- Dynamic Programming - Topcoder Tutorial
This is an amazing lecture series of MIT to start with dynamic programming - - Lecture 1 - Dynamic Programming
- Lecture 2 - Dynamic Programming
- Lecture 3 - Dynamic Programming
- Lecture 4 - Dynamic Programming
- Fibonacci Number
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Text Justification
- Edit Distance
- Cutting Rod
- 0-1 Knapsack
- Guitar Strings
- Note : You must take care of Time limit and especially Memory limit while using DP. Often problems are framed in such a way that it wants you to use your memory smartly.
- Solve all the problems here :
- DP Q1 - Easy
- DP Q2 - Easy
- DP Q3 - Easy
- DP Q4 - Easy
- DP Q5 - Easy
- DP Q6 - Easy
- DP Q7 - Easy
- DP Q8 - Easy
- DP Q9 - Easy