id,
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q_facets)))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/tm_g_distribution.R b/R/tm_g_distribution.R
index 445ce5791..d8ce69231 100644
--- a/R/tm_g_distribution.R
+++ b/R/tm_g_distribution.R
@@ -23,17 +23,16 @@
#' Defaults to `c(30L, 1L, 100L)`.
#' @param ggplot2_args `r roxygen_ggplot2_args_param("Histogram", "QQplot")`
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_g_distribution")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_g_distribution`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators::
#' - `histogram_plot` (`ggplot2`)
-#' - `qq_plot` (`data.frame`)
-#' - `summary_table` (`data.frame`)
-#' - `test_table` (`data.frame`)
+#' - `qq_plot` (`ggplot2`)
+#' - `summary_table` (`listing_df` created with [rlistings::as_listing()])
+#' - `test_table` (`listing_df` created with [rlistings::as_listing()])
#' Decorators can be applied to all outputs or only to specific objects using a
#' named list of `teal_transform_module` objects.
@@ -713,7 +712,7 @@ srv_distribution <- function(id,
- qenv <- if (length(s_var) == 0 && length(g_var) == 0) {
+ if (length(s_var) == 0 && length(g_var) == 0) {
@@ -759,20 +758,6 @@ srv_distribution <- function(id,
- if (iv_r()$is_valid()) {
- within(qenv, {
- summary_table <- DT::datatable(
- summary_table_data,
- options = list(
- autoWidth = TRUE,
- columnDefs = list(list(width = "200px", targets = "_all"))
- ),
- rownames = FALSE
- )
- })
- } else {
- within(qenv, summary_table <- NULL)
- }
# distplot qenv ----
@@ -1268,29 +1253,33 @@ srv_distribution <- function(id,
# outputs ----
- ## building main qenv
- output_common_q <- reactive({
+ output_dist_q <- reactive(c(common_q(), req(dist_q())))
+ output_qq_q <- reactive(c(common_q(), req(qq_q())))
+ # Summary table listing has to be created separately to allow for qenv join
+ output_summary_q <- reactive({
+ if (iv_r()$is_valid()) {
+ within(common_q(), summary_table <- rlistings::as_listing(summary_table_data))
+ } else {
+ within(common_q(), summary_table <- rlistings::as_listing(summary_table_data[0L, ]))
+ }
+ })
+ output_test_q <- reactive({
# wrapped in if since could lead into validate error - we do want to continue
test_q_out <- try(test_q(), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(test_q_out, c("try-error", "error"))) {
within(test_q_out, {
- test_table <- DT::datatable(
- test_table_data,
- options = list(scrollX = TRUE),
- rownames = FALSE
- )
+ test_table <- rlistings::as_listing(test_table_data)
} else {
- within(common_q(), test_table <- NULL)
+ within(common_q(), test_table <- rlistings::as_listing(data.frame(missing = character(0L))))
- output_dist_q <- reactive(c(output_common_q(), req(dist_q())))
- output_qq_q <- reactive(c(output_common_q(), req(qq_q())))
decorated_output_dist_q <- srv_decorate_teal_data(
data = output_dist_q,
@@ -1307,14 +1296,14 @@ srv_distribution <- function(id,
decorated_output_summary_q <- srv_decorate_teal_data(
- data = output_common_q,
+ data = output_summary_q,
decorators = select_decorators(decorators, "summary_table"),
expr = summary_table
decorated_output_test_q <- srv_decorate_teal_data(
- data = output_common_q,
+ data = output_test_q,
decorators = select_decorators(decorators, "test_table"),
expr = test_table
@@ -1339,13 +1328,24 @@ srv_distribution <- function(id,
qq_r <- reactive(req(decorated_output_qq_q())[["qq_plot"]])
- output$summary_table <- DT::renderDataTable(expr = decorated_output_summary_q()[["summary_table"]])
+ output$summary_table <- DT::renderDataTable(
+ expr = decorated_output_summary_q()[["summary_table_data"]],
+ options = list(
+ autoWidth = TRUE,
+ columnDefs = list(list(width = "200px", targets = "_all"))
+ ),
+ rownames = FALSE
+ )
tests_r <- reactive({
req(test_q()) # Ensure original errors are displayed
- decorated_output_test_q()[["test_table"]]
+ DT::datatable(
+ data = decorated_output_test_q()[["test_table_data"]],
+ options = list(scrollX = TRUE),
+ rownames = FALSE
+ )
pws1 <- teal.widgets::plot_with_settings_srv(
@@ -1364,13 +1364,14 @@ srv_distribution <- function(id,
brushing = FALSE
- output$t_stats <- DT::renderDataTable(
- expr = tests_r()
- )
