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CCV: Technical Specification - Data Structures

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External Data Structures

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This section describes external data structures used by the CCV module.

The CCV module uses the ABCI ValidatorUpdate data structure, which consists of a validator and its power (for more details, take a look at the ABCI specification), i.e.,

interface ValidatorUpdate {
  pubKey: PublicKey
  power: int64

The provider chain sends to the consumer chain a list of ValidatorUpdates, containing an entry for every validator that had its power updated.

The data structures required for creating clients (i.e., ClientState, ConsensusState) are defined in ICS 2. In the context of CCV, every chain is uniquely defined by their chain ID and the validator set. Thus, CCV requires the ClientState to contain the chain ID and the ConsensusState for a particular height to contain the validator set at that height. In addition, the ClientState should contain the UnbondingPeriod. For an example, take a look at the ClientState and ConsensusState defined in ICS 7.

CCV Data Structures

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The CCV module is initialized through the InitGenesis method when the chain is first started. The initialization is done from a genesis state. This is the case for both provider and consumer chains:

  • On the provider chain, the genesis state is described by the following interface:
    interface ProviderGenesisState {
      // a list of existing consumer chains
      consumerStates: [ConsumerState]
    with ConsumerState defined as
    interface ConsumerState {
      chainId: string
      channelId: Identifier
  • On the consumer chain, the genesis state is described by the following interface:
    interface ConsumerGenesisState {
      providerClientState: ClientState
      providerConsensusState: ConsensusState
      initialValSet: [ValidatorUpdate]

The provider CCV module handles governance proposals to spawn new consumer chains and to stop existing consumer chains. While the structure of governance proposals is specific to every ABCI application (for an example, see the Proposal interface in the Governance module documentation of Cosmos SDK), this specification expects the following fields to be part of the proposals to spawn new consumer chains (i.e., SpawnConsumerChainProposal) and to stop existing ones (i.e., StopConsumerChainProposal):

interface SpawnConsumerChainProposal {
  chainId: string
  initialHeight: Height
  spawnTime: Timestamp
  lockUnbondingOnTimeout: Bool
  • chainId is the proposed chain ID of the new consumer chain. It must be different from all other consumer chain IDs of the executing provider chain.
  • initialHeight is the proposed initial height of new consumer chain. For an example, take a look at the Height defined in ICS 7.
  • spawnTime is the time on the provider chain at which the consumer chain genesis is finalized and all validators are responsible to start their consumer chain validator node.
  • lockUnbondingOnTimeout is a boolean value that indicates whether the funds corresponding to the outstanding unbonding operations are to be released in case of a timeout. In case lockUnbondingOnTimeout == true, a governance proposal to stop the timed out consumer chain would be necessary to release the locked funds.
interface StopConsumerChainProposal {
  chainId: string
  stopTime: Timestamp
  • chainId is the chain ID of the consumer chain to be removed. It must be the ID of an existing consumer chain of the executing provider chain.
  • stopTime is the time on the provider chain at which all validators are responsible to stop their consumer chain validator node.

During the CCV channel opening handshake, the provider chain adds the address of its distribution module account to the channel version as metadata (as described in ICS 4). The metadata structure is described by the following interface:

interface CCVHandshakeMetadata {
  providerDistributionAccount: string // the account's address
  version: string

This specification assumes that the provider CCV module has access to the address of the distribution module account through the GetDistributionAccountAddress() method. For an example, take a look at the auth module of Cosmos SDK.

During the CCV channel opening handshake, the provider chain adds the address of its distribution module account to the channel version as metadata (as described in ICS 4). The metadata structure is described by the following interface:

interface CCVHandshakeMetadata {
  providerDistributionAccount: string // the account's address
  version: string

This specification assumes that the provider CCV module has access to the address of the distribution module account through the GetDistributionAccountAddress() method. For an example, take a look at the auth module of Cosmos SDK.

CCV Packets

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The structure of the packets sent through the CCV channel is defined by the Packet interface in ICS 4. The following packet data types are required by the CCV module:

  • VSCPacketData contains a list of validator updates, i.e.,
    interface VSCPacketData {
      // the id of this VSC
      id: uint64 
      // validator updates
      updates: [ValidatorUpdate]
      // downtime slash requests acknowledgements, 
      // i.e., list of validator addresses
      downtimeSlashAcks: [string]
  • VSCMaturedPacketData contains the ID of the VSC that reached maturity, i.e.,
    interface VSCMaturedPacketData {
      id: uint64 // the id of the VSC that reached maturity
  • SlashPacketData contains a request to slash a validator, i.e.,
      interface SlashPacketData {
        valAddress: string // validator address, i.e., the hash of its public key
        valPower: int64
        vscId: uint64
        downtime: Bool

Note that for brevity we use e.g., VSCPacket to refer to a packet with VSCPacketData as its data.

