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JavaScript Library for Elliptic Curve Cryptography

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js-ecutils is a JavaScript library designed for implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithms, including key exchanges (Diffie-Hellman, Massey-Omura), ECDSA signatures, and Koblitz encoding. This library is suitable for educational purposes in cryptography and for use in secure systems.


  • ECDSA signatures
  • Key exchange protocols (Diffie-Hellman and Massey-Omura)
  • Koblitz encoding
  • Support for elliptic curve operations

Table of Contents


To install js-ecutils, you can use npm or include the script directly in your web application:

Using npm:

npm install js-ecutils

Or, for web usage:
Include the following script in your HTML:

<script src=""></script>


After installing the js-ecutils library, you can import it into your JavaScript project or use it directly in a browser. Below are the steps for using the library in both environments.

Using in Node.js

To use the library in a Node.js project, import the required modules as shown below:

// Importing necessary classes
const { core: { Point, EllipticCurve } } = require('js-ecutils');

// Defining parameters for the elliptic curve
const p = 23n;  // The prime number defining the finite field's order
const a = 1n;   // The 'a' coefficient in the curve equation
const b = 1n;   // The 'b' coefficient in the curve equation
const G = new Point(0n, 1n);  // Generator point
const n = 28n;  // Order of the point
const h = 1n;   // Cofactor

// Creating an instance of the elliptic curve
const curve = new EllipticCurve(p=p, a=a, b=b, G=G, n=n, h=h);

// Defining points on the curve
const point1 = new Point(6n, 19n);
const point2 = new Point(3n, 13n);

// Adding the points
const sum_point = curve.add_points(point1, point2);
console.log(`The sum of the points is (${sum_point.x}, ${sum_point.y}).`);

Using in Browsers

To use the library in a browser, include the JavaScript file in your HTML and utilize the classes available in the global ecutils object. Add the script as shown below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Elliptic Curve Cryptography Example</title>
    <script src=""></script>
        window.onload = function() {
            // Importing necessary classes from the global object
            const Point = window.ecutils.core.Point;
            const EllipticCurve = window.ecutils.core.EllipticCurve;

            // Defining parameters for the elliptic curve
            const p = 23n;
            const a = 1n;
            const b = 1n;
            const G = new Point(0n, 1n);
            const n = 28n;
            const h = 1n;

            // Creating an instance of the elliptic curve
            const curve = new EllipticCurve(p, a, b, G, n, h);

            // Defining points on the curve
            const point1 = new Point(6n, 19n);
            const point2 = new Point(3n, 13n);

            // Adding the points
            const sum_point = curve.add_points(point1, point2);
            console.log(`The sum of the points is (${sum_point.x}, ${sum_point.y}).`);
    <h1>Example using js-ecutils Library</h1>

API Documentation

Classes and Methods

Class: DigitalSignature

  • new DigitalSignature(private_key, curve_name = 'secp192k1')
    • Creates a new instance of the DigitalSignature class for performing ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) operations.
    • Parameters:
      • private_key: The private key used for generating a signature.
      • curve_name: (Optional) The name of the elliptic curve to use. Defaults to 'secp192k1'.
  • generate_signature(message_hash)

    • Generates an ECDSA signature for a given message hash using the private key.
    • Parameters:
      • message_hash: The hash of the message to be signed.
    • Returns: An array with two integers [r, s] representing the signature.
  • verify_signature(public_key, message_hash, r, s)

    • Verifies the authenticity of an ECDSA signature.
    • Parameters:
      • public_key: The public key corresponding to the private key of the signer.
      • message_hash: The hash of the message that was signed.
      • r: The first component (r) of the signature.
      • s: The second component (s) of the signature.
    • Returns: true if the signature is valid, false otherwise.
  • curve: Lazily retrieves the elliptic curve associated with the signature scheme based on the curve_name.

  • public_key: Computes and returns the public key from the private key.