+ output$t_stats <- DT::renderDataTable(expr = tests_r())
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "R Code for distribution"
@@ -1390,8 +1391,7 @@ srv_distribution <- function(id,
card$append_plot(qq_r(), dim = pws2$dim())
card$append_text("Statistics table", "header3")
- card$append_table(common_q()[["summary_table"]])
+ card$append_table(decorated_output_summary_q()[["summary_table"]])
tests_error <- tryCatch(expr = tests_r(), error = function(e) "error")
if (inherits(tests_error, "data.frame")) {
card$append_text("Tests table", "header3")
@@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ srv_distribution <- function(id,
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q())))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/tm_g_response.R b/R/tm_g_response.R
index 98d7647e1..94f8ee329 100644
--- a/R/tm_g_response.R
+++ b/R/tm_g_response.R
@@ -33,14 +33,13 @@
#' @param freq (`logical(1)`)
#' Indicates whether to display frequency (`TRUE`) or density (`FALSE`).
#' Defaults to density (`FALSE`).
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_g_response")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
#' @note For more examples, please see the vignette "Using response plot" via
#' `vignette("using-response-plot", package = "teal.modules.general")`.
-#' @section Decorating `tm_g_response`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
#' - `plot` (`ggplot2`)
@@ -571,9 +570,12 @@ srv_g_response <- function(id,
width = plot_width
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_plot_q())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_plot_q()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "Show R Code for Response"
@@ -592,7 +594,7 @@ srv_g_response <- function(id,
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_plot_q())))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/tm_g_scatterplot.R b/R/tm_g_scatterplot.R
index 96d8d2b73..3cecd5b77 100644
--- a/R/tm_g_scatterplot.R
+++ b/R/tm_g_scatterplot.R
@@ -27,11 +27,10 @@
#' `vignette("ggplot2-specs", package="ggplot2")`.
#' @param max_deg (`integer`) optional, maximum degree for the polynomial trend line. Must not be less than 1.
#' @param table_dec (`integer`) optional, number of decimal places used to round numeric values in the table.
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_g_scatterplot")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_g_scatterplot`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
#' - `plot` (`ggplot2`)
@@ -1055,9 +1054,12 @@ srv_g_scatterplot <- function(id,
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_plot_q())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_plot_q()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "R Code for scatterplot"
@@ -1076,7 +1078,7 @@ srv_g_scatterplot <- function(id,
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_plot_q())))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/tm_g_scatterplotmatrix.R b/R/tm_g_scatterplotmatrix.R
index ec7d4c2b2..fd8ada3cd 100644
--- a/R/tm_g_scatterplotmatrix.R
+++ b/R/tm_g_scatterplotmatrix.R
@@ -15,11 +15,10 @@
#' Specifies plotting variables from an incoming dataset with filtering and selecting. In case of
#' `data_extract_spec` use `select_spec(..., ordered = TRUE)` if plot elements should be
#' rendered according to selection order.
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_g_scatterplotmatrix")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_g_scatterplotmatrix`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
#' - `plot` (`trellis` - output of `lattice::splom`)
@@ -486,9 +485,12 @@ srv_g_scatterplotmatrix <- function(id,
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "Show R Code for Scatterplotmatrix"
@@ -507,7 +509,7 @@ srv_g_scatterplotmatrix <- function(id,
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q())))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/tm_missing_data.R b/R/tm_missing_data.R
index 97469e39e..db3c5f7a4 100644
--- a/R/tm_missing_data.R
+++ b/R/tm_missing_data.R
@@ -14,17 +14,16 @@
#' @param ggtheme (`character`) optional, specifies the default `ggplot2` theme for plots. Defaults to `classic`.
