Authenticate users on a Matrix server against ISPConfig Mailboxes
- Create new directory: /var/www/matrix
- Copy check_credentials.php and soap_config.php to /var/www/matrix/
- Copy matrix.vhost to /etc/apache2/sites-available/
- Symlink /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-matrix.vhost -> /etc/apache2/sites-available/matrix.vhost
- restart apache
- Add a remote user on ISPConfig with permissions to "Mail user functions" and "Mail alias functions". Modify the new credentials on /var/www/matrix/soap_config.php
I use for the Matrix deployment. For this, configure the parameters from the vars.yml file on your installation.
- Create new Email Domain with your "matrix" as 3rd level: "matrix.mydomain.tld" (must be the same like the Matrix server still respond)
- Create a new Mailbox on the ISPConfig environment (could by have any domain)
- Create an Email-Alias like "loginname@matrix.mydomain.tld" and map the destination to the new created mailbox, where loginname is the username on the Matrix server.