A drag and drop todo app with visually adjustable time slots to fill an 8 hour day.
- Install laravel + React scaffolding
- webpack.mix.js
- package.json
- remove module for webpack mix
- Allow src mapping for debug
- Setup database
- config build
- Data structure
- User tables relationships and retrieval
- Seeder
- Generate some dummy data
- Define routes (additional)
- Commit Minimum build
- Soft delete
- Fetch boxes by day
- Responsive fluiid header
- Layout Mobile
- Layout Tablet
- Layout Desktop
- Center col-8 on login and register
- [] Demo
- Login
- Registr
- Profile
- Signup
- [x] Login button when logged out - [x] Icons profile - [x] Icons logout - [x] Center calendar icon or add drop down menu on right icon - [x] Home icon logic
- BUG [x] Check and fix, Item id hack for prod
- Route / as TimeboxDemoController if not authed
- used proxy controller but better use middleware
- Route
- First time welcome and notification
- Route / as TimeboxDemoController if not authed
- Should be plus icon (tick is confussing)
- Close
- Center Button
- Submit validation
- Empty slot on click
- Duration
- Start is based on todays day
- Adjust start time on drop addBox / or prevent drag ? its related to seems to default to current day
- Start needs to retain its value in form
- Duration Can be reduced to 30mins
- requires passing up duration and recalculate height before dispatching.
- Dispatch only on submit Same for status color
- Status:
- Test statuses x4 Doing: - Blue Todo: - Future Amber, - Current Blue - Past: Red
- Done
- green,
- Status:
- Rag status styling basic func
Form inputs squashed
BUG [x] Duration being set to null and or not on delete
BUG [x] start undefined on box 16
- Add box second from last make it 1 hour
- Repro Steps:
- Create a box second to last as 2 hours then increase or reduce.
Update text button press
~~on keypress sleep ? ~~
BUG [ ] Reducing box size seems to add a new box in between next placeholder
- that when in this update flow its unlikeyl many api call will be required (levarage this)
Center height color text size so its not jumping around
- Auto updating here is only required to adjust height and color
Update text area and form in general a bit squashed (minimix duration input width)
Style select s height affecting duration on select ? In all scenarios ?
BUG [x] Is height affecting duration on select ? In all scenarios ?
Update Funcionality for duration and status
BUG [x] Interactions here are the only way of updating next freePlaceholders. If we update another element the duration options are not updated
Start needs to retain its value in form
Need to adjust heights of boxes x30,x60,x90,x120
Sanitization on duration
Manage placeholders splice pattern over the difference in duration - / + loop
Cannot read properties of start
- Todo item must not overlap next todo item
- Next free slots util()
- Its possible a feature would be to replace a free slot at some other point in the day (less intuitive & more complex)
- Duration can be reduced to 30mins
- Dont allow todo box to extend beyond the end of the day
- Todo item must not overlap next todo item
Reset time on drop
Time allocation logic
Http client
If box height > 60 then move txt area down to occupie all that space
- Duration tap Feature
- Status tap Feature
- [] Store nHours redux
- Needs to redirect to /
- BUG [x] Moving back and forward (after an item creation) reutrns
same key, 5. Keys should be unique
Solved by removing setDate dispatch on, also solved by adjusting boxes begore managing
Hover on select calendar
BUG [x] Select calendar when choosing in future defaults to 00:00
Center this button
Calendar should match design
BUG [x] Doesnt retain highlighted correct date
Could do with finger hover .5
BUG [x] Start time not merging correctly
- removed setStartDate() dispatch
Date picker
Set current date only
Calendar Select Component
- Set start hour just always do boxes of 8
- Select duration of day
- Do batch update
- lastTotalToRemove: this needs to be grouped by day ? stack ?
- lastUpdatedIndex: this needs to be updated
- Basic crud slice methods
- Get Id back from createBox api
- Dispatch settIntialBoxes and set state in redux!
