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QuAK: Quantitative Automata Kit

QuAK is an open source C++ library that helps automate the analysis of quantitative automata. Currently, QuAK supports the classes of quantitative automata with the following value functions: $\mathsf{Inf}, \mathsf{Sup}, \mathsf{LimInf}, \mathsf{LimSup}, \mathsf{LimInfAvg}, \mathsf{LimSupAvg}$.

Let $\mathsf{Val}$ be one of the value functions above. Given two $\mathsf{Val}$ automata $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$ with a rational number $v \in \mathbb{Q}$, QuAK is able to solve the following problems (whenever known to be computable):

  1. Check if $\mathcal{A}$ is non-empty with respect to $v$.
  2. Check if $\mathcal{A}$ is universal with respect to $v$.
  3. Check if $\mathcal{A}$ is included in $\mathcal{B}$.
  4. Check if $\mathcal{A}$ defines a constant function.
  5. Check if $\mathcal{A}$ defines a safety property.
  6. Check if $\mathcal{A}$ defines a liveness property.
  7. Compute the top value $\top$ of $\mathcal{A}$.
  8. Compute the bottom value $\bot$ of $\mathcal{A}$.
  9. Compute the safety closure of $\mathcal{A}$.
  10. Compute the safety-liveness decomposition of $\mathcal{A}$.
  11. Construct and execute a monitor for $\mathcal{A}$.


Building through Dockerfile

You can build a container with QuAK using Docker or Podman and the provided Dockerfile in the top-level project directory (there is also another Dockerfile in the directory experiments/, which does more things than just building QuAK.). From the top-level directory, run:

docker build . -t quak

Note: the container built by the other Dockerfile (experiments/Dockerfile) is also named "quak" (if you precisely follow the instructions from experiments/ The command above will then overwrite the image. To avoid this, change -t quak to -t <new_name> where <new_name> is the name of the container different from the name of the container with the experiments. Do not forget to use this new name when running the container later.

Once you have the docker image built, you can start a terminal inside the docker image as follows:

docker run --rm -ti quak

Building from sources

QuAK has no external dependencies. The only requirements are to have a C++ compiler that supports the C++17 standard or newer, and make. Recommended is to have also CMake, which is used by default to configure the project.

Using CMake

The easiest way to build QuAK is to use CMake + make. On Ubuntu, you can install CMake and Make with the following command:

apt-get install make cmake
# install also C++ compiler if you do not have one
# apt-get install g++

Then you can compile QuAK:

cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j4

For debug builds, use Debug instead of Release. You can tweak compile time options that enable the optimization of algorithms: use -DENABLE_SCC_SEARCH_OPT=OFF to turn off an SCC-based optimization of deciding language inclusion (and other problems where the inclusion algorithm is used as a subroutine).

To compile the code with link-time (i.e., inter-procedural) optimizations, use the option -DENABLE_IPO=ON.

Once compiled, you can run tests with calling make test.

Building with VAMOS integration

First build VAMOS. Then run cmake with these parameters:

cmake . -Dvamos_DIR=/path/to/vamos/directory
make -j4

Building with the legacy Makefile

If you have trouble building QuAK with CMake, you can try using building it only with Make. To do this, run:

make -f Makefile.legacy

This makefile is likely out of date and does not support building tests, or integration with VAMOS. It is a subject of removal in the future.

Input Format

QuAK reads and constructs automata from text files. Each automata is represented as a list of transitions of the following format:

a : v, q -> p

which encodes a transition from state $q$ to state $p$ with letter $a$ and weight $v$. Weight $v$ is either a C float number or an unsigned hexadecimal integer that represents the bits of a C float number.

The initial state of the input automaton is the source state of the first transition in its text file.

Important: QuAK requires that its input automata are complete (a.k.a. total), i.e., for every state $q$ and every letter $a$, there is at least one outgoing transition from $q$ with letter $a$.

Using QuAK (as a library)

To use the library in your program, use the following directive:

#include "FORKLIFT/inclusion.h"
#include "Automaton.h"
#include "Monitor.h"

For a sample program that puts together the demonstrations below, see examples/sampleProgram.cpp.

