- Game Boy - Pan Docs
- Game Boy Development community
- GameBoy Emulation in JavaScript
- POKEGB: a gameboy emulator that only plays Pokémon blue
- Game Boy CPU Opcodes
- Codeslinger - Game Boy
- Game Boy hardware database
- GitHub - c-sp/gameboy-test-roms
- GAME BOY Demospotting - ROMs
- PDRoms - Homebrew Game Boy (Color) Files
- GitHub - LIJI32/SameBoy (C)
- GitHub - binji/binjgb (C)
- GitHub - 7thSamurai/Azayaka (C++)
- GitHub - feo-boy/feo-boy (Rust)
- GitHub - Rodrigodd/gameroy (Rust)
- GitHub - simias/gb-rs (Rust)
- GitHub - RubenG123/frosty (Rust)
- GitHub - calvinbaart/gameboy (TypeScript)
- GitHub - HFO4/gameboy.live (Go)
- GitHub - djhworld/gomeboycolor-wasm (Go)
- GitHub - torch2424/wasmboy (WASM)
- GitHub - gbdev/awesome-gbdev
- GitHub - Hacktix/Bootix
- GitHub - gbdk-2020/gbdk-2020 (Best GB C SDK)
- GitHub - fcambus/jsemu (Emulators written in JavaScript)
- Gameboy Doctor: debug and fix your gameboy emulator
- Game Boy Boot ROMs
- GBEmulatorShootout: Test ROMs results
- GameRoy: JIT compilation in High-Accuracy Game Boy Emulation