Loomio is a collaborative decision-making tool that makes it easy for anyone to participate in decisions which affect them. If you'd like to find out more, check out Loomio.org.
- Issues and bugs should be reported here
- To learn how to setup, develop or translate Loomio visit the wiki.
- To see what's being worked on and what's planned, vote on development priorities, and find tasks to pick up, check out the Loomio Roadmap. To participate in discussions about the app, potential features, and more, join the Loomio Community group on Loomio.
See Setup a Loomio development environment our github wiki for a step by step guide to setting up your computer to develop on Loomio. If you are familiar with the process of running rails apps you can just fork and clone the repo, bundle install
then rake db:setup
The new javascript frontend is a linemanjs project.
You'll need bower and lineman installed:
$ npm install -g bower
$ npm install -g lineman
Fetch the npm and bower dependencies:
from within loomio/lineman/
$ npm install
$ bower install
Run the rails development server
$ rails s
Then start lineman from the loomio/lineman folder
$ lineman run
We have links that can setup some fake data and log you in:
See the app/controllers/development_controller.rb for more.
My ‘my dev env is totally b0rked’ checklist:
- restart lineman
- restart rails
- run bower install
- run npm install
- weep
- actually look at the error message in lineman/browser console
TODO: explain how to update your fork from loomio master We regularly change and update the node modules and bower dependencies. If you just updated and things are broken then you need to
cd lineman
npm install
bower install
We have rspec and cucumber tests on the rails app.
We unit test the rails app with rspec, and have intregration tests of the rails based UI in cucumber.
We also unit and e2e test the new javascript frontend.
You can run the frontend unit tests with
$ lineman spec
If you don't have them already, install protractor and webdriver-manager:
$ npm install -g protractor
$ webdriver-manager update --standalone
Protractor e2e tests require rails, lineman and webdriver-manager to be running at the same time:
Start webdriver-manager from anywhere
$ webdriver-manager start
Start rails from the loomio folder
$ rails s
Start lineman from loomio/lineman
$ lineman run
Run the tests themselves from loomio/lineman
$ lineman grunt spec-e2e
CANONICAL_HOST - Hostname of the loomio instance. For us it's "www.loomio.org" TLD_LENGTH - length of the top level part of your domain name. DEFAULT_SUBDOMAIN - we use www ALLOW_ROBOTS - Set to 1 if you want to search engines to crawl the public discussions and groups.
Examples: www.loomio.org CANONICAL_HOST = www.loomio.org TLD_LENGTH = 1 DEFAULT_SUBDOMAIN = www
loomio.somewhereelse.com CANONICAL_HOST = loomio.somewhereelse.com TLD_LENGTH = 2 DEFAULT_SUBDOMAIN should not be set
SECRET_COOKIE_TOKEN - run 'rake secret' to generate your own SECRET_COOKIE_TOKEN DEVISE_SECRET - run 'rake secret' to generate your own DEVISE_SECRET FORCE_SSL - if true, only HTTPS connections will be permitted FAYE_URL - the url for your FAYE instance - see https://github.com/loomio/private_pub MAX_THREADS - optional puma configuration MIN_THREADS - optional puma configuration PUMA_WORKERS - optional puma configuration
REPLY_HOSTNAME - we use reply.loomio.org. This is the hostname of your reply by email server.
grep -rIso -P "(?<=ENV)(\.fetch\(|\[).[A-Z_]+.(\)|\])"
grep -rIsoh -P "(?<=ENV)(\.fetch\(|\[).[A-Z_]+.(\)|\])" | grep -oP "[A-Z_]+" | sort -u > temp
- PostgreSQL version 9.4 or higher.
- Ruby 2.2
If you have any questions or feedback, get in touch via contact@loomio.org.
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