diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index e43b0f9..665bd40 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1 +1,3 @@ .DS_Store +.cache +*.zim diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d976dc0..4f64273 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -42,8 +42,27 @@ If you would like to create an updated Wikipedia snapshot on IPFS, you can follo **Note: This is a work in progress.**. We intend to make it easy for anyone to create their own wikipedia snapshots and add them to IPFS, but our first emphasis has been to get the initial snapshots onto the network. This means some of the steps aren't as easy as we want them to be. If you run into trouble, seek help through a github issue, commenting in the #ipfs channel in IRC, or by posting a thread on https://discuss.ipfs.io. +### Step 0: Clone this repository +All commands assume to be run inside a cloned version of this repository + +Clone the distributed-wikipedia-mirror git repository + +```sh +$ git clone git@github.com:ipfs/distributed-wikipedia-mirror.git +``` + +then `cd` into that directory + +```sh +$ cd distributed-wikipedia-mirror +``` + ### Step 1: Download the latest snapshot from kiwix.org -Download the latest snapshot of Wikipedia (in ZIM format) from http://wiki.kiwix.org/wiki/Content_in_all_languages +For that you can use the getzim.sh script + +First, download the latest wiki lists using `bash getzim.sh cache_update` + +After that create a download command using `bash getzim.sh choose` ### Step 2: Unpack the ZIM snapshot Unpack the ZIM snapshot using https://github.com/dignifiedquire/zim/commit/a283151105ab4c1905d7f5cb56fb8eb2a854ad67 @@ -68,18 +87,6 @@ Save the last hash of the output from that process. You will use that in the nex We have provided a script that adds the necessary information. It also adds a decentralized, serverless search utility to the page. -Clone the distributed-wikipedia-mirror git repository - -```sh -$ git clone git@github.com:ipfs/distributed-wikipedia-mirror.git -``` - -then `cd` into that directory - -```sh -$ cd distributed-wikipedia-mirror -``` - Write a copy of the snapshot from IPFS to `/root` on your machine ```sh diff --git a/getzim.sh b/getzim.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b494b1d --- /dev/null +++ b/getzim.sh @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# internal + +BASE=$(readlink -f $(dirname "$0")) +CACHE="$BASE/.cache" + +# conf + +BASEURL="https://download.kiwix.org/zim/" + +# ui funcs + +log() { + echo "$(date +%s): $*" +} + +textmenu() { # allows the user to choose an id or item from a list + echo + a=($1) # turn $1 into an array + [ -z "${a[1]}" ] && echo "Skipping question \"$2\" because there is only one choice: ${a[0]}" && res="${a[0]}" && return 0 + i=0 + for c in $1; do # build a list + echo "[$i] $c" + i=$(expr $i + 1) + done + [ -z "$3" ] && read -p "[?] $2 > " _id #if no element was specified as cli arg ask the user + [ ! -z "$3" ] && _id="$3" #otherwise use that + id=$(echo "$_id" | sed "s|[^0-9]||g") #only numbers + for e in $1; do [ "$e" == "$_id" ] && res="$e" && echo "< $res" && return 0; done #check if item is in list + res=${a[$id]} + [ -z "$res" ] && [ ! -z "$3" ] && echo "Invalid ID or item: $3" && exit 2 #if id/item was specified via cli exit if invalid + [ -z "$id" ] && [ -z "$_id" ] && textmenu "$1" "$2" && return 0 #no input + [ -z "$id" ] && echo "Please enter a number or an item name" && textmenu "$1" "$2" && return 0 + [ -z "$res" ] && echo "INVALID ID" && textmenu "$1" "$2" && return 0 + echo "< $res" #show the choice to the user +} + +# scraper fncs + +fetch_with_cache() { + OUTFILE=${1/"/"//"_"} + OUTFILE="$CACHE/_page$OUTFILE" + + if [ -e "$OUTFILE" ]; then + cat "$OUTFILE" + else + OUT=$(curl -sL "$BASEURL$1") + mkdir -p "$CACHE" + echo "$OUT" > "$OUTFILE" + echo "$OUT" + fi +} + +get_urls() { + grep href | grep -v "
" | sed -r 's|.*href="(.*)".*|\1|g' | sed "s|/||g"
+# main funcs
+cmd_cache_update() {
+  echo "Updating cache..."