#' @param ggplot2_args `r roxygen_ggplot2_args_param("Summary Obs", "Summary Patients", "Combinations Main", "Combinations Hist", "By Subject")`
# nolint end: line_length.
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_missing_data")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_missing_data`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
#' - `summary_plot` (`grob` created with [ggplot2::ggplotGrob()])
#' - `combination_plot` (`grob` created with [ggplot2::ggplotGrob()])
#' - `by_subject_plot` (`ggplot2`)
-#' - `table` ([DT::datatable()])
+#' - `table` (`listing_df` created with [rlistings::as_listing()])
#' Decorators can be applied to all outputs or only to specific objects using a
#' named list of `teal_transform_module` objects.
@@ -1149,7 +1148,7 @@ srv_missing_data <- function(id,
- within(qenv, table <- DT::datatable(summary_data))
+ within(qenv, table <- rlistings::as_listing(summary_data))
by_subject_plot_q <- reactive({
@@ -1316,7 +1315,7 @@ srv_missing_data <- function(id,
options = list(language = list(zeroRecords = "No variable selected."), pageLength = input$levels_table_rows)
} else {
- decorated_summary_table_q()[["table"]]
+ DT::datatable(decorated_summary_table_q()[["summary_data"]])
@@ -1361,9 +1360,12 @@ srv_missing_data <- function(id,
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_final_q())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_final_q()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "Show R Code for Missing Data"
@@ -1390,7 +1392,12 @@ srv_missing_data <- function(id,
card$append_plot(combination_plot_r(), dim = pws2$dim())
} else if (sum_type == "By Variable Levels") {
card$append_text("Table", "header3")
- card$append_table(summary_table_r[["summary_data"]])
+ table <- decorated_summary_table_q()[["table"]]
+ if (nrow(table) == 0L) {
+ card$append_text("No data available for table.")
+ } else {
+ card$append_table(table)
+ }
} else if (sum_type == "Grouped by Subject") {
card$append_text("Plot", "header3")
card$append_plot(by_subject_plot_r(), dim = pws3$dim())
@@ -1399,7 +1406,7 @@ srv_missing_data <- function(id,
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_final_q())))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/tm_outliers.R b/R/tm_outliers.R
index b9fdd90e6..7bb720c13 100644
--- a/R/tm_outliers.R
+++ b/R/tm_outliers.R
@@ -12,17 +12,16 @@
#' @param categorical_var (`data_extract_spec` or `list` of multiple `data_extract_spec`) optional,
#' specifies the categorical variable(s) to split the selected outlier variables on.
#' @param ggplot2_args `r roxygen_ggplot2_args_param("Boxplot", "Density Plot", "Cumulative Distribution Plot")`
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_outliers")`
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_outliers`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
#' - `box_plot` (`ggplot2`)
#' - `density_plot` (`ggplot2`)
#' - `cumulative_plot` (`ggplot2`)
-#' - `table` ([DT::datatable()])
+#' - `table` (`listing_df` created with [rlistings::as_listing()])
#' Decorators can be applied to all outputs or only to specific objects using a
#' named list of `teal_transform_module` objects.
@@ -720,15 +719,11 @@ srv_outliers <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, outlier_var,
within(qenv, summary_table <- data.frame())
- # Datatable is generated in qenv to allow for output decoration
+ # Generate decoratable object from data
qenv <- within(qenv, {
- table <- DT::datatable(
- summary_table,
- options = list(
- dom = "t",
- autoWidth = TRUE,
- columnDefs = list(list(width = "200px", targets = "_all"))
- )
+ table <- rlistings::as_listing(
+ tibble::rownames_to_column(summary_table, var = " "),
+ key_cols = character(0L)
@@ -894,11 +889,11 @@ srv_outliers <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, outlier_var,
# Cumulative distribution plot
cumulative_plot_q <- reactive({
- ANL <- common_code_q()[["ANL"]]
- ANL_OUTLIER <- common_code_q()[["ANL_OUTLIER"]]
qenv <- common_code_q()
+ ANL <- qenv[["ANL"]]
outlier_var <- as.vector(merged$anl_input_r()$columns_source$outlier_var)
