This is a simple tool to create libvirt VMs with a preseed/kickstart config from the network. It also configures a user ready for Ansible use. The goal with this small project is to get more familiar with programming.
- Go
- libvirt (KVM/QEMU)
- virt-install
The user running lab-cli needs to connect to the system libvirtd instance. The easiest way is to add your user to the libvirt group.
You can test if this works by running this command as your user
$ virsh -c qemu:///system
Development files for libvirt is required to build the application (required by libvirt-go). The package is usually called libvirt-dev
or something similar.
# openSUSE
$ zypper install libvirt-devel
# Debian
$ apt install libvirt-dev
The simplest way to install the application is to run
$ go get -u
It will install the lab-cli binary to $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin if the GOPATH environment variable is not set.
Copy the config directory from the repository to $HOME/.config/lab-cli
or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lab-cli
if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set.
$ ls /home/daniel/.config/lab-cli/
config.toml templates
Create a new Debian VM with the name lab01
$ lab-cli create lab01
Create a CentOS VM called lab02 with 20GB disk size and member of the Ansible groups webservers and dbservers
$ lab-cli create --distro centos --disk 20 --groups webservers,dbservers lab02
The installation takes a while to complete (~5 minutes) and the VM will shut down when the installation is finished. It should reboot after installation but... yeah, that doesn't right now. You can use a tool like virt-manager to see how the installation is going.
$ lab-cli remove lab01
$ lab-cli list
$ lab-cli stop web01
$ lab-cli start web02
$ lab-cli ssh web01