Below, we consider two $\mathsf{Val}$ automata $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$ with a rational number $v \in \mathbb{Q}$.

Constructing Automata

To construct an automaton from a file, use the following template:

Automaton* A = new Automaton("A.txt");

The value function is unspecified during construction, but it needs to be passed as a parameter to the functions below.

Non-emptiness Check

To check the non-emptiness of $\mathcal{A}$ with respect to $v$, use the following:

bool flag = A->isNonEmpty(Val, v);

Universality Check

To check the universality of $\mathcal{A}$ with respect to $v$, use the following:

bool flag = A->isUniversal(Val, v);

Inclusion Check

To check the inclusion of $\mathcal{A}$ in $\mathcal{B}$, use the following:

bool flag = A->isIncludedIn(B, Val, booleanized);

where booleanized determines which inclusion algorithm is called. If booleanized is false, then our quantitative extension of the antichain algorithm is used. If booleanized is true, then the standard inclusion algorithm (repeatedly booleanizing the quantitative automaton and calling the boolean antichain algorithm) is used. By default, booleanized is set to false.

Equivalence Check

To check the equivalence of $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, use the following:

bool flag = A->isEquivalentTo(B, Val, booleanized);

where booleanized is the same as for the inclusion check.

Constant-function Check

To check if $\mathcal{A}$ defines a constant function, use the following:

bool flag = A->isConstant(Val);

Safety Check

To check if $\mathcal{A}$ defines a safety property, use the following:

bool flag = A->isSafe(Val);

Liveness Check

To check if $\mathcal{A}$ defines a liveness property, use the following:

bool flag = A->isLive(Val);

Top-value Computation

To compute the top value of $\mathcal{A}$, use the following:

weight_t top = A->getTopValue(Val);

Bottom-value Computation

To compute the bottom value of $\mathcal{A}$, use the following:

weight_t bot = A->getBottomValue(Val);

Safety Closure Construction

To construct the safety closure of $\mathcal{A}$, use the following:

Automaton* safe_A = safetyClosure(A, Val);

Safety-Liveness Decomposition

For the safety component of the decomposition, use the safety closure construction above. To construct the liveness component of the decomposition of $\mathcal{A}$, use the following:

Automaton* live_A = livenessComponent(A, Val);


All the above-mentioned operations can return a witness for its results: an ultimately periodic word that witnesses the returned value. This is done via the optional argument witness:

UltimatelyPeriodicWord *witness;
bool flag = A->isNonEmpty(Val, v, &witness);
// ... process witness
delete witness;

weight_t bot = A->getBottomValue(Val, &witness);
// ... process witness
delete witness;

UltimatelyPeriodicWord *witness1, *witness2;
bool flag = A->isEquivalentTo(B, val, booleanized, &witness1, &witness2);
// ... process witnesses
delete witness1;
delete witness2;

Note that you must delete the witness manually once you are done with it. The witness format is prefix(cycle), e.g., aa(ab) is the word aaababab....

Monitor Construction and Execution

QuAK can construct monitors from deterministic automata by either reading them from a file or copying an automaton object:

Monitor* M = new Monitor("A.txt", Val);
Monitor* M = new Monitor(A, Val);

where $\mathsf{Val}$ is $\mathsf{Avg}$.

The monitor updates its state by reading a letter of type std::string and returning the current value:

weight_t t = M->next(letter);

For example, a monitor can process a word file as follows:

std::ifstream stream("samples/wordfile.txt");
std::string symbol;
while (stream) {
    stream >> symbol;
    std::cout << symbol << " -> " << M->next(symbol) << "\n" << std::flush;

Using QuAK (as a tool)

To use the tool directly, simply compile and follow the instructions below.