categorical_var <- as.vector(merged$anl_input_r()$columns_source$categorical_var)
@@ -1027,7 +1022,7 @@ srv_outliers <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, outlier_var,
expr_is_reactive = TRUE
- rlang::set_names(c("box_plot", "density_plot", "cumulative_plot")),
+ stats::setNames(nm = c("box_plot", "density_plot", "cumulative_plot")),
c(box_plot_q, density_plot_q, cumulative_plot_q)
@@ -1045,7 +1040,14 @@ srv_outliers <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, outlier_var,
if (iv_r()$is_valid()) {
categorical_var <- as.vector(merged$anl_input_r()$columns_source$categorical_var)
if (!is.null(categorical_var)) {
- decorated_final_q()[["table"]]
+ DT::datatable(
+ decorated_final_q()[["summary_table"]],
+ options = list(
+ dom = "t",
+ autoWidth = TRUE,
+ columnDefs = list(list(width = "200px", targets = "_all"))
+ )
+ )
@@ -1299,9 +1301,12 @@ srv_outliers <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, outlier_var,
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_final_q())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_final_q()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "Show R Code for Outlier"
@@ -1317,7 +1322,7 @@ srv_outliers <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, outlier_var,
categorical_var <- as.vector(merged$anl_input_r()$columns_source$categorical_var)
if (length(categorical_var) > 0) {
- summary_table <- common_code_q()[["summary_table"]]
+ summary_table <- decorated_final_q()[["table"]]
card$append_text("Summary Table", "header3")
@@ -1333,7 +1338,7 @@ srv_outliers <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, outlier_var,
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_final_q())))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/tm_t_crosstable.R b/R/tm_t_crosstable.R
index de65386f2..303df7931 100644
--- a/R/tm_t_crosstable.R
+++ b/R/tm_t_crosstable.R
@@ -19,14 +19,13 @@
#' @param show_total (`logical(1)`)
#' Indicates whether to show total column.
#' Defaults to `TRUE`.
-#' @param decorators `r roxygen_decorators_param("tm_t_crosstable")`
#' @note For more examples, please see the vignette "Using cross table" via
#' `vignette("using-cross-table", package = "teal.modules.general")`.
#' @inherit shared_params return
-#' @section Decorating `tm_t_crosstable`:
+#' @section Decorating Module:
#' This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
#' - `table` (`ElementaryTable` - output of `rtables::build_table`)
@@ -429,9 +428,12 @@ srv_t_crosstable <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, label, x, y,
table_r = table_r
+ # Render R code.
+ source_code_r <- reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q())))
id = "rcode",
- verbatim_content = reactive(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q()))),
+ verbatim_content = source_code_r,
title = "Show R Code for Cross-Table"
@@ -450,7 +452,7 @@ srv_t_crosstable <- function(id, data, reporter, filter_panel_api, label, x, y,
card$append_text("Comment", "header3")
- card$append_src(teal.code::get_code(req(decorated_output_q())))
+ card$append_src(source_code_r())
teal.reporter::simple_reporter_srv("simple_reporter", reporter = reporter, card_fun = card_fun)
diff --git a/R/utils.R b/R/utils.R
index dcb0ebd17..c1a8262eb 100644
--- a/R/utils.R
+++ b/R/utils.R
@@ -33,6 +33,14 @@
#' - When the length of `size` is one: the plot point sizes will have a fixed size.
#' - When the length of `size` is three: the plot points size are dynamically adjusted based on
#' vector of `value`, `min`, and `max`.
+#' @param decorators `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
+#' (`list` of `teal_transform_module`, named `list` of `teal_transform_module` or `NULL`) optional,
+#' if not `NULL`, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+#' When a named list of `teal_transform_module`, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+#' Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name `default`.
+#' See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.
#' @return Object of class `teal_module` to be used in `teal` applications.
