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Visual Setup

jzethofer edited this page Apr 19, 2023 · 24 revisions

This section explains which data fields are needed for the visual to work and which settings can be adapted in the format pane to customize the visual.

Data Fields

The visual has 9 data fields for different capabilities. For basic functionalities only the first two are needed


The data field added here is used as a shared X-Axis for all plots. The datatype must be numeric or date. Null values are not supported.

Plot Values

Data fields that contain y-Values. For each data field a separate plot is created. The data type must be numeric. Null values will be ignored. Maximum data fields: 20.

Plot Overlay: Length

Length data for creating overlay rectangles or lines for individual plots. Values must be numeric and specify the length of the rectangle in data points of the X-Axis. For example when the value 11 is specified at data position 8, an overlay rectangle is created from the position of the 8-th x-value until the position of the 19-th x-value. Null values are ignored

Plot Overlay: Width

Specifies the size of an overlay rectangle in y-direction. At each position where a numeric value was provided for Plot Overlay: Length the size in y-direction must be provided. All other values should be null.

Plot Overlay: Y-Position

Specifies an optional y-position for the bottom line each rectangle. When no data is provided the rectangles start at 0.


Contains data that is displayed in a custom tooltip when hovering over a data point. The order of the tooltips matches the order of the data fields. Supported data types: numeric, date, text.

Categorical Legend

Text data that is used for creating a color mapping for data points. Each unique text value is mapped to a color and added to the categorical legend in the bottom of the visual. For plots that use this legend the data points are colored based on the corresponding text value specified here. Null values and empty strings are ignored.

Categorical Filter

This column supports numeric or text data that is used to filter all plots using the categorical legend. For each unique value in the column a legend is appended to the bottom of the visual that can be clicked on to hide all points with the corresponding value. If the data is numeric and contains only 0 and 1 the data is treated as boolean and data points with 1 can be hidden by clicking on the legend. Null values and empty strings are ignored.

Visual Background

This data column is used to draw a background over all plots in different colors. The unique values are mapped to a color and added to the legend at the bottom of the visual. The background is then drawn from the corresponding data point on the X-Axis to the next point.


This column can be used to add Categories for grouping the rest of the data. The provided data is not used for any other purpose by the visual.

Format Pane

Color Settings

All colors that affect the whole visual can be adjusted here.

Vertical Ruler Color

Sets the color of the line that is displayed on each plot for better orientation when hovering over a data point.

Plot Overlay Color

Color of the rectangles or lines that are drawn over the plots and explained in Plot Overlay: Length.

Horizontal Zero Line Color

Sets the color of the line that is drawn when the lowest value on the Y-scale is smaller than 0 for one plot.

Axis Break Line Color

Sets the color of the dashed line that is drawn between two data points when they are further apart then specified in X-Axis Break Settings and X-axis break is enabled.

Heatmap Color Scheme

Sets the color scheme for all displayed heatmaps in the visual.

General Settings

Settings that affect the whole visual

Number of Heatmap Bins

Sets the resolution of the heatmap. When set to 10 for example the domain of the X-axis is divided into 10 equal pieces that are used for binning.

Minimum plot height

Sets the minimum height per plot in pixels. A scrollbar is added when this height cannot be fulfilled with the current visual height.

Tooltip Decimal Places

Sets the decimal precision for numeric tooltip values.

Show 0-Line for Y-Axis

Displays a horizontal line at position 0 when set to true. Color can be adjusted in color settings.

Legend Title Settings

For each data column in Categorical Legend and Categorical Filter the name that is displayed in the legend at the bottom of the visual can be changed.

Plot Settings

Plot settings can be set individually for each plot.

Plot Title

Sets the title that is displayed in the top left corner of each plot. The default value is the column name.

Plot Type

Choose if a plot is drawn as line plot or scatter plot.

Plot Color

Sets the color of data points and connecting lines.

Use Legend Color

When set to true the data points are colored depending on the Category specified in Categorical Legend. For all points where Categorical Legend is null or an empty string the color specified in Plot Color is used.

Show Heatmap

Displays a heatmap under the plot that shows the difference between the highest and lowest value of one bin. A heatmap legend is added on the right side of the plot.

Overlay Type

For each plot it can be chosen if an overlay with rectangles or lines should be drawn with the data from Plot Overlay: Length and Plot Overlay: Width

Plot Height Factor

Sets a numeric factor each plot to adjust the plot height. When set to 2 for example the plot has twice the height of a plot with height factor 1.


One of the following settings can be chosen to display at the X-Axis:

  • None (no ticks and no labels)
  • Labels only
  • Ticks only
  • Ticks and labels


Specifies the label name that is displayed when X-Axis is set to labels only or ticks and labels.

Y-Axis and Y-Label

Same settings as in X-Axis and X-Label for the Y-axis.

Fixed Y-Minimum

If enabled the bottom value of the Y-axis will be Minimum Y-Value. When the toggle switch is off, the bottom value of the Y-axis will dynamically adapt to the lowest value visible.

Minimum Y-Value

Sets the minimum Y-axis value of the plot.

Fixed Y-Maximum and Maximum Y-Value

Similar to Fixed Y-Minimum and Minimum Y-Value but for the top value of the Y-axis.

Tooltip Title Settings

For each data column in the Tooltips field a title can be defined that is displayed in the tooltip information next to the corresponding value when hovering over a data point.

X-Axis Break Settings

Enable X-Axis Break

Switches from numeric or date X-scale to a linear X-scale where all data points are equally distributed on the X-axis. This can be useful if there are large step sizes between some data points.

Show Break Lines

Toggles if a vertical dashed break line should be drawn between all data points that are further apart than Minimum X-Distance on the X-axis. This line makes it easier to see which points are far apart.

Minimum X-Distance

Specifies the minimum distance of two neighboring data points on the X-axis for drawing a break line between them. If X-axis is of type date the distance is interpreted as seconds.

Zooming Settings

Enable Zoom

Toggles if zooming and panning on the X-axis is enabled.

Maximum Zoom Factor

Sets the maximum possible zoom factor.

Save Zoom State

Saves the zoom state of the visual when enabled so that it does not reset to the origin after making changes in the formatting pane or when selecting different data.

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