# Instantiate a new object and make it an attribute
self._jobs = api.Jobs(**self.requester_settings)
self._job = api.Job(**self.requester_settings)
self._nodes = api.Nodes(**self.requester_settings)
self._node = api.Node(**self.requester_settings)
self._allocations = api.Allocations(**self.requester_settings)
self._allocation = api.Allocation(**self.requester_settings)
self._evaluations = api.Evaluations(**self.requester_settings)
self._evaluation = api.Evaluation(**self.requester_settings)
self._agent = api.Agent(**self.requester_settings)
self._client = api.Client(**self.requester_settings)
self._deployments = api.Deployments(**self.requester_settings)
self._deployment = api.Deployment(**self.requester_settings)
self._regions = api.Regions(**self.requester_settings)
self._status = api.Status(**self.requester_settings)
self._system = api.System(**self.requester_settings)
self._operator = api.Operator(**self.requester_settings)
self._validate = api.Validate(**self.requester_settings)
self._namespaces = api.Namespaces(**self.requester_settings)
self._namespace = api.Namespace(**self.requester_settings)
self._acl = api.Acl(**self.requester_settings)
self._sentinel = api.Sentinel(**self.requester_settings)
self._metrics = api.Metrics(**self.requester_settings)
self._<endpoint> = api.<Endpoint>(**self.requester_settings)
# Add a new property to the class
def jobs(self):
return self._jobs
def job(self):
return self._job
def nodes(self):
return self._nodes
def node(self):
return self._node
def allocations(self):
return self._allocations
def allocation(self):
return self._allocation
def evaluations(self):
return self._evaluations
def evaluation(self):
return self._evaluation
def agent(self):
return self._agent
def client(self):
return self._client
def deployments(self):
return self._deployments
def deployment(self):
return self._deployment
def regions(self):
return self._regions
def status(self):
return self._status
def system(self):
return self._system
def operator(self):
return self._operator
def validate(self):
return self._validate
def namespaces(self):
return self._namespaces
def namespace(self):
return self._namespace
def acl(self):
return self._acl
def sentinel(self):
return self._sentinel
def metrics(self):
return self._metrics
def <endpoint>(self):
return self._<endpoint>
# Add import of new endpoint
import nomad.api.exceptions
from nomad.api.base import Requester
from nomad.api.jobs import Jobs
from nomad.api.job import Job
from nomad.api.nodes import Nodes
from nomad.api.node import Node
from nomad.api.agent import Agent
from nomad.api.allocations import Allocations
from nomad.api.allocation import Allocation
from nomad.api.evaluations import Evaluations
from nomad.api.evaluation import Evaluation
from nomad.api.client import Client
from nomad.api.regions import Regions
from nomad.api.status import Status
from nomad.api.system import System
from nomad.api.operator import Operator
from nomad.api.validate import Validate
from nomad.api.deployments import Deployments
from nomad.api.deployment import Deployment
from nomad.api.namespaces import Namespaces
from nomad.api.namespace import Namespace
from nomad.api.acl import Acl
from nomad.api.sentinel import Sentinel
from nomad.api.metrics import Metrics
from nomad.api.<endpoint> import <Endpoint>
The Endpoint class inherits from Requester. To specify how the requests are constructed each Endpoint must have a class
variable ENDPOINT
declared, when creating a request to an entity this class variable will be use in the construction
of the route.
from nomad.api.base import Requester
class <Endpoint>(Requester):
ENDPOINT = "<endpoint>"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Adding an Entity will call the request method that is inherited from the Requester class. Arguments passed are added as part of the route:
>>> ENDPOINT/something/further
Querystring parameters are passed as an dictionary the params
keyword argument
Payloads are passed as an dictionary the json
keyword argument
The HTTP method (get, post, put, delete) is specified as the method
keyword argument
All requests will return a requests.Response
object unless the request failed an can potentially raise
- BaseNomadException (status code 500)
- URLNotFoundNomadException (status code 404)
- URLNotAuthorizedNomadException (status code 403)
- BadRequestNomadException (status code 400)
Depending on the Nomad HTTP API documentation, either return the .json()
or text
of the requests.Response
def get_jobs(self):
""" Lists all the jobs registered with Nomad.
returns: list
- nomad.api.exceptions.BaseNomadException
- nomad.api.exceptions.URLNotFoundNomadException
return self.request(method="get").json()
def parse(self, hcl, canonicalize=False):
""" Parse a HCL Job file. Returns a dict with the JSON formatted job.
This API endpoint is only supported from Nomad version 0.8.3.
returns: dict
- nomad.api.exceptions.BaseNomadException
- nomad.api.exceptions.URLNotFoundNomadException
return self.request("parse", json={"JobHCL": hcl, "Canonicalize": canonicalize}, method="post", allow_redirects=True).json()
class cat(Requester):
The /fs/cat endpoint is used to read the contents of a file in an
allocation directory. This API endpoint is hosted by the Nomad
client and requests have to be made to the Nomad client where the
particular allocation was placed.
ENDPOINT = "client/fs/cat"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def read_file(self, id=None, path="/"):
""" Read contents of a file in an allocation directory.