@@ -299,21 +307,26 @@ srv_decorate_teal_data <- function(id, data, decorators, expr, expr_is_reactive
missing_expr <- missing(expr)
if (!missing_expr && !expr_is_reactive) {
- expr <- rlang::enexpr(expr)
+ expr <- dplyr::enexpr(expr) # Using dplyr re-export to avoid adding rlang to Imports
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
decorated_output <- srv_transform_teal_data("inner", data = data, transformators = decorators)
- # ensure original errors are displayed and `eval_code` is never executed with NULL
- req(data(), decorated_output())
- if (missing_expr) {
- decorated_output()
- } else if (expr_is_reactive) {
- teal.code::eval_code(decorated_output(), expr())
+ data_out <- try(data(), silent = TRUE)
+ if (inherits(data_out, "qenv.error")) {
+ data()
} else {
- teal.code::eval_code(decorated_output(), expr)
+ # ensure original errors are displayed and `eval_code` is never executed with NULL
+ req(data(), decorated_output())
+ if (missing_expr) {
+ decorated_output()
+ } else if (expr_is_reactive) {
+ teal.code::eval_code(decorated_output(), expr())
+ } else {
+ teal.code::eval_code(decorated_output(), expr)
+ }
diff --git a/man/figures/lifecycle-deprecated.svg b/man/figures/lifecycle-deprecated.svg
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b61c57c3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/figures/lifecycle-deprecated.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/man/figures/lifecycle-experimental.svg b/man/figures/lifecycle-experimental.svg
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5d88fc2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/figures/lifecycle-experimental.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/man/figures/lifecycle-stable.svg b/man/figures/lifecycle-stable.svg
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9bf21e76b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/figures/lifecycle-stable.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
diff --git a/man/figures/lifecycle-superseded.svg b/man/figures/lifecycle-superseded.svg
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..db8d757f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/figures/lifecycle-superseded.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/man/shared_params.Rd b/man/shared_params.Rd
index 1ea6b7094..92b563c64 100644
--- a/man/shared_params.Rd
+++ b/man/shared_params.Rd
@@ -47,6 +47,15 @@ vector of \code{value}, \code{min}, and \code{max}.
\item When the length of \code{size} is three: the plot points size are dynamically adjusted based on
vector of \code{value}, \code{min}, and \code{max}.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
diff --git a/man/tm_a_pca.Rd b/man/tm_a_pca.Rd
index 8dada5c8c..5d013a830 100644
--- a/man/tm_a_pca.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_a_pca.Rd
@@ -72,11 +72,14 @@ with text placed before the output to put the output into context. For example a
\item{post_output}{(\code{shiny.tag}) optional, text or UI element to be displayed after the module's output,
adding context or further instructions. Elements like \code{shiny::helpText()} are useful.}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_a_pca}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ ways of visualizing the outcomes, including elbow plot, circle plot, biplot, and
Additionally, it enables dynamic customization of plot aesthetics, such as opacity, size, and
font size, through UI inputs.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_a_pca}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
diff --git a/man/tm_a_regression.Rd b/man/tm_a_regression.Rd
index 20897f8af..69e455b23 100644
--- a/man/tm_a_regression.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_a_regression.Rd
@@ -96,11 +96,14 @@ It takes the form of \code{c(value, min, max)} and it is passed to the \code{val
argument in \code{teal.widgets::optionalSliderInputValMinMax}.
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_a_regression}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ visualize residuals, and identify outliers.
For more examples, please see the vignette "Using regression plots" via
\code{vignette("using-regression-plots", package = "teal.modules.general")}.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_a_regression}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
diff --git a/man/tm_data_table.Rd b/man/tm_data_table.Rd
index 78864c9c4..9fda79408 100644
--- a/man/tm_data_table.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_data_table.Rd
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ tm_data_table(
scrollX = TRUE),
server_rendering = FALSE,
pre_output = NULL,
- post_output = NULL,
- decorators = NULL
+ post_output = NULL
@@ -47,12 +46,6 @@ with text placed before the output to put the output into context. For example a
\item{post_output}{(\code{shiny.tag}) optional, text or UI element to be displayed after the module's output,
adding context or further instructions. Elements like \code{shiny::helpText()} are useful.}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
-Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_data_table}" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -68,18 +61,6 @@ Configure the \code{DT.TOJSON_ARGS} option via
\code{options(DT.TOJSON_ARGS = list(na = "string"))} before running the module.
Note though that sorting of numeric columns with \code{NA}/\code{Inf} will be lexicographic not numerical.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_data_table}}{
-This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
-\item \code{table} (\code{\link[DT:datatable]{DT::datatable()}})
-For additional details and examples of decorators, refer to the vignette
-\code{vignette("decorate-modules-output", package = "teal")} or the \code{\link[teal:teal_transform_module]{teal::teal_transform_module()}} documentation.
