You can contribute by creating issues, making pull requests, improving the documentation or creating examples.
Please get in touch with us if you wish to contribute. We are happy to be involved in the discussion of new features and to receive pull requests and also looking forward to include notebooks using sc3nb in our examples.
We will honor contributors in our Contributors list. If you contribute with a pull request feel free to add yourself to the list.
To ensure standards are followed please install the [dev]
extra. See How to set up the testing and development environment
We use:
- pre-commit to controll our standards for each commit.
- black and isort for formatting code.
- python type hints
- numpydoc docstring format. Also see Guide to NumPy Documentation
Feel free to suggest new example notebooks using sc3nb for all possible applications like sonification, music making or sound design.
Please use
import sc3nb as scn
sc = scn.startup()
to import sc3nb and start the SC instance.
Also add sc.exit()
to all notebooks at the end.
Please also try to make sure they work when using the doc generation script.
Additional dependencies for sc3nb can be installed via the following extras:
Install | Purpose |
[test] |
running tox for tests and other things |
[dev] |
using the pre-commit hooks and installing other useful tools for development |
[docs] |
building the docs directly, without tox (used by tox) |
[localtest] |
running pytest directly, without tox (used by tox) |
Normally you should only need [test]
and [dev]
for contributing.
The following tests should all be successful.
run tests
test build
pip install --upgrade build python -m build
test building the docs
For building the documentation for the current branch use:
tox -e docs
Controll the output in
run all tests
update changelog
should contain information about the commits between the versions
create a new git tag for this version
We use semantic versioning. Please always use 3 numbers like v1.0.0 for setuptools_scm
clear build files
rm dist build
pip install --upgrade build python -m build
upload testpypi
pip install --user --upgrade twine python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
check testpypi
pip install --index-url --extra-index-url sc3nb
upload pypi
python -m twine upload dist/*
check pypi
pip install sc3nb
build github-pages docs (after pushing the tag) See How to build the docs
Create the gh-pages documentation with
tox -e docs -- --github --clean --commit
Controll the commit in the build folder (build/docs/gh-pages/repo/
Push the changes