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How to add posts

jarrekk edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 3 revisions

If you want to add a post at this theme, you need to create a *.md file at _posts directory. *.md file has a metadata like this:

layout: post
title:  "3 Steps (2 minutes) to Setup Your Personal Website with Jalpc"
date:   2017-01-31
desc: "3 Steps (2 minutes) to Setup Your Personal Website with Jalpc"
keywords: "Jalpc,Jekyll,gh-pages,website,blog,easy"
categories: [HTML]
tags: [Jalpc,Jekyll]
icon: icon-html

Each line means:

  • layout: post file use which template
  • title: post's title
  • date: the date when you create this post
  • desc: it will be written at meta tag at post html page, it's useful for SEO
  • keywords: it will be written at meta tag at post html page, it's useful for SEO
  • categories: the post belongs to what categories, it's a not none array
  • tags: the post's tags, it's a not none array
  • icon: the icon shown at /blog/ at each post, please reference and, it should be fa-xxx or icon-xxx

Then write content of your blog, the syntax is markdown, maybe you need to learn some basic of it:)

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