# general data example
data <- teal_data()
diff --git a/man/tm_g_association.Rd b/man/tm_g_association.Rd
index be072e66e..f037b9e52 100644
--- a/man/tm_g_association.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_g_association.Rd
@@ -57,11 +57,14 @@ List names should match the following: \code{c("default", "Bivariate1", "Bivaria
For more details see the vignette: \code{vignette("custom-ggplot2-arguments", package = "teal.widgets")}.}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_g_association}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ It supports configuring the appearance of the plots, including themes and whethe
For more examples, please see the vignette "Using association plot" via
\code{vignette("using-association-plot", package = "teal.modules.general")}.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_g_association}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
diff --git a/man/tm_g_bivariate.Rd b/man/tm_g_bivariate.Rd
index 80adf050e..55c913bd0 100644
--- a/man/tm_g_bivariate.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_g_bivariate.Rd
@@ -102,11 +102,14 @@ with text placed before the output to put the output into context. For example a
\item{post_output}{(\code{shiny.tag}) optional, text or UI element to be displayed after the module's output,
adding context or further instructions. Elements like \code{shiny::helpText()} are useful.}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_g_bivariate}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -122,7 +125,7 @@ This is a general module to visualize 1 & 2 dimensional data.
For more examples, please see the vignette "Using bivariate plot" via
\code{vignette("using-bivariate-plot", package = "teal.modules.general")}.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_g_bivariate}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
diff --git a/man/tm_g_distribution.Rd b/man/tm_g_distribution.Rd
index 8931ba7b6..b5f5e5111 100644
--- a/man/tm_g_distribution.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_g_distribution.Rd
@@ -64,11 +64,14 @@ with text placed before the output to put the output into context. For example a
\item{post_output}{(\code{shiny.tag}, optional) with text placed after the output to put the output
into context. For example the \code{\link[shiny:helpText]{shiny::helpText()}} elements are useful.}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_g_distribution}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -78,15 +81,15 @@ Module is designed to explore the distribution of a single variable within a giv
It offers several tools, such as histograms, Q-Q plots, and various statistical tests to
visually and statistically analyze the variable's distribution.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_g_distribution}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators::
\item \code{histogram_plot} (\code{ggplot2})
-\item \code{qq_plot} (\code{data.frame})
-\item \code{summary_table} (\code{data.frame})
-\item \code{test_table} (\code{data.frame})
+\item \code{qq_plot} (\code{ggplot2})
+\item \code{summary_table} (\code{listing_df} created with \code{\link[rlistings:listings]{rlistings::as_listing()}})
+\item \code{test_table} (\code{listing_df} created with \code{\link[rlistings:listings]{rlistings::as_listing()}})
Decorators can be applied to all outputs or only to specific objects using a
diff --git a/man/tm_g_response.Rd b/man/tm_g_response.Rd
index a75adb823..77cecbf9e 100644
--- a/man/tm_g_response.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_g_response.Rd
@@ -82,11 +82,14 @@ with text placed before the output to put the output into context. For example a
\item{post_output}{(\code{shiny.tag}) optional, text or UI element to be displayed after the module's output,
adding context or further instructions. Elements like \code{shiny::helpText()} are useful.}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_g_response}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ as frequency or density.
For more examples, please see the vignette "Using response plot" via
\code{vignette("using-response-plot", package = "teal.modules.general")}.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_g_response}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
diff --git a/man/tm_g_scatterplot.Rd b/man/tm_g_scatterplot.Rd
index 3e961928c..ae70e136d 100644
--- a/man/tm_g_scatterplot.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_g_scatterplot.Rd
@@ -95,11 +95,14 @@ The argument is merged with options variable \code{teal.ggplot2_args} and defaul
For more details see the vignette: \code{vignette("custom-ggplot2-arguments", package = "teal.widgets")}}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_g_scatterplot}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ trend line additions, and dynamic adjustments of point opacity and size through
For more examples, please see the vignette "Using scatterplot" via
\code{vignette("using-scatterplot", package = "teal.modules.general")}.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_g_scatterplot}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
diff --git a/man/tm_g_scatterplotmatrix.Rd b/man/tm_g_scatterplotmatrix.Rd
index 582d08917..ab343c615 100644
--- a/man/tm_g_scatterplotmatrix.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_g_scatterplotmatrix.Rd
@@ -36,11 +36,14 @@ with text placed before the output to put the output into context. For example a
\item{post_output}{(\code{shiny.tag}) optional, text or UI element to be displayed after the module's output,
adding context or further instructions. Elements like \code{shiny::helpText()} are useful.}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_g_scatterplotmatrix}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@ providing the overview of correlations and distributions across selected data.
