DLL loading is now from the PSD1 file instead of the PSM1 file.
Smoother setting of web driver path on Mac or Linux platform.
Send-SeKeys -Element and -Keys parameters are both mandatory. Selenium-keys are now cached in a script-scoped variable for performance. (Get-SEKeys can be dropped)
Valdate-URL Function Renamed to validateUrl (private helper function does not need to use Verb-Noun naming and "validate" verb upsets script analyzer) Added the old name back as an alias (which is allowed. )... Moved functionality into a validation class which so URLs are validated before enering functions
- Checks for valid webdriver also moved to a validation class.
Get-SeCookie & Invoke-SeScreenshot In line with other functions, -Driver prarameter is renamed -Target, with alias "Driver", and will come from $Global:SeDriver and functions throw an error if no driver is passed or found from Global var
Start-SeFirefox & Start-SeChrome
- Added aliases "SeChrome" and "SeFirefox" - user can now write in a sort of DSL "SeCHROME $URL - asDefault" etc.
- Made -StartUrl the first parameter and use a parameter-validation class to check it.
- Now call the .Navigate method directly instead of via Enter-SeURL if -StartURL is specified
- Now use parameter-sets to avoid the conflict between Minimized/Maximized/FullScreen/Headless
- Added parameter aliases so "Incognito" works with Firefox and "PrivateBrowsing" works with Chrome
- Now trap a failure to return the driver, and simplified the subsequent if statements
- Set ImplicitWait to 10 seconds
- Added Parameter -AsDefaultDriver which sets $Global:SeDriver, instead of returning the driver
- Added Parameter -Quiet to run tests without web driver prattle.
- Added Parameter -DriverPath to Start-SeChrome for specifying a custom binary path
- Allow AzureDevops environment vars (GeckoWebDriver / ChromeWebDriver) or commandline parameter -WebDriverDirectory to specify source of Webdriver.
- Removed a possible bug with piped input, by returning the driver in the process block instead of the end block
- Added Aliases "SeInternetExplorer" & "SeIE"
- Added parameters -StartUrl , -AsDefaultDriver which sets $Global:SeDriver, instead of returning the driver, and -Quiet to run tests without web driver prattle.
- Allow AzureDevops environment var or commandline parameter -WebDriverDirectory to specify source of Webdriver
- Set ImplicitWait to 10 seconds
- Added Aliases "Start-SeLegacyEdge" & "LegacyEdge" . [Did have an alias of MSEdge but this conflicts with the Exe name ]
- Added Parameters -StartUrl, -Maximized, -Minimized, FullScreen and -PrivateBrowsing (alias Incognito)
- Added Parameters Plus -AsDefaultDriver which sets $Global:SeDriver, instead of returning the driver, and -Quiet to run tests without web driver prattle.
- Added message if driver load errors - Webdriver is now added as a Windows Feature and will be found from windows\system32, which is on the path. Removed old driver and SHA file.
- Set ImplicitWait to 10 seconds
Stop-SeDriver Updated to handle the default driver being in $global:SeDriver. Added alias SeClose to mirror new function SeOpen
Start-SeNewEdge New Function with alias, credge to support Chromium based edge. Also added V79 webdriver. Specifying V80 / v81 from an ENV variable (EdgeWebDriver), or via command line requires it to be in the same directory as MSEdge.exe and -InPrivate, -Headless, and -BinaryLocation options don't work the web driver doesn't add them to the command line.
Start-SeRemote New Function Connects to remote driver by URL and requested capablites tested with testingbot.com
Start-SeChrome Start-SeEdge Start-SeFirefox Start-SeInternetExplorer Start-SeNewEdge Start-SeRemote
AsDefaultDriver X X X X X X
Fullscreen X X X X X
Headless X X X X X
ImplicitWait X X X X X X
Maximized X X X X X
Minimized X X X X X
Incognito X As alias As alias As alias As alias
PrivateBrowsing As alias X X X X
Quiet X X X X X
StartURL X X X X X X
WebDriverDirectory X X X X
or Env var ChromeWebDriver - GeckoWebDriver IEWebDriver EdgeWebDriver
BinaryPath X X
ProfileDirectoryPath X X
DefaultDownloadPath X X X
Arguments X X
-SeOpen New Function - Takes parameter -In (name of browser) and opens that browser and optionally naviagates to destination in -URL - The browser is opened as with -AsDefault and other options passed in -Options. - If the browser name is omitted the function will look for $env:DefaultBrowser. - Mainly for Pester/DSL freindliness - by changing the environment variable a different browser can be used in different test runs
Send-SeClick New Function (with alias SeClick) {replacement for Invoke-SeClick}
- Element can be passed by position (first)
- -JavaScriptClick can be abreviated -JS
- Driver is ignored (element.wrapedDriver used instead)
- Added parameters -SleepSeconds and -PassThru
New-SeScreenShot: New Function with alias SeScreenshot. Merges functionality of Invoke-ScreenShot and SaveSeScreenShot; can pass
-Passthru (Alias PT)
-Path & -Passthru
or -AsBase64
with alias "Driver", can come from $Global:SeDriver and throws an error if no driver passed or found from Global var
Open-SeURL New Function* with alias SeNavigate
- Url is first on the commandline and mandatory
- Driver is renamed target, with alias "Driver", and can come from $Global:SeDriver or from the pipeline. Throws an error if no driver passed or found from the Global variable
- Made interoperable with Enter-SeURL via aliases
- Commented out original Enter-SeURL and changed PSD1,
Get-SeElement New Function with alias seElement
- New -By parameter with possible values "CssSelector", "Name", "Id", "ClassName", "LinkText","PartialLinkText", "TagName", "XPath" combined with a -Selection parameter which holds the value, replaces the 8 parameters with those names and parametersets.
- Wait made optional; -Wait without -Timeout sets timeout to 30 , and -Timeout 5 works without -Wait
- Element and -Driver are merged as -Target which has aliases of 'Element' and 'Driver' and accepts pipeline input.
- Made interoperable with Find-seElement by aliases
- Commented out Find-seElement and updated PSD1.
Switch-SeFrame New Function with alias SeFrame Selects a frame.
Clear-SeAlert New Function with aliases SeAccept, SeDismiss
- Accepts or dismisses an alert box so execution can continue
- If called using the aliases, automatically selects Accept or dismiss.
SeType New Function
- More DSL friendly form of Send-SeKeys
- Accepts element via the pipeline; -Keys is the first parameter
- Supports clearing the text box, submit and passthru, (Passthru allows the element to be fetched and keys typed, and then Pester to throw if element was not found.)
Get-SeSelectionOption New Function alias SeSelection For setting and checking options in a dropdown lists.
SeShouldHave New Function
- Drives pester tests as a single command See examples for details, but allows things like
SeShouldHave -url -match 'packages\?q=selenium'
SeShouldHave -Selection $linkpath -By XPath -With Text -Operator Like -Value "*selenium*"
which can be shortened toseShouldHave $linkpath text -Like "*selenium*"
- Drives pester tests as a single command See examples for details, but allows things like
Added some new examples - showing DSL style in Pester.
Reorder PSD file for easy reading & add file list.
Create CI directory with files for doing a build / test pass is Azure devops.