+  rm -rf "$CACHE"
+  mkdir -p "$CACHE"
+  for url in $(fetch_with_cache | get_urls); do
+    echo "Updating cache for $url..."
+    fetch_with_cache "$url" > /dev/null
+  done
+urlp() {
+  # usage: get var
+  # usage: filter type lang edition tags... date/"latest"
+  case "$1" in
+    get)
+      get_var="$2"
+      ;;
+    filter)
+      shift
+      filter_type="$1"
+      shift
+      filter_lang="$1"
+      shift
+      filter_edition="$1"
+      shift
+      filter_tags=()
+      while [ ! -z "$2" ]; do
+        filter_tags+=("$1")
+        shift
+      done
+      filter_tags="${filter_tags[*]}"
+      if [ -z "$filter_tags" ]; then
+        filter_tags="notag"
+      fi
+      if [ "$1" != "latest" ]; then
+        filter_date="$1"
+      fi
+      shift
+      ;;
+  esac
+  while read url; do
+    type=""
+    lang=""
+    edition=""
+    tags=()
+    date=""
+    for group in $(echo "$url" | sed "s|.zim||g" | tr "_" "\n"); do
+      if [ -z "$type" ]; then
+        type="$group"
+      elif [ -z "$lang" ]; then
+        lang="$group"
+      elif [ -z "$edition" ]; then
+        edition="$group"
+      elif [[ "$group" == "20"* ]]; then
+        date="$group"
+      else
+        tags+=("$group")
+      fi
+    done
+    tags="${tags[*]}"
+    if [ -z "$tags" ]; then
+      tags="notag"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -z "$get_var" ]; then
+      echo "${!get_var}"
+    else
+      if [ -z "$filter_type" ] || [[ "$filter_type" == "$type" ]]; then
+        if [ -z "$filter_lang" ] || [[ "$filter_lang" == "$lang" ]]; then
+          if [ -z "$filter_edition" ] || [[ "$filter_edition" == "$edition" ]]; then
+            if [ -z "$filter_tags" ] || [[ "$filter_tags" == "$tags" ]]; then
+              if [ -z "$filter_date" ] || [[ "$filter_date" == "$date" ]]; then
+                echo "$url"
+              fi
+            fi
+          fi
+        fi
+      fi
+    fi
+    # echo "type=$type, lang=$lang, edition=$edition, date=$date, tags=${tags[*]}"
+  done
+cmd_choose() {
+  # Select wiki
+  log "Getting wiki list..."
+  wikis=$(fetch_with_cache | get_urls)
+  textmenu "$wikis" "Select which wiki to mirror (choose 'other' for more)" "$1"
+  wiki="$res"
+  log "Getting sub-wiki list..."
+  # there is a special case, "other", where multiple wikis are available
+  reallist=$(fetch_with_cache "$wiki" | get_urls | urlp get type | uniq | wc -l)
+  if [ "$reallist" != "1" ]; then
+    wikireals=$(fetch_with_cache "$wiki" | get_urls | urlp get type | sort | uniq)
+    textmenu "$wikireals" "Select which wiki to mirror" "$1"
+    wikireal="$res"
+  else
+    wikireal="$wiki"
+  fi
+  log "Getting language list..."
+  langs=$(fetch_with_cache "$wiki" | get_urls | grep "^${wikireal}_" | urlp get lang | sort | uniq)
+  textmenu "$langs" "Select which language to mirror" "$2"
+  lang="$res"
+  log "Getting edition list..."
+  editions=$(fetch_with_cache "$wiki" | get_urls | grep "^${wikireal}_${lang}" | urlp get edition | sort | uniq)
+  textmenu "$editions" "Select which edition to mirror" "$3"
+  edition="$res"
+  log "Getting tag list..."