Class: Koblitz

  • new Koblitz(curve_name = 'secp521r1')
    • Creates a new instance of the Koblitz encoding/decoding class.
    • Parameters:
      • curve_name: (Optional) The name of the elliptic curve. Defaults to 'secp521r1'.
  • encode(message, alphabet_size = 256n)

    • Encodes a textual message into a point on the elliptic curve using the Koblitz method.
    • Parameters:
      • message: The message to encode.
      • alphabet_size: (Optional) The size of the alphabet. Defaults to 256n.
    • Returns: A tuple [Point, j] where Point is the encoded curve point and j is an auxiliary value.
  • decode(point, j, alphabet_size = 256n)

    • Decodes a point on the elliptic curve back into a textual message.
    • Parameters:
      • point: The Point on the elliptic curve that represents the encoded message.
      • j: The auxiliary value j used in encoding.
      • alphabet_size: (Optional) The size of the alphabet. Defaults to 256n.
    • Returns: The decoded message as a string.
  • serialize(points)

    • Serializes points and the corresponding j values into a JSON-friendly format.
    • Parameters:
      • points: An array of tuples [Point, j] where Point is the encoded curve point.
    • Returns: An array of objects in the format {x, y, j} representing the serialized points.
  • deserialize(serializedPoints)

    • Deserializes the JSON format back to an array of tuples [Point, j].
    • Parameters:
      • serializedPoints: An array of objects {x, y, j}.
    • Returns: An array of tuples [Point, j].
  • curve: Lazily retrieves the elliptic curve for message encoding/decoding.

Class: DiffieHellman

  • new DiffieHellman(private_key, curve_name = 'secp192k1')
    • Creates an instance of the DiffieHellman class for performing Diffie-Hellman key exchange using elliptic curves.
    • Parameters:
      • private_key: The private key to use during the key exchange.
      • curve_name: (Optional) The name of the elliptic curve. Defaults to 'secp192k1'.
  • compute_shared_secret(other_public_key)
    • Computes the shared secret using the private key and the other party's public key.
    • Parameters:
      • other_public_key: The other party's public key (as a Point).
    • Returns: A point representing the shared secret on the elliptic curve.
  • curve: Retrieves the elliptic curve associated with the Diffie-Hellman exchange.

  • public_key: Computes the Diffie-Hellman public key from the private key.

Class: MasseyOmura

  • new MasseyOmura(private_key, curve_name = 'secp192k1')
    • Creates an instance of the MasseyOmura class for performing Massey-Omura key exchange using elliptic curves.
    • Parameters:
      • private_key: The private key to use during the key exchange.
      • curve_name: (Optional) The name of the elliptic curve. Defaults to 'secp192k1'.
  • first_encryption_step(message)

    • Encrypts a message with the sender's private key.
    • Parameters:
      • message: The message (as a point) to encrypt.
    • Returns: The encrypted message (as a Point).
  • second_encryption_step(encrypted_message)

    • Applies the receiver's private key to complete encryption steps. Used in the key exchange process.
    • Parameters:
      • encrypted_message: The encrypted message (as a Point).
    • Returns: The resulting encrypted message.
  • partial_decryption_step(encrypted_message)

    • Partially decrypts a message using the inverse of the sender's private key.
    • Parameters:
      • encrypted_message: The encrypted message (as a Point).
    • Returns: The decrypted message (as a Point).
  • curve: Retrieves the elliptic curve associated with the Massey-Omura exchange.

  • public_key: Computes and returns the Massey-Omura public key from the private key.

Class: EllipticCurve

  • This is an internal class representing an elliptic curve and offering operations on points and scalar multiplications.
  • new EllipticCurve(p, a, b, G, n, h)
    • Initializes an elliptic curve instance.
    • Parameters:
      • p: The prime modulus of the field.
      • a: The 'a' coefficient of the curve equation.
      • b: The 'b' coefficient of the curve equation.
      • G: The base point (generator) on the curve.
      • n: The order of the base point.
      • h: The cofactor of the curve.
  • add_points(P, Q)

    • Adds two points P and Q on the elliptic curve.
    • Parameters:
      • P: The first point.
      • Q: The second point.
    • Returns: The resulting point R = P + Q.
  • multiply_point(k, P)

    • Multiplies a point P with a scalar k.
    • Parameters:
      • k: Scalar (integer) to multiply.
      • P: The point to be multiplied.
    • Returns: Point kP.
  • is_point_on_curve(p)

    • Verifies if a point is on the elliptic curve.
    • Parameters:
      • p: The point to evaluate.
    • Returns: true if the point is on the curve, otherwise false.


Here are some examples of using the key exchange protocols and other features of js-ecutils.