Usage: ./quak [-cputime] [-v] [-d] [-print-witness] automaton-file [ACTION ACTION ...]
Where ACTIONs are the following, with VALF = <Inf | Sup | LimInf | LimSup | LimSupAvg | LimInfAvg>:
  empty VALF <weight>
  non-empty VALF <weight>
  universal VALF <weight>
  constant VALF
  safe VALF
  live VALF
  isIncluded VALF automaton2-file
  isIncludedBool VALF automaton2-file
  isEquivalent VALF automaton2-file
  livenessComponent VALF output-file
  safetyComponent VALF output-file
  decompose VALF safety-output-file liveness-output-file
  monitor <Inf | Sup | Avg> word-file
  witness-file file-name

The commands stats prints the size of the automaton and dump prints the automaton. Command witness-file instructs the preceding command to write a witness (if any) to the given file. Commands livenessComponent and safetyComponent compute and store the liveness and safety, resp., components into the specified file. Command decompose computes the safety-liveness decomposition and stores it into specified files. The remaining commands implement the decision procedures and monitoring algorithms as expected. For monitoring, the word files must contain one symbol per line. Use the option -cputime to print the running time, -v to print the input size, and -d to print the automaton. Option -print-witness will make each operation print the witness (if any). Some examples are given below.

$ ./quak -cputime -d  A.txt safe LimInfAvg

Cputime of building the automaton: 3 ms
automaton (A.txt):
	alphabet (2):
		0 -> a
		1 -> b
	weights (5):
		0 -> -9.545000
		1 -> -5.077000
		2 -> 0.634000
		3 -> 1.100000
		4 -> 6.122000
		MIN = -9.545000
		MAX = 6.122000
	states (2):
		0 -> q0, scc: 0
		1 -> q1, scc: -1
		INITIAL = q0
	SCCs (1):
	edges (5):
		a : -9.545, q0 -> q0
		b : 1.1, q0 -> q0
		a : 0.634, q1 -> q1
		a : 6.122, q1 -> q0
		b : -5.077, q1 -> q0

isSafe(LimInfAvg) = 0
Cputime: 4 ms
$ ./quak A.txt constant Inf witness-file w.txt 
isConstant(Inf) = 0

$ cat w.txt
$ ./quak -print-witness A.txt safe LimInfAvg witness-file w1.txt constant Sup witness-file w2.txt
isSafe(LimInfAvg) = 0
Witness: (a)
isConstant(Sup) = 0
Witness: (a)

$ cat w1.txt
$ cat w2.txt
$ ./quak -d samples/ainf.txt decompose LimInf s.txt l.txt  
automaton (samples/ainf.txt):
	alphabet (2):
		0 -> a
		1 -> b
	weights (4):
		0 -> -1.000000
		1 -> 0.000000
		2 -> 1.000000
		3 -> 2.000000
		MIN = -1.000000
		MAX = 2.000000
	states (3):
		0 -> 0, scc: 2
		1 -> 1, scc: 0
		2 -> 2, scc: 1
	SCCs (3):
	edges (6):
		a : 0, 0 -> 1
		b : -1, 0 -> 2
		a : 1, 1 -> 1
		b : -1, 1 -> 1
		a : -1, 2 -> 2
		b : 2, 2 -> 2

Safety component automaton:
automaton (SafeOf(samples/ainf.txt)):
	alphabet (2):
		0 -> a
		1 -> b
	weights (2):
		0 -> 1.000000
		1 -> 2.000000
		MIN = -1.000000
		MAX = 2.000000
	states (3):
		0 -> 0, scc: 2
		1 -> 1, scc: 0
		2 -> 2, scc: 1
	SCCs (3):
	edges (6):
		a : 1, 0 -> 1
		b : 2, 0 -> 2
		a : 1, 1 -> 1
		b : 1, 1 -> 1
		a : 2, 2 -> 2
		b : 2, 2 -> 2

Liveness component automaton:
automaton (LiveOf(samples/ainf.txt)):
	alphabet (2):
		0 -> a
		1 -> b
	weights (4):
		0 -> -1.000000
		1 -> 0.000000
		2 -> 1.000000
		3 -> 2.000000
		MIN = -1.000000
		MAX = 2.000000
	states (3):
		0 -> 0, scc: 2
		1 -> 1, scc: 0
		2 -> 2, scc: 1
	SCCs (3):
	edges (6):
		a : 0, 0 -> 1
		b : -1, 0 -> 2
		a : 2, 1 -> 1
		b : -1, 1 -> 1
		a : -1, 2 -> 2
		b : 2, 2 -> 2
