Everyone may use and modify freely for their own non-commercial software, personal experimentation and learning.
The following individuals and organisations are granted a non-expiring license to use, modify and distribute this software with their products and use in their internal developments. If you or organisation would like to be licensed make a PR to modify this file to add the propsed additional licensee. The PR is likely to be accepted (and rapidly) in almost all cases and there is no financial cost. The contribution of the PR and recognition will in most cases be accepted as consideration.
Human Friendly Ltd. Pulselive Innovations Ltd.
If you would like alternative license conditions you can make the proposal in the PR and explain in the description or make contact to directly by email. joseph @ human-friendly.com.
If you wish to use in a signficant existing open source project and need the license to be compatible I would definitely consider adopting a relevant license. Again please get in touch.