Encoding and Decoding Messages with Koblitz

// Importing necessary classes
const { algorithms: { Koblitz } } = require('js-ecutils');

// Initialize Koblitz with a specific curve
const koblitz = new Koblitz('secp521r1');

// Encode a message to a curve point
const [point, j] = koblitz.encode('Hello, EC!', 2n ** 8n);

// Decode the curve point back to a message
const decoded_message = koblitz.decode(point, j, 2n ** 8n);


Digital Signatures with ECDSA

// Importing necessary classes
const { algorithms: { DigitalSignature } } = require('js-ecutils');

// Create a DigitalSignature instance with your private key
const privateKey = BigInt(123456);
const ds = new DigitalSignature(privateKey);

// Hash of your message
const messageHash = BigInt(545454445644654n);

// Generate signature
const [r, s] = ds.generate_signature(messageHash);

// Verify signature (typically on the receiver's side)
const isValid = ds.verify_signature(ds.public_key, messageHash, r, s);

console.log(`Is the signature valid? ${isValid}`);

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

// Importing necessary classes
const { protocols: { DiffieHellman } } = require('js-ecutils');

// Alice's side
const alice = new DiffieHellman(12345n);

// Bob's side
const bob = new DiffieHellman(67890n);

// Alice computes her shared secret with Bob's public key
const aliceSharedSecret = alice.compute_shared_secret(bob.public_key);

// Bob computes his shared secret with Alice's public key
const bobSharedSecret = bob.compute_shared_secret(alice.public_key);

// Check if aliceSharedSecret is equal to bobSharedSecret
const isSharedSecretEqual = aliceSharedSecret.x === bobSharedSecret.x && aliceSharedSecret.y === bobSharedSecret.y;

console.log(`Are the shared secrets equal? ${isSharedSecretEqual}`);

Massey-Omura Key Exchange

// Importing necessary classes
const { algorithms: { Koblitz }, protocols: { MasseyOmura } } = require('js-ecutils');

// Initialize the Koblitz instance for the elliptic curve 'secp192k1'
const koblitz = new Koblitz('secp192k1');

// Sender's side
// -------------
const privateKeySender = BigInt("70604135");
// Initialize Massey-Omura protocol with the sender's private key
const moSender = new MasseyOmura(privateKeySender);

// Encode the message using the Koblitz method
// `j` is used to handle the ambiguity in the decoding process
const [message, j] = koblitz.encode("Hello, world!");

// Perform the first encryption step with Massey-Omura protocol
const encryptedMsgSender = moSender.first_encryption_step(message);

// The encoded message is now sent to the receiver...
// (transmission of encryptedMsgSender)

// Receiver's side
// ---------------
const privateKeyReceiver = BigInt("48239108668");
// Initialize Massey-Omura protocol with the receiver's private key
const moReceiver = new MasseyOmura(privateKeyReceiver);

// Perform the second encryption step with Massey-Omura protocol
const encryptedMsgReceiver = moReceiver.second_encryption_step(encryptedMsgSender);

// The double-encrypted message is sent back to the sender...
// (transmission of encryptedMsgReceiver)

// Sender's side again
// -------------------
const partialDecryptedMsg = moSender.partial_decryption_step(encryptedMsgReceiver);

// The partially decrypted message is sent back to the receiver...
// (transmission of partialDecryptedMsg)

// Receiver's final decryption
// ---------------------------
const originalMessage = moReceiver.partial_decryption_step(partialDecryptedMsg);

// Decode the message using the Koblitz method
// `j` is used to resolve the mapping from the elliptic curve point back to the message
const decodedMessage = koblitz.decode(originalMessage, j);



Contributions are welcome! If you’d like to contribute to js-ecutils, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them.
  4. Push your branch and open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Language-Specific Libraries for Elliptic Curve Cryptography

In addition to the JavaScript module, there are other language-specific libraries available for elliptic curve cryptography:

  • Python Library for Elliptic Curve Cryptography: The ecutils package provides elliptic curve functionalities tailored for Python developers. You can find it on GitHub.

  • Go Library for Elliptic Curve Cryptography: The go-ecutils library offers similar elliptic curve utilities for Go developers. More information and documentation can be found on GitHub.

These libraries enable developers to utilize elliptic curve cryptography in their preferred programming environments, ensuring flexibility and ease of integration.