- id
- path
returns: (str) text
- nomad.api.exceptions.BaseNomadException
- nomad.api.exceptions.URLNotFoundNomadException
if id:
return self.request(id, params={"path": path}, method="get").text
return self.request(params={"path": path}, method="get").text
Contains should check if the key exists, if so return True otherwise False. The library will also raise URLNotFoundNomadException
if the said endpoint could not be found, this should also return False.
"something" in n.endpoint
def __contains__(self, item):
jobs = self.get_jobs()
for j in jobs:
if j["ID"] == item:
return True
if j["Name"] == item:
return True
return False
except nomad.api.exceptions.URLNotFoundNomadException:
return False
Length returns the len of the entity iterable
def __len__(self):
jobs = self.get_jobs()
return len(jobs)
Get will obtain the specified entity/item. If it is found return the item otherwise raise KeyError
. The library will also raise
if the said endpoint could not be found, this should also raise KeyError
def __getitem__(self, item):
jobs = self.get_jobs()
for j in jobs:
if j["ID"] == item:
return j
if j["Name"] == item:
return j
raise KeyError
except nomad.api.exceptions.URLNotFoundNomadException:
raise KeyError
Iterate will allow obtained items to be used as an iterable.
for i in n.endpoint:
# do something
def __iter__(self):
jobs = self.get_jobs()
return iter(jobs)
Delete should perform a DELETE operation to the Nomad API. Generally plurals (jobs, allocations...) will not have this functionality. The request could fail and should properly pass whichever exception was raised.
del n.endpoint["something"]
def __delitem__(self, item):
from nomad.api.base import Requester
class <Endpoint>(Requester):
The jobs endpoint is used to query the status of existing
jobs in Nomad and to register new jobs.
By default, the agent's local region is used.
ENDPOINT = "<endpoint>"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def __str__(self):
return "{0}".format(self.__dict__)
def __repr__(self):
return "{0}".format(self.__dict__)
def __getattr__(self, item):
msg = "{0} does not exist".format(item)
raise AttributeError(msg)
def __contains__(self, item):
jobs = self.get_jobs()
for j in jobs:
if j["ID"] == item:
return True
if j["Name"] == item:
return True
return False
except nomad.api.exceptions.URLNotFoundNomadException:
return False
def __len__(self):
jobs = self.get_jobs()
return len(jobs)
def __getitem__(self, item):
jobs = self.get_jobs()
for j in jobs:
if j["ID"] == item:
return j
if j["Name"] == item:
return j
raise KeyError
except nomad.api.exceptions.URLNotFoundNomadException:
raise KeyError
def __iter__(self):
jobs = self.get_jobs()
return iter(jobs)
def get_jobs(self):
""" Lists all the jobs registered with Nomad.
returns: list
- nomad.api.exceptions.BaseNomadException
- nomad.api.exceptions.URLNotFoundNomadException
return self.request(method="get").json()
Create a new python file in tests/test_endpoint.py
. If the tests expect to interact require a job, allocation, evaluation
add the test_register_job at the beginning of the file.
A nomad client library instance is available by add nomad_setup
as a parameter to the test function (tests/conftest.py
import pytest
import json
import uuid
# integration tests requires nomad Vagrant VM or Binary running
def test_register_job(nomad_setup):
with open("example.json") as fh:
job = json.loads(fh.read())
nomad_setup.job.register_job("example", job)
assert "example" in nomad_setup.job
Tests should be written for all endpoints, and test various success and failure modes if possible.
def test_get_allocation(nomad_setup):
id = nomad_setup.job.get_allocations("example")[0]["ID"]
assert isinstance(nomad_setup.allocation.get_allocation(id), dict) == True
def test_dunder_getitem_exist(nomad_setup):
id = nomad_setup.job.get_allocations("example")[0]["ID"]
a = nomad_setup.allocation[id]
assert isinstance(a, dict)
def test_dunder_getitem_not_exist(nomad_setup):
with pytest.raises(KeyError): # restucture try/except/raises
j = nomad_setup.allocation[str(uuid.uuid4())]
def test_dunder_contain_exists(nomad_setup):
id = nomad_setup.job.get_allocations("example")[0]["ID"]
assert id in nomad_setup.allocation
def test_dunder_contain_not_exist(nomad_setup):
assert str(uuid.uuid4()) not in nomad_setup.allocation
def test_dunder_str(nomad_setup):
assert isinstance(str(nomad_setup.allocation), str)
def test_dunder_repr(nomad_setup):
assert isinstance(repr(nomad_setup.allocation), str)
def test_dunder_getattr(nomad_setup):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
d = nomad_setup.allocation.does_not_exist
Enterprise endpoints (namespace, namespaces, sentinel...) can be mock the expected responses
import tests.common as common
import pytest
import responses
# integration tests was mocked. If you have an enterprise nomad please uncomenet ##### ENTERPRISE TEST #####
def test_get_namespaces(nomad_setup):
"http://{ip}:{port}/v1/namespaces".format(ip=common.IP, port=common.NOMAD_PORT),
"CreateIndex": 31,
"Description": "Production API Servers",
"ModifyIndex": 31,
"Name": "api-prod"
"CreateIndex": 5,
"Description": "Default shared namespace",
"ModifyIndex": 5,
"Name": "default"
assert isinstance(nomad_setup.namespaces.get_namespaces(), list) == True