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UI Callbacks

jakubg1 edited this page Jan 20, 2024 · 2 revisions

Here's a list of all UI callbacks that can be defined in UI script.

Name Class Description
sessionInit Session Fired when starting the game.
levelLoaded Session Fired when a level has been loaded from a saved state.
levelStart Session, Level Fired when a new level has been started.
levelComplete Level Fired when a player completes the level (the level sequence executes a {type = "end", status = "win"} entry).
levelLost Level Fired when a player fails the level (the level sequence executes a {type = "end", status = "fail"} entry).
gameOver Session Fired when the game has attempted to take away a life from Profile, but it didn't have any.
init UIManager Fired at the very start when the game is loaded.
tick UIManager Fired every game tick (1/60 of a second).
lostFocus UIManager Fired when the game window has lost focus (has been minimized, another window has been clicked, etc.)
click UIManager Fired when the left mouse button is released.
newCoin Profile Fired when the player has obtained a coin.
newLife Profile Fired when the player has got an extra life.
comboEnded SphereChain Fired when a match/chain reaction ends. Has two parameters: [1] - combo, [2] - comboScore.

Custom callbacks can be executed using the callbacks field in UI1 Buttons and creating an appropriate entry in UI2 Sequences.

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