Dureader contains passages from web pages and queries from search logs. It is originally proposed as a Question-Answering dataset. We transform it into a retrieval dataset by treating the passage labeled `most related to the query' as the positive passage. We use it as the training data.
First, download Dureader dataset.
sh ./examples/prepare_dataset/chinese-dureader/download_dureader.sh
Next, transform the original Question-Answering dataset into a retrieval dataset. The questions are queries, and the `most related' paragraphs are relevant passages. We prepend the titles to the begining of the passages.
python ./examples/prepare_dataset/chinese-dureader/process_dureader.py ./data/datasets/dureader/preprocessed ./data/datasets/dureader
The dataset is saved in `data/datasets/dureader'.
CPR benchmark consists of three human-annotated domain-specific retrieval datasets collected from an e-commerce platform (Taobao), a video platform (Youku), and medical search within a search engine (Quark). We use them to evaluate out-of-domain performance.
cd data/datasets
# Download CPR datasets
git clone git@github.com:Alibaba-NLP/Multi-CPR.git
cp -r ./Multi-CPR/data/ecom ./cpr-ecom
cp -r ./Multi-CPR/data/medical ./cpr-medical
cat ./cpr-medical/corpus_split_*.tsv > ./cpr-medical/corpus.tsv
cp -r ./Multi-CPR/data/video ./cpr-video
# Now we create symbolic links to unify the filenames
for domain in "cpr-ecom" "cpr-medical" "cpr-video"
cd $domain
ln -s train.query.txt query.train
ln -s qrels.train.tsv qrels.train
ln -s dev.query.txt query.dev
ln -s qrels.dev.tsv qrels.dev
cd ..
cMedQAv2 is constructed based on an online Chinese medical question answering forum. It collects user descriptions of their symptoms and the diagnosis or suggestions responded by doctors. We regard user descriptions as queries and responses as relevant documents. We use it to evaluate out-of-domain performance.
mkdir -p data/datasets/cmedqav2
cd data/datasets/cmedqav2
# download dataset
git clone git@github.com:zhangsheng93/cMedQA2.git
cd cMedQA2
unzip answer.zip
unzip question.zip
unzip train_candidates.zip
unzip dev_candidates.zip
unzip test_candidates.zip
cd ../../../..
# process
python ./examples/prepare_dataset/chinese-dureader/process_cmedqav2.py ./data/datasets/cmedqav2/cMedQA2 ./data/datasets/cmedqav2