For more examples, please see the vignette "Using scatterplot matrix" via
\code{vignette("using-scatterplot-matrix", package = "teal.modules.general")}.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_g_scatterplotmatrix}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
diff --git a/man/tm_missing_data.Rd b/man/tm_missing_data.Rd
index 86517c88c..4194590d3 100644
--- a/man/tm_missing_data.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_missing_data.Rd
@@ -47,11 +47,14 @@ with text placed before the output to put the output into context. For example a
\item{post_output}{(\code{shiny.tag}) optional, text or UI element to be displayed after the module's output,
adding context or further instructions. Elements like \code{shiny::helpText()} are useful.}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_missing_data}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ gain insights into the completeness of their data.
It is useful for clinical data analysis within the context of \code{CDISC} standards and
adaptable for general data analysis purposes.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_missing_data}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place usin
\item \code{summary_plot} (\code{grob} created with \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplotGrob]{ggplot2::ggplotGrob()}})
\item \code{combination_plot} (\code{grob} created with \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplotGrob]{ggplot2::ggplotGrob()}})
\item \code{by_subject_plot} (\code{ggplot2})
-\item \code{table} (\code{\link[DT:datatable]{DT::datatable()}})
+\item \code{table} (\code{listing_df} created with \code{\link[rlistings:listings]{rlistings::as_listing()}})
Decorators can be applied to all outputs or only to specific objects using a
diff --git a/man/tm_outliers.Rd b/man/tm_outliers.Rd
index 04a0761ed..3d1d57484 100644
--- a/man/tm_outliers.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_outliers.Rd
@@ -48,11 +48,14 @@ with text placed before the output to put the output into context. For example a
\item{post_output}{(\code{shiny.tag}) optional, text or UI element to be displayed after the module's output,
adding context or further instructions. Elements like \code{shiny::helpText()} are useful.}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_outliers}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ Module to analyze and identify outliers using different methods
such as IQR, Z-score, and Percentiles, and offers visualizations including
box plots, density plots, and cumulative distribution plots to help interpret the outliers.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_outliers}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
@@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place usin
\item \code{box_plot} (\code{ggplot2})
\item \code{density_plot} (\code{ggplot2})
\item \code{cumulative_plot} (\code{ggplot2})
-\item \code{table} (\code{\link[DT:datatable]{DT::datatable()}})
+\item \code{table} (\code{listing_df} created with \code{\link[rlistings:listings]{rlistings::as_listing()}})
Decorators can be applied to all outputs or only to specific objects using a
diff --git a/man/tm_t_crosstable.Rd b/man/tm_t_crosstable.Rd
index b44c4ec94..252c8e3c5 100644
--- a/man/tm_t_crosstable.Rd
+++ b/man/tm_t_crosstable.Rd
@@ -51,11 +51,14 @@ The argument is merged with options variable \code{teal.basic_table_args} and de
For more details see the vignette: \code{vignette("custom-basic-table-arguments", package = "teal.widgets")}}
-\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}} (\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional, if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module. When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
+\item{decorators}{\ifelse{html}{\href{}{\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\strong{[Experimental]}}
+(\code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module}, named \code{list} of \code{teal_transform_module} or \code{NULL}) optional,
+if not \code{NULL}, decorator for tables or plots included in the module.
+When a named list of \code{teal_transform_module}, the decorators are applied to the respective output objects.
Otherwise, the decorators are applied to all objects, which is equivalent as using the name \code{default}.
-See section "Decorating \code{tm_t_crosstable}" below for more details.}
+See section "Decorating Module" below for more details.}
Object of class \code{teal_module} to be used in \code{teal} applications.
@@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ options for showing percentages and sub-totals.
For more examples, please see the vignette "Using cross table" via
\code{vignette("using-cross-table", package = "teal.modules.general")}.
-\section{Decorating \code{tm_t_crosstable}}{
+\section{Decorating Module}{
This module generates the following objects, which can be modified in place using decorators:
diff --git a/teal.modules.general.Rproj b/teal.modules.general.Rproj
index 4713d6572..312694e9e 100644
--- a/teal.modules.general.Rproj
+++ b/teal.modules.general.Rproj
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Version: 1.0
+ProjectId: 2782a0d1-5126-4b5c-b177-1150fb426d43
RestoreWorkspace: No
SaveWorkspace: No