- Install bokeh via pip or via the full anaconda distribuition
- Install nova instrumentation
- Test simple graph on ipython notebook
Plot the DB of the transfer function of the gain in a frequency log scale. ** |H| = 1/sqrt(1 + (f/f_c)^2)
Plot the phase of the transfer function in degrees in a frequency log scale. ** phase(H) = -2 arctan(f/f_c)$
- Plot a random walk (1000 samples)
- Plot the mean sliding window (using ni.smooth, with 50 samples window).
- Plot the variance band.
- Draw multiples superimposed random walks.
- Draw a xy graph of a sin(w) and cos(2w)
- Adjust the axis to be a square figure
- Place 9 lissajous figures in subplots
- Create a matrix of zeros and draw a circle by turning some points to 1
- Smooth the image with a vertical smooth by passing in each column.
- Smooth the image with a vertical smooth and horizontal pass.
- See the workshop from Cristine Doig: http://chdoig.github.io/scipy2015-blaze-bokeh/#/
- The examples are in: http://chdoig.github.io/scipy2015-blaze-bokeh/#/