This MATLAB repository contains code for the numerical results of the following paper:
- König, J., Freitag, M. A. "Time-limited Balanced Truncation for Data Assimilation Problems." Journal of Scientific Computing 97.47 (2023).
The work in [1] generalizes the concept of balancing for Bayesian inference from [2] to arbitrary prior covariances and unstable system matrices. For this purpose, the concept of time-limited balanced truncation is used. Time-limited Gramians are efficiently computed by rational Krylov methods from [4]. Numerical examples compare the performance with the original approach from [2] and the optimal approach from [3]. This work uses the code from [2] (to be found at and [4] (to be found at
To run this code, you need the MATLAB Control System Toolbox.
To generate the plots comparing computations with a compatible and non-compatible prior from the paper (Figure 1), run the heat_incompatible_prior.m script.
To generate the TLBT plots from the paper, run the compare_*.m scripts, corresponding to:
- compare_heat.m: The heat equation example for end times T = 1, 3, 10 with measurements spaced 0.005 seconds apart (Figure 2)
- compare_ISS.m: The ISS example for end times T = 1, 3, 10 with measurements spaced 1 seconds apart (Figure 3)
- compare_unstable.m: The advection-diffusion equation example for end times T = 0.1, 0.5, 1 with measurements spaced 0.001 seconds apart (Figure 4)
- Qian, E., Tabeart, J. M., Beattie, C., Gugercin, S., Jiang, J., Kramer, P. R., and Narayan, A. "Model reduction for linear dynamical systems via balancing for Bayesian inference." Journal of Scientific Computing 91.29 (2022).
- Spantini, A., Solonen, A., Cui, T., Martin, J., Tenorio, L., and Marzouk, Y. "Optimal low-rank approximations of Bayesian linear inverse problems." SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37. 6 (2015): A2451-A2487.
- Kürschner, P. "Balanced truncation model order reduction in limited time intervals for large systems." Advances in Computational Mathematics 44.6 (2018): 1821–1844.
Please feel free to contact Josie König with any questions about this repository or the associated paper.