+  tags=$(fetch_with_cache "$wiki" | get_urls | grep "^${wikireal}_${lang}_${edition}" | urlp get tags | sed "s| |_|g" | sort | uniq)
+  textmenu "$tags" "Select which tags to use" "$4"
+  tag="$res"
+  if [ "$tag" != "notag" ]; then
+    tagu="_$tag"
+  fi
+  log "Getting date list..."
+  dates=$(fetch_with_cache "$wiki" | get_urls | grep "^${wikireal}_${lang}_${edition}${tagu}" | urlp get date | sort | uniq)
+  dates="latest $dates"
+  textmenu "$dates" "Select which date to mirror" "$5"
+  date="$res"
+  echo
+  echo "  Download command:"
+  echo "    \$ $0 download $wiki $wikireal $lang $edition $tag $date"
+  echo
+  while true; do
+    read -p "Download [y/N]: " doit
+    case "$doit" in
+      y)
+        cmd_download "$wiki" "$wikireal" "$lang" "$edition" "$tag" "$date"
+        exit $?
+        ;;
+      n)
+        exit 0
+        ;;
+    esac
+  done
+cmd_download_url() {
+  wiki="$1"
+  wikireal="$2"
+  lang="$3"
+  edition="$4"
+  tag="$5"
+  date="$6"
+  tag=$(echo "$tag" | sed "s|_| |g")
+  tag=($tag)
+  log "Getting download URL..."
+  URL=$(fetch_with_cache "$1" | get_urls | urlp filter "$wikireal" "$lang" "$edition" "${tag[@]}" "$date" | sort -s -r | head -n 1)
+  if [ -z "$URL" ]; then
+    echo "ERROR: Download URL not found. Possibly removed?" >&2
+    exit 2
+  fi
+  URL="$BASEURL$wiki/$URL"
+  log "URL: $URL"
+  # below is a mixture of https://stackoverflow.com/a/19841872/3990041, my knowledge and guesswork :P
+  SHA256=$(curl -sI "$URL" | grep digest | grep "SHA-256" | sed "s|digest: SHA-256=||g" | base64 -i -w 0 -d | od -t x1 -An | tr "\n" " " | sed "s| ||g")
+  log "SHA256: $SHA256"
+cmd_url() {
+  cmd_download_url "$@" >&2
+  echo '{"url":"'"$URL"'","sha256":"'"$SHA256"'"}'
+cmd_download() {
+  cmd_download_url "$@"
+  # real=$(curl -sLI $url | grep "^Location:"  | sed "s|Location: ||g" | grep "[a-zA-Z0-9\/:\._-]*" -o) #all the redirects
+  OUTNAME=$(basename "$URL")
+  dl_cycle() {
+    log "Downloading $OUTNAME..."
+    wget --continue "$URL"
+    return $?
+  }
+  check_cycle() {
+    log "Verifiying $OUTNAME..."
+    sha256="$SHA256  $OUTNAME"
+    echo "$sha256" | sha256sum -c -
+    return $?
+  }
+  if [ -e "$OUTNAME" ]; then
+    if ! check_cycle; then
+      if ! dl_cycle; then
+        echo "Download failed! Check your network!"
+      fi
+      if ! check_cycle; then
+        echo "It seems like your file is corrupted"
+        echo "Please remove it:" # we won't do that because the user might not want this
+        echo " \$ rm $OUTNAME"
+      fi
+    fi
+  else
+    if ! dl_cycle; then
+      echo "Download failed! Check your network!"
+    fi
+    if ! check_cycle; then
+      echo "It seems like your file is corrupted"
+      echo "Please remove it:" # we won't do that because the user might not want this
+      echo " \$ rm $OUTNAME"
+    fi
+  fi
+if [ -n "$(LC_ALL=C type -t cmd_$1)" ] && [ "$(LC_ALL=C type -t cmd_$1)" = function ]; then
+  CMD="$1"
+  shift
+  "cmd_$CMD" "$@"
+  exit 0
+  echo "Usage: $0 cache_update"
+  echo "       $0 choose"
+  echo "       $0 download/url      "
+  exit 2