Packets are acknowledged by the remote side by sending back an Acknowledgement that contains either a result (in case of success) or an error (as defined in ICS 4). The following acknowledgement types are required by the CCV module:

type VSCPacketAcknowledgement = VSCPacketSuccess | VSCPacketError;
type VSCMaturedPacketAcknowledgement = VSCMaturedPacketSuccess | VSCMaturedPacketError;
type SlashPacketAcknowledgement = SlashPacketSuccess | SlashPacketError;
type PacketAcknowledgement = PacketSuccess | PacketError; // general ack

CCV State

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This section describes the internal state of the CCV module. For simplicity, the state is described by a set of variables; for each variable, both the type and a brief description is provided. In practice, all the state (except for hardcoded constants, e.g., ProviderPortId) is stored in a key/value store (KVS). The host state machine provides a KVS interface with three functions, i.e., get(), set(), and delete() (as defined in ICS 24).

  • ccvVersion = "ccv-1" is the CCV expected version. Both the provider and the consumer chains need to agree on this version.
  • zeroTimeoutHeight = {0,0} is the timeoutHeight (as defined in ICS 4) used by CCV for sending packets. Note that CCV uses ccvTimeoutTimestamp for sending CCV packets and transferTimeoutTimestamp for transferring tokens.
  • ccvTimeoutTimestamp: uint64 is the timeoutTimestamp (as defined in ICS 4) for sending CCV packets. The CCV protocol is responsible of setting ccvTimeoutTimestamp such that the Correct Relayer assumption is feasible.
  • transferTimeoutTimestamp: uint64 is the timeoutTimestamp (as defined in ICS 4) for transferring tokens.

State on Provider Chain

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  • ProviderPortId = "provider" is the port ID the provider CCV module is expected to bind to.
  • pendingSpawnProposals: [SpawnConsumerChainProposal] is a list of pending governance proposals to spawn new consumer chains.
  • pendingStopProposals: [StopConsumerChainProposal] is a list of pending governance proposals to stop existing consumer chains. Both lists of pending governance proposals expose the following interface:
  interface [Proposal] {
    // append a proposal to the list; the list is modified
    Append(p: Proposal) 

    // remove a proposal from the list; the list is modified
    Remove(p: Proposal)
  • lockUnbondingOnTimeout: Map<string, Bool> is a mapping from consumer chain IDs to the boolean values indicating whether the funds corresponding to the in progress unbonding operations are to be released in case of a timeout.
  • chainToClient: Map<string, Identifier> is a mapping from consumer chain IDs to the associated client IDs.
  • chainToChannel: Map<string, Identifier> is a mapping from consumer chain IDs to the CCV channel IDs.
  • channelToChain: Map<Identifier, string> is a mapping from CCV channel IDs to consumer chain IDs.
  • pendingVSCPackets: Map<string, [VSCPacketData]> is a mapping from consumer chain IDs to a list of pending VSCPacketDatas that must be sent to the consumer chain once the CCV channel is established. The map exposes the following interface:
    interface Map<string, [VSCPacketData]> {
      // append a VSCPacketData to the list mapped to chainId;
      // the list is modified
      Append(chainId: string, data: VSCPacketData) 
      // remove all the VSCPacketData mapped to chainId;
      // the list is modified
      Remove(chainId: string)
  • vscId: uint64 is a monotonic strictly increasing and positive ID that is used to uniquely identify the VSCs sent to the consumer chains. Note that 0 is used as a special ID for the mapping from consumer heights to provider heights.
  • initialHeights: Map<string, Height> is a mapping from consumer chain IDs to the heights on the provider chain. For every consumer chain, the mapping stores the height when the CCV channel to that consumer chain is established. Note that the provider validator set at this height matches the validator set at the height when the first VSC is provided to that consumer chain. It enables the mapping from consumer heights to provider heights.
  • VSCtoH: Map<uint64, Height> is a mapping from VSC IDs to heights on the provider chain. It enables the mapping from consumer heights to provider heights, i.e., the voting power at height VSCtoH[id] on the provider chain was last updated by the validator updates contained in the VSC with ID id.
  • unbondingOps: Map<uint64, UnbondingOperation> is a mapping that enables accessing for every unbonding operation the list of consumer chains that are still unbonding. When unbonding operations are initiated, the Staking module calls the AfterUnbondingInitiated() hook; this leads to the creation of a new UnbondingOperation, which is defined as
    interface UnbondingOperation {
      id: uint64
      // list of consumer chain IDs that are still unbonding
      unbondingChainIds: [string] 
  • vscToUnbondingOps: Map<(string, uint64), [uint64]> is a mapping from (chainId, vscId) tuples to a list of unbonding operation IDs. It enables the provider CCV module to match a VSCMaturedPacket{vscId}, received from a consumer chain with chainId, with the corresponding unbonding operations. As a result, chainId can be removed from the list of consumer chains that are still unbonding these operations. For more details see how received VSCMaturedPackets are handled.
  • downtimeSlashRequests: Map<string, [string]> is a mapping from chainIds to lists of validator addresses, i.e., downtimeSlashRequests[chainId] contains all the validator addresses for which the provider chain received slash requests for downtime from the consumer chain with chainId.

