Ensure that promises returned by fireEvent
methods are handled
This rule aims to prevent users from forgetting to handle promise returned from fireEvent
⚠️ fireEvent
methods are async only on following Testing Library packages:
(supported by this plugin)@testing-library/svelte
(not supported yet by this plugin)@marko/testing-library
(supported by this plugin)
Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
fireEvent.click(getByText('Click me'));
// wrap a fireEvent method within a function...
function triggerEvent() {
return fireEvent.click(button);
triggerEvent(); // ...but not handling promise from it is incorrect too
Examples of correct code for this rule:
// `await` operator is correct
await fireEvent.focus(getByLabelText('username'));
await fireEvent.blur(getByLabelText('username'));
// `then` method is correct
fireEvent.click(getByText('Click me')).then(() => {
// ...
// return the promise within a function is correct too!
const clickMeArrowFn = () => fireEvent.click(getByText('Click me'));
// wrap a fireEvent method within a function...
function triggerEvent() {
return fireEvent.click(button);
await triggerEvent(); // ...and handling promise from it is correct also
// using `Promise.all` or `Promise.allSettled` with an array of promises is valid
await Promise.all([
methods are not async on all Testing Library packages. If you are not using Testing Library package with async fire event, you shouldn't use this rule.