- After fetch will require a mergeBoxes
- Empty placeholder click needs to add
- On duration reduction need to add back placeholders based on next placeholders
- Check box is on 30 min intervals no 35mins
BUG [x] Dragging to top will cause all times to reset from dragged start point
Boxes should be uniform cmponent or markup getting too many differing results
RAG Status testing
BUG [x] Two children same key
- removed startDate Dispatch
- Add box on p2 p3 causes issues could not create
BUG [x] Add box after drag creates two new items (one in place and anothre at its original index)
- Pass index to addBox
Old todo should be red
Fresh after laravel seed placeholders seems to add extra as if last total to remove is not being respected ?
Manage placeholders removes too many boxes if theres no next todo item 60 mins
manage placeholders and its order
30 min interavals daily background
BUG [x] : when moving a box the time updates but does not respect the day
Moving box time does not correctly update the number of boxes
BUG [X] when theres an empty element at the start of the day ?
Simply remove outline on empty boxes its not necesary
- To give the illusion of a large free box
Duration of an item needs to affect the number of boxes
Needs to run on everytime duration changes, new and update and read
on change startTime / startDate order the boxes
Fix front end input to Y-m-d H:i:s for placeholders
Send / Receieve a start time
startDateTime / dueDateTime db
Set start time by index
Leaner addToStack
[] refactor: stack.boxes.box ()
Need a way to close a box incase you accidentally open it which is likely to happen for new users
CSS Basic for debug 30 mins / 4 hrs
Fix overtime line
Generic Time handling utils
Box tab - Collapsed tab allows, Provides an over view but is made to be dragged and dropped
Sort timeline by hour rather than order
Separate timeline day
Adding two items of 1.5 + 2hrs limits the total number of boxes but too much ?
Add Box duration options need to implement sanitization
BUG [x] Adding item and end then begging increases the number of slots
BUG [x] Adding an item thats start is beyond the end of the day seemingly box is not created but removed
Adjust start times on delete of all replaced
Height of box is based on duration
100% height divided by 16 ?
refactor time-utils to generic function taking format as param
Apply a height as duration
- Generic single add box instead of initializing a whole array
- [x] hello msg - [x] Delete with 2 step confirm
- Removing item must add a placeholder
- BUG [x] Resets times to 00:00 on remove first item ?
- 2fa
- Delete ACC
- Delete acc 2 step
- Forgot password
- Logout needs t refresh home page to demo
- Confirmed password
- Refresh form reset.form() on auth form switch
- Confirmed password nicer feedback ux
- Container cmp for box to avoid nesting
- [x] Branch of timeline-ui bootstrap - Design Elements - [x] Box Card group with a shadow - [x] Empty Box card - [x] icons x4 - [x] Weekly ? or Alternative design for select day ? ulitmately - [x] empty boxes (Removal of outline on ) - [x] Update Funcionality - Popup sticky modal for editing ? - [x] new branch of timeline-ui - [x] Daily Timeline wrapper ? Shorten - [x] Design Route for static dev switch - [x] Mix Setup - [x] Scss mix live integration test - [x] 7 - 1 styleheet
bs implementation
list group
Step 1: User research. Todo lists / Calendars / Jira /
Step 3: Wireframing.
[] 15 / Placeholders mins
- Can i use something thats not index.html for seo results ?
- Do a static blade template for about
- [] Sync Server
- Make dummy data more fun or relatable
- Feedback generic warning or freeze certain controls ?
- or better yet fix more bugs sigh
- BUG [x] id in demo
- BUG [x] Update / Destroy methods expecting different types proxy
- Success
- Error
- Warning
[] Unit
[] Feature
[] Integration
- [] Select day -> returns 16 boxes
- [] Add a box -> returns updated box
- Add box [duration] -> 90 mins 13 boxes
- [] Update duration removes placeholders of next neighbour boxes
- [] Drag and drop updates start time
- [] Drag and drop does not add or remove boxes
- Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
- To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:
- Enable fileinfo
- To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:
- peer vite@"^3.0.0" from @vitejs/plugin-react@2.2.0 - npm install vite@3
- Multiple boxes rendering after login
- Needed to reset last removed from state
- There is a strictmode fix !! see original logrocket blog
Adding Drag and Drop Functionality with React Beautiful DND
- Core Concept
- 2.0 Features
- Demo Web
- User funcionality and full launch
- [] Testing and user feedback