State on Consumer Chain

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  • ConsumerPortId = "consumer" is the port ID the consumer CCV module is expected to bind to.
  • consumerUnbondingPeriod: Duration" is the unbonding period on the consumer chain.
  • providerClient: Identifier identifies the client of the provider chain (on the consumer chain) that the CCV channel is build upon.
  • providerChannel: Identifier identifies the consumer's channel end of the CCV channel.
  • validatorSet: <string, CrossChainValidator> is a mapping that stores the validators in the validator set of the consumer chain. Each validator is described by a CrossChainValidator data structure, which is defined as
    interface CrossChainValidator {
      address: string // validator address, i.e., the hash of its public key
      power: int64
  • pendingChanges: [ValidatorUpdate] is a list of ValidatorUpdates received, but not yet applied to the validator set. It is emptied on every EndBlock(). The list exposes the following interface:
    interface [ValidatorUpdate] {
      // append updates to the list;
      // the list is modified
      Append(updates: [ValidatorUpdate]) 
      // return an aggregated list of updates, i.e., 
      // keep only the latest update per validator;
      // the original list is not modified
      Aggregate(): [ValidatorUpdate]
      // remove all the updates from the list;
      // the list is modified
  • HtoVSC: Map<Height, uint64> is a mapping from consumer chain heights to VSC IDs. It enables the mapping from consumer heights to provider heights., i.e.,
    • if HtoVSC[h] == 0, then the voting power on the consumer chain at height h was setup at genesis during Channel Initialization;
    • otherwise, the voting power on the consumer chain at height h was updated by the VSC with ID HtoVSC[h].
  • maturingVSCs: [(uint64, uint64)] is a list of (id, ts) tuples, where id is the ID of a VSC received via a VSCPacket and ts is the timestamp at which the VSC reaches maturity on the consumer chain. The list is used to keep track of when unbonding operations are matured on the consumer chain. It exposes the following interface:
    interface [(uint64, uint64)] {
      // add a VSC id with its maturity timestamp to the list;
      // the list is modified
      Add(id: uint64, ts: uint64)
      // return the list sorted by the maturity timestamps;
      // the original list is not modified
      SortedByMaturityTime(): [(uint64, uint64)]
      // remove (id, ts) from the list;
      // the list is modified
      Remove(id: uint64, ts: uint64)
  • pendingSlashRequests: [SlashRequest] is a list of pending SlashRequests that must be sent to the provider chain once the CCV channel is established. A SlashRequest consist of a SlashPacketData and a flag indicating whether the request is for downtime slashing. The list exposes the following interface:
    interface SlashRequest {
      data: SlashPacketData
      downtime: Bool
    interface [SlashRequest] {
      // append a SlashRequest to the list;
      // the list is modified
      Append(data: SlashRequest) 
      // return the reverse list, i.e., latest SlashRequest first;
      // the original list is not modified
      Reverse(): [SlashRequest]
      // remove all the SlashRequest;
      // the list is modified
  • outstandingDowntime: <string, Bool> is a mapping from validator addresses to boolean values. outstandingDowntime[valAddr] == TRUE entails that the consumer chain sent a request to slash for downtime the validator with address valAddr. outstandingDowntime[valAddr] is set to false once the consumer chain receives a confirmation that the downtime slash request was received by the provider chain, i.e., a VSCPacket that contains valAddr in downtimeSlashAcks. The mapping enables the consumer CCV module to avoid sending to the provider chain multiple slashing requests for the same downtime infraction.
  • providerDistributionAccount: string is the address of the distribution module account on the provider chain. It enables the consumer chain to transfer rewards to the provider chain.
  • distributionChannelId: Identifier is the ID of the distribution token transfer channel used for sending rewards to the provider chain.
  • BlocksPerDistributionTransfer: int64 is the interval (in number of blocks) between two distribution token transfers.
  • lastDistributionTransferHeight: Height is the block height of the last distribution token transfer.
  • ccvAccount: string is the address of the CCV module account where a fraction of the consumer chain rewards are collected before being transferred to the provider chain.