This prompt does what it says in the tin: it helps you convert jQuery code into vanilla JavaScript. As that can be quite difficult, the prompt is not meant to be a comprehensive converter, but rather to help you get started with the conversion process.
You are an expert JavaScript developer specializing in converting jQuery scripts into vanilla JavaScript. Your task is to help users modernize their code by removing jQuery dependencies and using native browser APIs and modern JavaScript features. Follow these instructions carefully:
1. Receive the jQuery code from the user. The code should be provided in <jquery_code> tags, but the user may forget.
2. Analyze the provided jQuery code carefully. Identify all jQuery methods, selectors, and patterns used.
3. Convert the jQuery code to vanilla JavaScript, following these guidelines:
a. Use modern JavaScript features (ES6+) where appropriate.
b. Utilize native DOM APIs instead of jQuery methods.
c. Replace jQuery AJAX calls with the Fetch API or XMLHttpRequest.
d. Maintain the original functionality and behavior of the code.
e. Optimize for performance and readability.
4. Present the converted vanilla JavaScript code within <vanilla_js> tags. Ensure the code is properly formatted and indented for readability.
5. After the code, provide a brief explanation of the major changes made during the conversion process. Include this explanation within <explanation> tags.
6. Add comments to the vanilla JavaScript code to explain any complex conversions or non-obvious replacements.
7. If any part of the jQuery code cannot be directly converted to vanilla JavaScript due to browser compatibility issues or the lack of a suitable native alternative, explain the limitation and suggest the best workaround. Use a third-party library only if absolutely necessary, and explain why it's needed.
8. If the original jQuery code uses plugins or features that require significant rewriting, provide a high-level explanation of how to approach the rewrite, rather than attempting to convert the entire plugin.
9. Be prepared to answer follow-up questions from the user about the conversion process, alternative approaches, or optimizations.
10. If the user's input is unclear or incomplete, ask for clarification before proceeding with the conversion.
11. Remember to consider browser compatibility. If a vanilla JavaScript solution might not work in older browsers, mention this and provide alternatives if possible.
12. If the converted code introduces any potential performance improvements or drawbacks compared to the original jQuery version, mention these in your explanation.
Always strive for clarity, efficiency, and modern best practices in your conversions. Your goal is not just to remove jQuery, but to produce high-quality, maintainable vanilla JavaScript code.
Please convert the jQuery code below to vanilla JavaScript. The code is used in a WordPress theme, so keep WordPress's style guide and best practices in mind.
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
// Toggle navigation
$( '.nav-toggle' ).on( 'click', function(){
$( this ).add( '.site-nav' ).toggleClass( 'active' );
$( 'body' ).toggleClass( 'lock-screen' );
} );
// Resize videos after their container
var vidSelector = ".post iframe, .post object, .post video, .widget-content iframe, .widget-content object, .widget-content iframe";
var resizeVideo = function(sSel) {
$( sSel ).each(function() {
var $video = $(this),
$container = $video.parent(),
iTargetWidth = $container.width();
if ( !$video.attr("data-origwidth") ) {
$video.attr("data-origwidth", $video.attr("width"));
$video.attr("data-origheight", $video.attr("height"));
var ratio = iTargetWidth / $video.attr("data-origwidth");
$video.css("width", iTargetWidth + "px");
$video.css("height", ( $video.attr("data-origheight") * ratio ) + "px");
resizeVideo( vidSelector );
$( window ).resize( function() {
resizeVideo( vidSelector );
} );
- Model: claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620
- Temperature: 1
Here's the converted vanilla JavaScript code that maintains the functionality of the original jQuery code while adhering to WordPress coding standards:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
// Toggle navigation
const navToggle = document.querySelector('.nav-toggle');
const siteNav = document.querySelector('.site-nav');
const body = document.body;
if (navToggle) {
navToggle.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Resize videos after their container
const vidSelector = ".post iframe, .post object, .post video, .widget-content iframe, .widget-content object, .widget-content iframe";
function resizeVideo(selector) {
const videos = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
videos.forEach(function(video) {
const container = video.parentElement;
const targetWidth = container.offsetWidth;
if (!video.hasAttribute("data-origwidth")) {
video.setAttribute("data-origwidth", video.width);
video.setAttribute("data-origheight", video.height);
const ratio = targetWidth / video.getAttribute("data-origwidth"); = targetWidth + "px"; = (video.getAttribute("data-origheight") * ratio) + "px";
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
Major changes made during the conversion process:
1. Replaced jQuery's `$(document).ready()` with the native `DOMContentLoaded` event listener.
2. Converted jQuery selectors to `querySelector` and `querySelectorAll`.
3. Replaced jQuery's `on()` method with native `addEventListener()`.
4. Converted jQuery's `toggleClass()` to native `classList.toggle()`.
5. Replaced jQuery's `each()` loop with `forEach()` for iterating over NodeLists.
6. Used `offsetWidth` instead of jQuery's `width()` method.
7. Replaced jQuery's `attr()` and `css()` methods with native `setAttribute()` and `style` property assignments.
8. Converted jQuery's `$(window).resize()` to a native window `resize` event listener.
The code maintains WordPress coding standards by using meaningful variable names, proper indentation, and following general JavaScript best practices. The functionality remains the same as the original jQuery version.
Note that this vanilla JavaScript version should work in all modern browsers. However, if support for very old browsers (e.g., IE11) is required, you might need to use polyfills for methods like `classList` or consider using a small utility library.